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The Artist's Way

The Artist's Way Workbook

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For the millions of people who have uncovered their creative selves through the Artist's Way program--a workbook and companion to the international bestseller.

A life-changing twelve-week program, The Artist's Way has touched the lives of millions of people around the world. Now, for the first time, fans will have this elegantly designed and user-friendly volume for use in tandem with the book. The Artist's Way Workbook includes:

- more than 110 Artist's Way tasks;
- more than 50 Artist's Way check-ins;
- a fascinating introduction to the workbook in which Cameron shares new insights into the creative process that she has culled in the decade since The Artist's Way was originally published;
- new and original writings on Morning Page Journaling and the Artist's Date-two of the most vital tools set forth by Cameron in The Artist's Way.

The Artist's Way Workbook is an indispensable book for anyone following the spiritual path to higher creativity laid out in The Artist's Way.

178 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 1, 2006

About the author

Julia Cameron

77 books2,006 followers
Julia Cameron has been an active artist for more than thirty years, with fifteen books (including bestsellers The Artist's Way, Walking In This World and The Right to Write) and countless television, film, and theater scripts to her credit. Writing since the age of 18, Cameron has a long list of screenplay and teleplay credits to her name, including an episode of Miami Vice, and Elvis and the Beauty Queen, which starred Don Johnson. She was a writer on such movies as Taxi Driver, New York, New York, and The Last Waltz. She wrote, produced, and directed the award-winning independent feature film, God's Will, which premiered at the Chicago International Film Festival, and was selected by the London Film Festival, the Munich International Film Festival, and Women in Film Festival, among others. In addition to making film, Cameron has taught film at such diverse places as Chicago Filmmakers, Northwestern University, and Columbia College. Her profound teachings on unlocking creativity and living from the creative center have inspired countless artists to unleash their full potential.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 110 reviews
Profile Image for Dora.
374 reviews18 followers
February 3, 2018
The Artist's Way program itself is wonderful. However, I expected so much more from the workbook. It's actually just a large notebook with a few pages of notes and instructions on how to use the workbook at the beginning and some notes at the end (the endnotes are actually just the last two appendices from the book copied into the workbook). The only difference between this workbook at any other notebook (apart from these notes) is that it has a quote from the book on every page. This can be motivational, but I think you can do without it. The book itself is the most valuable part of the program so I would recommend you buy that, but use any notebook for the workbook (i.e. the artist's journal actually).
Profile Image for Natasha Holme.
Author 5 books66 followers
April 27, 2012
Got this for my birthday from a friend. Took it on holiday to read. Discovered it was a book of exercises to be completed over months. So, I'd backed myself into a corner. I always do all my homework, and I did every last bit of this. Didn't skip a morning page, went on all my artist's dates, etc. I got some good fun out of it. Most memorable artist's date: I flew an airplane.
Profile Image for Pat Jennings.
482 reviews3 followers
February 7, 2015
I believe this is the quintessential book for all creatives. Julia Cameron wisely guides the novice to the seasoned artist through the ups and downs of making art. Whether it be writing, screen plays, directing, acting, music makers, painters, whatever kind of creative soul you are, the issues of fear of failure, dry spells, relevance are addressed along with many activities which uncover the underlying hang ups that derail many artists. This is the second time I have read this book. The second time, I learned as much as the first time. Twenty years ago, this book was telling but held different information for me then than it holds now with this recent reading.
I totally recommend this book for anyone who sees themselves as active artist or want to be artists It will change your life.
Profile Image for Julie.
69 reviews10 followers
October 7, 2012
I put off reading this book for 15 years because of the God stuff, but now that I'm open to spirituality I was able to read it and be open to many of the ideas. That said, the spiritual flavor isn't right for me. To me, the spirituality in this book comes across as generic and is hard to connect with because it seems watered down, generalized, and not authentic. The morning pages (for me) are the most useful thing that came from this book. I did find some insights in the chapters, but the artists dates and the exercises didn't really didn't do it for me. Maybe it just wasn't the right time. That said, the insights I allowed myself to have in the morning pages sparked changes in my life.
Profile Image for Andrea Judy.
Author 10 books13 followers
October 9, 2014
The spirituality new-age type feel of this made it a struggle for me at points. Some of the sections are also ridiculously repetitive, telling the same thing over and over.
This workbook contains a 12 week program to reignite your creativity, and I think some of the exercises are great. I'm particularly a fan of morning pages (big shout out to 750 words!) and liked some of the exercises to unleash your inner creator.
That said, I really didn't like how the creative side was continuously spoken about like it's a child that needs to be taken out for ice cream on a regular basis. While there is always a playful side to creativity, I found this whole child thing a little obnoxious.
Profile Image for Jessi MotherFucking Ross.
18 reviews6 followers
June 3, 2008
working on this book right now... i can definitely go without the 12step jargon, but that aside it has been fun, helpful and inspiring..the most helpful tool is the morning pages exercise, which consists of writing three pages or for 30 minutes each morning when one wakes up. it is all stream-of-consciousness style and has been a very helpful tool.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Juliana.
727 reviews55 followers
May 4, 2020
This is a book that you could read every year and will still find something new or applicable to your creative life right now.
Profile Image for Joni Fisher.
Author 6 books348 followers
May 16, 2022
This companion to The Artist's Way offers more practical exercises and information on developing creativity as a habit. It encourages artists to open their eyes to see the world through different lenses and explore their subconscious deeply.
Profile Image for Tia.
106 reviews
January 7, 2018
Beware, the author's writing speaks to you like a little child. Clearly this works for a lot of people given how popular this book is. But if you don't like being identified as an 8 year old girl, then you'll probably want to push aside this preference before you can open yourself to receiving the wisdom in this book.

This book offers lots of exercises and tricks that can help you conquer your inner critic and find a creative life. The most interesting exercise I found was one where sh asked readers to answer these questions and then add one of these to their life. What are 5 hobbies that sound fun? 5 classes that sound fun? 5 things you'd never do that sound fun? 5 skills that's fun to learn? 5 silly things you want to try once? You'll see for yourself how this treasure chest of methods for creating fun and intrigue can then lead you to a more creative life.
Profile Image for Jennifer Smith.
242 reviews3 followers
October 17, 2014
I first attempted this in 1999, but barely started. This last June I decided that it was time to take a second crack at it and I am so very glad that I did. Not only was the daily writing a wonderful exercise, but she thoroughly attacks any excuse one has to not create. Her tasks are grounded in creative visualization as well as practicality. I recommend this to any kind of artist who finds themselves "stuck".
Profile Image for Kasey.
201 reviews
March 2, 2011
This is a 12 week program into more fully releasing your creativity. I just finished week 1 and must say I did not expect it to be as powerful as it was. I'm looking forward to the next 11 weeks and to whom I am becoming as an artist. I highly recommend it for anyone wanting to write, draw, paint, sing, whatever your chosen method of creating...It requires a commitment, and it's worth it.
Profile Image for Ann E.
42 reviews
January 9, 2020
A must to go along with her book The Artist Way. I found both very helpful in opening up my budding creative self.
Profile Image for Max Nemtsov.
Author 179 books534 followers
January 19, 2019
Вполне милый и ненавязчивый селф-хелп от журналистки "Роллинг Стоуна", которая целый год была женой Мартина Скорсезе.
715 reviews44 followers
November 30, 2021
First have to correct the impression that it gives that I read the Kindle Edition--I did not! What would be the point? I wanted to WRITE on it!! That said (couldn't find way to edit the edition listed!)
Spiral-bound paperback edition used--very convenient--opened flat and stored easily.
Exactly the ticket of what I needed to "jump start" pursuit of a new career in the Arts and meet another challenge along with it! Amazing parallels!!
The activities were varied and fun to complete--no pressure, complete as many or as few as you are motivated! Began with the workbook, but quickly saw that the actual textbook was really the basis for the 12-week course, so I added that & it worked much better!! (many times sold as a starter kit together) Highly recommend to anyone wanting to surpass a slump, rekindle a love of ANY of the Arts and meet a challenge in your life head-on!! Addresses all types of obstacles and offers tools for mastering and moving forward!! Enjoy!!
Profile Image for Dan Charnas.
93 reviews1 follower
March 17, 2014
I read this book all the way through because I found the author's ideas to ring true with me. Now, I'll be returning to it to fulfill on the creativity exercises provided at the end of each of the twelve chapters.
The author was greatly influenced by her experience with AA, and the philosophy of a strong belief in God, the self-affirmations, and the reflections you are asked to make about what might be blocking you and why were inspiring to me. (There are 12 chapters in the book - not a coincidence that AA has a 12 step program!)
I already have begun writing my morning pages every day, and I find them to be a tremendous help -- cathartic.
I recommend The Artist's Way not just to artists who may need some help to get themselves unblocked, but to anyone who would want to unlock the doors to more creativity in their work and their everyday life.
737 reviews15 followers
March 1, 2015
You do not need to be an artist in the sense of a gifted painter, sculptor, writer, musician, etc. to enjoy this book. We are all artists in that each of us designs, creates and shapes our own future. We make the choices that will determine where our paths will lead. The only limitations we have are those we place on ourselves.
Julia Cameron makes the journey a little smoother by helping us rid ourselves of life's negative emotions - fear, jealousy, guilt, limited beliefs, etc. While the book makes interesting and insightful reading, I think it is important to be committed to completing all the exercises for maximum benefit. The author does touch on spirituality and makes reference to God in several instances; however, whatever your own personal beliefs, the reader can easily adapt the material written here to any spiritual belief, regardless of what "Higher Power" you believe in.
Profile Image for Inés.
173 reviews
January 3, 2019
I’m so glad I read this book & did all the exercises. I’ve come back in Jan 2019 to say I am still using this book. I liked that it was done in a 12 step fashion. I don’t think there is anything wrong with that, but then I am biased and think many of us could do with having some of the lessons from the AA 12 Step Program in our lives
Profile Image for Toni Apicelli.
67 reviews
February 18, 2015
I have read the book that goes with this workbook more than once to jumpstart my writing and have always found it useful. I like using the workbook for the same purpose. The book is a necessity. The workbook is a nice tool as well.
Profile Image for Talya.
4 reviews2 followers
October 17, 2014
Great not only for artist but for people who feel creatively blocked in life.
Profile Image for Анна Bilenka.
Author 1 book104 followers
July 1, 2019
Кто придумал «Путь Художника» и что это такое?
Утренние страницы — практика, что входит в комплекс «Путь Художника». Джулия Кэмерон — американская писательница, драматург, сценарист, журналист, что придумала практику «Путь». Её цель — поддерживать творческих людей, а Джулия верит, что каждый — творческий, но не каждый имеет храбрость в этом признаться. Суть «Путь Художника» — писать утренние страницы, выполнять задания недели, и ходить на творческие свидания с собой.

Каждая неделя посвящена разным вопросам: безопасности, индивидуальности, силе, целостности, возможностям. Задания, иногда странные и непонятные, заставляют мозг работать иначе. Всего в неделю от семи до десяти заданий. Некоторые занимают две минуты, например: «Назовите своих пять любимых фильмов», другие могут увести полдня: «Пересадите цветы, которым это нужно». Но каждое задание ведёт к познанию новых глубин. Важно довериться эксперименту и быть в потоке.

Вот примеры заданий из «Путь Художника»:

Если бы у вас было пять жизней, как бы вы их прожили?
Перечислите двадцать любимых занятий. Когда последний раз позволили себе заняться чем-то из упомянутого?
Опишите пять качеств, которые вам нравились в себе, когда были ребёнком.
Перечислите пятерых человек, которыми открыто восхищаетесь. А теперь перечислите пятерых человек, которыми восхищаетесь втайне. Какие качества этих людей вы хотели бы развить у себя?
Выберите цвет и напишите несколько предложений о себе от первого лица. («Я – серебряный, цвет высоких технологий и эфира, цвет грёз и достижений, цвет полумрака и середины, я безмятежен…»).
Перечислите пять вещей, которые вам нельзя делать: гулять по улице без одежды, устраивать сцены, уволиться с работы. А теперь сделайте это на бумаге. Опишите, ��арисуй��е, сыграйте, сделайте коллаж. Затем включите музыку и изобразите её в танце.

Если подумать логически — зачем танцевать запреты, но в этом и смысл «Пути», довериться ситуации и отпустить сомнения. Включила музыку, поток энергии сам подхватил тело, и я была так свободна, как уже очень давно не была.
Profile Image for Jana Viktoria.
240 reviews4 followers
September 10, 2024
Alright, unpopular opinion: I did not like that book at all.

It starts with all the God talk, and the prayers, cause that’s where she lost me. Well, maybe she had lost me earlier, because I was annoyed by the testimonials already. Like if I wouldn’t have thought that her book could be helpful, I wouldn’t have bought it? So I guess she doesn’t need to tell me.

The exercises are fine, though… although, honestly, after like 20 years of therapy, I know and have done most of them. It was kind of OK to repeat them. And I was diligent about the morning pages, which - and that is the reason why she gets two stars from me and I wouldn’t challenge her on the real book, not the workbook, which might be better - do work.

I read a lot of pages on how much I did not enjoy the book, and I thought the exercises were either futile, or I had done them so often. But I wrote pages. I didn’t go on a single state, but I realize that I had a lot of them in my life already.

I also realize that I’m not a blocked artist, or that I’m not blocked at least.

So yeah, well I didn’t enjoy it, and if people are interested in it, I would rather recommend that they read the real one, it kind of what it was supposed to do.

Profile Image for Fox Reads Books.
854 reviews26 followers
October 5, 2019
I knew this was really just a glorified journal for the Morning Pages that Cameron insists you do in her Artist's Way program. It actually is more. While it's definitely not a replacement for the AW book itself, it includes inspirational quotes that are related to the subject, a brief synopsis of that week's theme from AW, and...(my chagrin--I didn't notice this until my 12 weeks were done)...a place for notes about artist dates (also in the AW program). Oops!
I found this spiral-bound edition very clunky, however. The cover is a very sturdy hardboard, while the pages may eventually fall out because they don't move very freely. I don't sit and write straight-on at my desk--I angle my writing surface and--in the early morning--may want to curl up with my journal in my lap--which was impossible with this. It's also very wide--if you do this every morning for the rest of your life, you'll run out of bookshelves quickly! I'm glad I started with this one, but any future Morning Pages will be in a regular composition book or spiral notebook.
Profile Image for inthenikoftime.
29 reviews
August 14, 2024
I found the exercises to be quite redundant. The workbook is clearly modelled on the AA 12 step program and refers to the reader as a 'recovering artist'. It reads as though it's designed for people who want to be creative but there are people telling them they are not - sort of an overcoming your antagonists guide. There were many references to God and faith and handing over your power - I can translate that to mean spiritual in general so it didn't bother me so much but I can see how a lot of others who didn't like that aspect felt the way that they did.
I did enjoy the morning pages and that is the positive I am taking from this workbook.
Profile Image for Zion Lily.
15 reviews1 follower
June 25, 2024
Love the content and the general ideas of “The Artist’s Way”. Julia Cameron’s tools (the artists date, morning pages, journal prompts, and creative clusters) created important rhythms and ways of moving through my weeks during this season of reading. Simultaneously, I felt that Cameron sometimes took on a very authoritative and rigid voice that rubbed me the wrong way. In finding the balance between discipline and play, Cameron tends to lean toward discipline— not inherently a bad thing at all! I appreciated doing this workbook alongside other books that alivened my imagination.
Profile Image for Layan Ibrahim.
27 reviews10 followers
January 13, 2021

هذا كتاب تمارين يتعلق بالكتاب الأساسي اللي يتكلم عن صحفات
الصباح وموعد الفنان..

كل أسبوع فيه مجموعة مهمات مختلفة مثل: ‏اكتب قائمة بعشرين شيء تستمتع بفعله.
أو اكتب أشياء تحبها في نفسك
مدتها ١٢ أسبوع وهذه المهمات تسوونها بجانب صفحات الصباح وموعد الفنان
ممكن تستخدمونه كنوت بوك لإن فيه مكان للكتابة..

ماحبيت الكتاب كثير .. وفي نظري نقدر نكتفي في الكتاب الأساسي بس.
Profile Image for Derya.
68 reviews1 follower
August 19, 2023
Well I like morning pages as a concept and I try to do them as much as possible. That is the reason I was intrigued by this book-and also it is a practise book, not just preaching things. Well I was disappointed, mostly by the “faith” and “god” parts. I dont agree with the idea that you cannot be creative without them. Meh..
Profile Image for ashtyn.
50 reviews2 followers
September 6, 2024
3.5/5 ★ haven't done the actual workbook yet but I really enjoyed the ideas presented in this book. I like the concept that we are all inherently creative, but some people just lose their creativity. I think an artist's date (+ the other ideas in this workbook) is a great way to get back in touch with your specific brand of creativity and have some fun :)
Profile Image for Brystan.
Author 3 books7 followers
December 11, 2018
I would have rated this book higher had I read it years ago. Some of this stuff didn’t quite apply to me, some of it I had worked through in therapy.

But some of it was good for me to work through and I can see myself going through this book again in a few years to see how I’ve progressed.
Profile Image for Maria.
3 reviews
December 30, 2018
This is the best personal development book I have ever read. It has changed my life by helping me listen to myself actively, find solutions to my own challenges and rediscover my well hidden creativity. I would recommend it to anyone not feeling settled in their lives.
Profile Image for Margot.
41 reviews1 follower
April 22, 2019
Eines der wichtigsten Bücher in meinem Leben. Seit ich das Buch zu lesen begonnen habe, schreibe ich täglich. Ich hab mein erstes Büchlein veröffentlicht, das Zweite ist in Arbeit.

Danke für dieses Buch!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 110 reviews

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