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The Secret Mandarin

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A disgraced woman. A faraway land. A forbidden love…
An unforgettable tale set in Victorian London and 1840s China from a shining, young historical talent.

Desperate to shield her from scandal, Mary's brother-in-law, the ambitious botanist Robert Fortune, forces her to accompany him on a mission to China to steal tea plants for the East India Company. But Robert conceals his secret motives - to spy for the British forces, newly victorious in the recent Opium War.

His task is both difficult and dangerous - the British are still regarded as enemies by the Chinese and exporting tea bushes carries the death sentence. In these harsh conditions Mary grieves for her London life and the baby she has been forced to leave behind, while her fury at Robert intensifies.

As their quest becomes increasingly treacherous, Robert and Mary disguise themselves as a mandarin and man-servant. Thousands of miles from everything familiar, Mary revels in her new freedom and the Chinese way of life - and when danger strikes, finds unexpected reserves of courage.

The Secret Mandarin is an unforgettable story of love, fortitude and recklessness - of a strong woman determined to make it in a man's world and a man who will stop at nothing to fulfil his desires.

375 pages, Paperback

First published September 1, 2009

About the author

Sara Sheridan

40 books382 followers
Born in Edinburgh. I'm a complete swot - love books always have! Currently obsessed with late Georgian/ early Victorian culture, the subject of several of my novels, and with 1950s Britain for my Mirabelle Bevan murder mystery series set across the UK - and even one in Paris. Occasionally write tie-in books for historical dramas on TV, children's picture books and short stories, mostly for charitable causes.

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Profile Image for Juliet Wilson.
Author 6 books46 followers
February 1, 2011
This novel is the fictionalised account of botanist Robert Fortune's mid nineteenth century expeditions through China to find tea plants and to do a bit of spying on the side. I found the botanical elements of the story fascinating (a long time ago now, I did a Botany degree!).

In this novel Fortune is accompanied by his sister in law, Mary, a fictional character, who is running away from disgrace. It is perhaps predictable that the two fall in love, but I thought the development of their relationship was beautifully managed (from outright dislike to deep passion). I also thought that both characters developed as individuals through the journey, as they experienced extreme hardship and danger. The novel is also very insightful about gender relationships and the relations between the UK and China during the time period.

It's an easy read but one that has a lot more to offer than that.
Profile Image for Beth.
1,557 reviews23 followers
July 22, 2010
I felt obligated to finish this, as I had borrowed it from a friend. It had a good, engaging beginning, but the middle just SLOGGED on, as Mary Penney and Robert Fortune traversed the Chinese countryside in search of plants. I skimmed a lot of the middle- it really was just boring. The ending wasn't all that spectacular either. Oh, and Robert is an ass. I can't see why either woman fell in love with him.
Profile Image for Dinjolina.
534 reviews527 followers
March 22, 2012
It seems I am unable to rate this.

This particular book is the story of a very strong heroine that I liked. I was happy for her, happy that she got up and dusted the disgrace from her dress, happy that she had more than grace and beauty, happy she found love-even thou it was in the wrong place. But still, in the end

So, all in all, this book was just to strange for me. Maybe it was supposed to be feministic, but I just found it sad.
132 reviews1 follower
May 24, 2012
I really didn't like this. It is told in the first person by a heroine who is so inconsistently characterised that the reader never gets to know her. The villain-turned-hero (based on a real person!!) is a cold, brutal, selfish bully who treats her appallingly, but with whom she nevertheless falls in love - not at all credible. He is also the victim of dire characterisation and suffers from some incredible lurches in personality.
The story, set in China, does have some convincing background information, but loses pace in the middle section and becomes tedious.
So, badly characterised, poorly plotted and lacking in pace. Not one to keep.

Profile Image for Kristina.
70 reviews5 followers
February 16, 2013
I give up. Decided I won't waste any more time on this book. Was waiting for it to become interesting, but that didn't happen.
45 reviews
January 20, 2022
Una historia donde se da inicio el tráfico de plantas y del té, y de cómo comienza un amor prohibido.
201 reviews
May 6, 2022
Zbog izbjegavanja skandala jer je Mary Penny rodila izvanbračno dijete lorda Williama, njezin šogor Robert Fortune i sestra Jane odlučili su da je najbolje da Mary pošalju u Calcuttu, Istočnu Indiju. Brod s kojim je Mary krenula do Calcutte je doživio nesreću, te je ona jedina preživjela. Pronašla ju je jedna obitelj i nakon što se oporavila, vratila se u London, u kuću sestre Jane. Jane je bila iznervirana Maryinim povratkom. Nakon što je čuo vijesti da je preživjela brodolom i da je rodila sina, lord William je došao pregovarati za sina. Dogovoreno je da će Henry ostati kod Jane koja će ga odgajati, a William će plaćati nejgovo obrazovanje, no Mary opet mora otići i stići u Calcuttu. Njezin šogor Robert je dao otkaz u hortikulturalnom društvu i trebao je krenuti u misiju u Kinu kako bi saznao sve o čaju i njegovu uzgoju te da ga se posadi u britanskoj koloniji u Indiji. Isto tako trebao je biti špijun Istočnoindijske kompanije. Robert se htio osobno pobrinuti da se Mary ukrca na brod za Calcuttu i kad je ukrcana otišao je čekati svoj brod za Kinu. No, zbog udvaranja Freddya Huntera koji je znao za njezinu glumu i smatrao je prostitutkom, Mary je odlučila pobjeći s broda i ostati u Londonu. Shvatila je da bi ju njezini grijesi i u Indiji pronašli, pa čemu onda riskirati. Vratila se u smještaj kod gđe Gordon i kad se navečer odlučila prošetati, mislila je da je Robertov brod za Kinu već otišao, no on ju je vidio, bijesno ju prebacio preko ramena i odnio na brod za Kinu. Poslao je po njezine stvari i odlučio da će ona putovati s njima, a poslije će odlučiti što će s njom. Bili su jako ljuti jedno na drugo neko vrijeme i izbjegavali su se. Mary nije shvaćala Robertovu opsjednutost biljkama, a on njezinu glumu i želju za slobodom. S vremenom su se primirili i počeli komunicarti jer putovanje do Kine dugo traje. Mary je sklopila prijateljstvo s kapetanom Barracloughom, no kad ga je vidjela kako siluje dječaka Simona Rosea, prezirala ga je i izbjegavala. Dječak je na kraju ubijen i bačen u more. Mary je tu već malo očvrsnula. Robert joj je ispred vrata ostavio knjige o Kini, kako bi se malo upoznala s Kinom. Kad su stigli u Hong Kong, Robert je zbog britanskog društva pazio na Maryino ponašanje. Htio je ostaviti Mary u Hong Kongu, ali nakon što mu je pomogla u pronalaženju slugu Sing Hua i Wanga i već malo stečenog povjerenja, odlučio ju je povesti sa sobom u unutrašnjost Kine. Putujući Kinom uzimali su reznice različitih biljaka, iako ih je najviše zanimala samo jedna – čajevac, čiji je izvoz sjemenja iz Kine bio strogo zabranjen i iako bi se uhvatilo počinitelja, bio bi smaknut. Čak su u mjestu Chimu doživjeli napad i uzeli su im samo malo novca i Robertov sat. Chusan i Ning-po su britanske kolonije i ondje su se slobodno kretali i odandje su u London slali sjemenje i predmete. U Ning-pou su se trebali sastati sa g. Thomom, no kako njega nije bilo, uputili su ih kod britanskog misionara oc Allana Bertiea. Kod njega su jako dugo ostali. Robert je išao po okolnim mjestima u potrazi za sadnicama i sjemjenjem, dok je Mary vrijeme provodila s Bertijem kojem se povjerila zbog čega je s Robertom u Kini. Mary je Bertieju pomagala i s humanitarnim radom i zbog nje je otvroena pučka kuhinja i za kinseske žene koje su imale običaj da za nešto uzeto, moraju napraviti protuuslugu. Bertie ih je čak upoznao s mandarinima, najbogatijim staležom Kine. Kad je došlo vrijeme polaska u još veću unutrašnjost, Robert je Mary dao da bira želi li ostati kod oca Bertija, u Ning-Pou ili se vratiti u Hong Kong, no ona je zaželjela ići s njim, znajući da će to biti teška pustolovina. Prije dolaska u luku Hui Chou Fu, na brodu kapetana Landersa, Robert se prerušio u mandarina, a Mary u njegovog tajnika tako da su otada kroz Kinu prolazili kao Kinezi. Uspjeli su zavarati mnoge, i čak dobiti pristup plantažama čaja i naučiti sve o čaju. Mary je čak počela obrađivati sjemenje kao i Roebet te mu pomagati u tom poslu. Kao mandarin Sing Wa, Robert je s Mary i Sing Huom posjetio obitelj Sing Hua. Bila je to iznimna čast za njegovu obitelj jer ga nisu vidjeli deset godina. Wang je zbog toga bio malo tužan. Sing Hu i Wang su se uvijek prepirali i bili kivni jedan na drugoga. Sing Hua su uhvatili u krađi i zbog toga je bio izbičevan, a Wang, je imao manje prijestupe iako je i on zbog jednog prijestupa kažnjen. Od plantaže zelenog do plantaže crnog čaja, povorka je morala proći koz brda i nizine, mjesecima hodajući i smrzavajući se, no uspjeli su. Stigli su do Bohee. Usput su sreli još jednog britanskog svećenika oca Edwarda koji je osudio njihovu misiju. U Bohei su saznali da se crni i zeleni čaj razlikuju samo po načinu obrade, sjemenje i biljka je isto. Za put prema britanskoj luci Fu Chou Su su unajmili još ljudi. U jednom mjestu nemogavši se vratiti u konačište zbog viđenog zločina, Mary i Robert su se stisnuli uz drvo da ih vojnici ne vide. Ondje su otkirli strast jedno prema drugomei nakon što su se izbjegavali i željeli ostaviti osjećaje po strani, na kraju su odlučili biti zajedno. I tako su bili zajedno tijekom nastavka putovanja. Robert se u jednom mjestu gadno razbolio, ali ga je spasio kineski liječnik. Kad su stigli u Fu Chou Su, shvatili su da to nije britanska luka kakva bi trebala biti. Robert je zapovjedniku Peverillu koji ih je zaustavio s britanskom vojskom rekao namjere i da se još ne smiju otkriti kao Britanci. Peverill ih je uputio na kazalište u kojem su s bojnikom Gillandom dogovorili detalje nastavka putovanja prema Hong Kongu. No, tri mandarina u mjestu su otkrila da Robert nije mandarin i željeli su napasti sve njih. Dogovoren je hitni ukrcaj na brod kapetana McFarlanea. Tijekom ukrcaja, mandarini i skupina Kineza je krenula na njih želeći ih zaustaviti u pokušaju bijega. Mandarin ih je htio zaustaviti onesposobivši im sidro, ali ga je Perevill upucao u pokušaju i tom pomutnjom koja je nastala u tom trenutku, kapetan je zatvorio prilazni most i pokrenuo brod. No, tu njihovim mukama nije bilo kraja, prvo su se morali skloniti zbog nevremena, a kad su bili na plovici putovanja, napali su ih pirati. Robertovom domišljatošću da glume britanski vojni brod i napadnu pirate su se izvukli i uz manji broj žrtavai malo spaljen brod su uspjeli stići do Hong Konga. Ondje ih je u luci dočekla Jane koja je saznala za preljub Roberta i Mary. Jane je odmah krenula prema Mary i opalila joj šamar. Morali su svi zajedno krenuti u smještaj koji je Jane unajmila. Rekla im je da su poprilično bogati i da joj nije važan novac, koliko ljubav muža. No, ona ionako nije željela voditi ljubav s njim, i bila je sretna što je brzo ostajala trudna, a Robertu je to ipak bilo potrebno. U Mary je pronašao sve i nije je se želio odreći. Dočekali su ih bojnik Vernon, sir Pottinger i Thomas Gerard. Prošli su s njima sve što su doživjeli i Jane je čula njihove pustolovine. Ostalo je još par dana do Robertova i Janeinog puta u Indiju pa u London. To vrijeme se se Mary i Jane izbjegavale, ali je Mary ipak malo uspjela doprijeti do Jane kad joj je odlučila što joj reći i kad je pročitala pisma koja joj je Jane pisala, iako su se malo izmlatile kao djeca. Robert je Mary kupio kuću u kojoj će ga čekati da se vrati iz Londona. Dogovorili su se da se Robert i Jane neće rastati zbog djece i ugleda i da će Robert između putovanja ponekad biti i u Londonu, ali ipak će češće biti u Hong Kongu. Kad je napokon došao u Hong Kong, Mary ga je dočekala sa njihovim sinčićem Albertom. Mary i Robert su se spremali na novo putovanje u Japan.
Profile Image for Gail Meek.
4 reviews
January 15, 2015
This book was not great. At first I was quite interested and did want to know what would happen to Mary as she was sent off in shame but latterly I just didn't really give two hoots about either her or the ridiculous Robert who appeared to have entirely changed his whole personality from the start to end of the book! They were able to learn a notoriously difficult language in no time and understand every single different dialect they came across all with no tutoring or anything. They disguise themselves both as Chinese men and no one saw through this. They steal as much information, plant material and national security intelligence as they could manage. They murder someone and again no one ever questioned it. They got into all sorts of sticky situations and miraculously always managed to get out of them relatively unscathed. Mary doesn't seem to miss her child at all and Robert likewise with his whole family. They have no regard for his wife/her sisters feelings whatsoever even when they're rumbled. And how did that occur exactly? She just guessed!! Far fetched story, unlikeable characters and I would wager historically and probably geographically inaccurate although I don't know for sure. I read to the end due to my book group but I wish I hadn't. Smacked of the author hoping and praying it would be turned into a Hollywood epic. I would not go and see that!! It really was quite ridiculous.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
March 31, 2014
This book makes me sad. Why? Well, I am totally on board with plant-hunting adventures, and China is brilliantly evoked. However, the unnecessary, predictable and frankly a little bit yucky love story completely killed it for me. Would have been so much more interesting to see the characters to develop as fellows on an equal footing.
Profile Image for Lucia.
89 reviews10 followers
March 21, 2017
Što mi se svidjelo: odvažna glavna junakinja koja se ne uklapa u stereotip viktorijanske žene. Opisi Kine i pustolovina.
Što mi se nije svidjelo: pozamašni opisi biljaka i botanike. Užasno spora radnja.
Što se tiče romantičnog dijela, veza između glavne junakinje i muža njene sestre mi je bila zanimljiva, ali nisu me baš očarali.
Sve u svemu solidna knjiga :)
Profile Image for Lisa.
235 reviews5 followers
May 7, 2012
Just finished this book. It has been a long and arduous journey. At some points it felt like pulling teeth.

I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone.

One of the most boring books i have ever read.
Profile Image for Demoness Tenebrae.
262 reviews37 followers
November 16, 2017
Such a great disappointment... lack of interesting storyline, too much nonsense, completely unsatisfied ending... I feel sorry for the time I've spent reading this, I could have done something actually meaningful in my life.

It was boring as hell.
Profile Image for Sarah.
316 reviews29 followers
November 18, 2014
I enjoyed this book for the most part however I was very disappointed in the romance aspect - I really wish this could have been excluded. I loved the botanical aspects and the story of how they travelled around China despite this being very far fetched.
Profile Image for Minci (Ayurveda) Ahmetovic.
205 reviews2 followers
July 6, 2018
Možda nemamo muškarca u kući, ali znamo se snaći same.
A važno je ako ljudima nanosiš zlo, Mary.

Ne možeš dobiti sve što poželiš.

Ko se vec jednom opekao i na hladno puse.

..mir i razonodu tesko je naci osim u vlastitoj glavi...

Mozda glumacki talenat nije sasvim sramotan, ali sramotna su neka mjesta na koja talenat moze odvesti

Nisam uciteljica, nisam ni prikladna zena za kakvu staru dusu koju sretnes usput dok planiras putovanje. Zelim biti svoja..

Divila sam se se Robertovoj ustrajnosti i odlucnosti u HK. Dosao je ovamo samo sa glavnim crtama plana, a u velikoj je mjeri uspio razraditi pojedinosti. U ta tri tjedna je organizovao putovanje, obavio dogovore za planirani izvoz, i dao sve od sebe da me zbrine.

Nakon promišljanja naposljetku sam shvatila da su moja najbolja djela sitnice.

Bozija se volja u svemu ogleda.
Nikada se ne valja sramiti nakana Svevisnjeg.

Ti ljudi nisu uopce zli, samo opasni. Ako zelimo razumjeti ono sto nas okruzuje, moramo biti otvoreniji.

To je najmanje sto sam mogao uciniti za oca, naucio me svemu sto znam. Jedino me on poducavao, sve sam ostalo naucio na vlastitim pokusajima i pogreskama.

U nzemljama čaja bilo mi je divno i pitala sam kako sam uopće mogla živjeti u velikom gradu kao što je London koji je toliko siv. Nisam se više čudila ni muškarcu koji me posmatrao u odrazu malog ogledala u kutu sobe. Osjećala sam se kao svoj na svome.

Dakako, čaj tada nije imao bistru, svjetlozelenu boju, no Kinezi čaju, koji koriste za vlastite potrebe, ne dodaju boju i zbog toga preziru ZELENI ČAJ NA KOJI SMO mi naviknuli - čaj koji se proizvodi za izvoz.

Cijeli sam život provela hinjeći osjećaje, glumeći ne samo na pozornici nego i izvan nje. Ono što se dogodilo na brdu rezultat je prvih iskrenih osjećaja u mom životu. Sve ostalo što sam ikada doživjela ništavno je u usporedbi sa njima. Proklinjala sam cijeli splet okolnosti.

Biti slobodna a osjecati se korisnom.
Mozda nam se vlastiti problemi čine velikima, ali naspram drugih zbivanja njihova važnost blijedi.
Postalo mi je sasvim jasno da neću biti potpuna dok ne udovoljim svojoj prirodi. Ja samu sebe nisam vise smatrala zlom - samo drugačijom.
Profile Image for Sophie.
572 reviews13 followers
March 5, 2023
Absolutely awful. It impressively manages to be both over-written (language/writing style) and under-written (plot) and borders on the offensive. At first I was intrigued by Mary's story of scandal and being sent abroad, but it all goes downhill from there. The protagonist is some sort of genius who can learn the complexities of Cantonese and Chinese culture by staying in British Hong Kong for mere weeks, she falls in love with her sister's husband who is a cold-hearted brute who controlled and abused her for the first half of the story, and she seems to care little about the humanity of the Chinese people (sure, just steal from them and kill them and don't feel sorry at all) or indeed her own sister's feelings. Her own sister is looking after her illegitmate son and she doesn't give a shit about her as she persues her husband and barely thinks of home. Oh, and they do yellowface to trick the Chinese people. I mean... this book was just offensively awful in so many ways. I was shocked to find after reading this that the author had fictionalised the life of the real botanist Robert Fortune, of which there is little evidence to suggest that he was cold-hearted or adulterous. I don't mind historical fiction, but I think a line should be drawn when authors choose to write a libelous account of a real person accusing them of falsities.
Profile Image for Jane Watson.
572 reviews6 followers
January 9, 2023
Such a good book - Sara Sheridan writes so well and her stories are good and move along apace. This is about Mary whose brother-in-law insists on her leaving the family home as she has disgraced them by being an actress and having an illegitimate baby. He takes her on a ship off to Hong Kong and the story goes on from there. Things change of course and it’s about gathering plants and botany as well. An interesting book with again a mix of fact and fiction which I enjoy. Definitely worth a read.
72 reviews1 follower
June 4, 2023
2.5 stars really not worth 3. It started out with such promise but the story line was too far fetched and the characters really unlikeable. I found myself skim reading a. Lot and the whole romance section just tipped it to being totally unbelievable and stupid. I loved a previous book by this author but will be wary of any more. Wouldn’t recommend this one - not even if you’re interested in botany!
January 16, 2022
Es una de las historias que más difícil me ha resultado leer... La verdad es que las narraciones sobre los ambientes me ha distraído lo suficiente del amor prohibido de los protagonistas como para no dejar el libro, aún así, Sara Sheridan me pareció una increíble autora
August 3, 2024
An interesting interpretation which is loosely based on historical facts, but the author states is predominantly fiction. I loved it. It surprised me as I just picked it up in a second hand book shop.
Profile Image for Sophie.
932 reviews20 followers
February 28, 2018
DNF 50%
Wow, I basically never dnf a book. Just not finding this interesting at all. The characters feel v inconsistent some how.
Profile Image for Erika.
251 reviews
August 16, 2018
Really enjoyed this story. Very atmospheric story, brilliant storyline and I could imagine the places that were described.
Profile Image for Katarina.
103 reviews23 followers
May 14, 2020
A beautiful story of adventure in the Far East.
Profile Image for Jamie.
318 reviews2 followers
April 8, 2023
A slow starter, but had a good ending. Overall, I like the book. Lots on the culture of different areas and about plants and tea.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 70 reviews

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