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Renowned cardiologist Carter Rogers is used to having things under control. His life, his prestigious reputation, his career, his future.

Things he can’t control this time around:

• His meddling grandfather

• His annoying gamer cousin

• Buggy South American jungles

• Being the meat in a feuding cartel sandwich

• Getting kidnapped by a monologuing drug lord

•Falling for the very hot, very mouthy ex-soldier from his past

In short, Carter’s peaceful, well-planned life has been… hijacked.

324 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 25, 2021

About the author

Lucy Lennox

85 books4,052 followers
I write M/M romance with humor, heart, and heat. Check out my backlist here on GR for a selection of series and standalone or visit www.LucyLennox.com!

I only keep a small list of my very favorite books and series in my bookshelf here. I read A LOT and it's hard to keep the list updated!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 346 reviews
Profile Image for ☆ Todd.
1,396 reviews1,547 followers
October 5, 2021

The first rule of Licking Thicket Club is to *NOT* leave the Thicket. 😕

I was enjoying this story just as much as the previous Licking Thicket books, right up until the point where Carter and Riggs hopped on a plane and flew to Venezuela.

[My take on Carter's bodyguard, Riggs...]

After that point, though, much of the charm and pun-friendly silliness that had previously drawn me to the series largely evaporated, leaving the reader with just your average, run-of-the-mill "bodyguard falls for his client" story.

I'd still rate the book at around 3.25 stars, as the story was still well-written and compelling, but this one felt a bit like ordering a dish specifically for the *Special Sauce*, then only getting a tiny smidge of said sauce on your plate.

I'm just praying that future Licking Thicket stories stay *IN* the Thicket, where the local folks put their crazy out on the front porch with a jug of sweet tea for everyone to see.


This book is *FREE* with Kindle Unlimited membership.

See All My Latest Reads (Review Quick-Links)

September 23, 2021
What happened here? The books set in Licking Thicket were adorable, lighthearted, and funny. The first 30 percent of Hijacked fit the bill, but sadly the story took a nosedive from cute to silly; from humorous to trying too hard.

When Carter, a cardiologist from a wealthy family, and Riggs, former military/bodyguard, first meet and Carter realizes that his grandpa has hired Riggs to be his bodyguard in Venezuela where he'll be volunteering for Doctors Without Continents for a month, he's understandably peeved. He doesn't need a babysitter.

Riggs isn't thrilled about the assignment either, but he fucked up big time, carelessly revealing classified information to a random hookup, and this is his punishment. (This is a ridiculous premise because no way do I believe that a former soldier would be this indiscreet and stupid.)

Initially, the men are mild enemies. Riggs calls Carter "Duchess", while Carter pretends Riggs is his manservant (this was so childish, I couldn't stop cringing). All's well until Carter makes a bad choice, which leads to the MCs being, you guessed it, hijacked.

This is when the story goes off the rails. The entire setup with the hypochondriac drug lord, the jungle luxury compound, the surprise guest ... all of it feels OTT.

There is a subplot (which ties into Riggs and the security firm where he works) involving a video game called Horn of Glory invented by a Licking Thicket resident who in revenge steals a backdoor code to the game. I'm not a gamer, but Horn of Glory sounds kind of fun. Maybe the authors should sell their idea because I really think it would be a big seller.

But I digress. The remaining 70 percent of the story is all bad puns and crazy drama. What should have been funny fell flat (at least to me).

At one point, Riggs, whose full name is William Riggs, refers to his brother Will. So there are two boys named Will in the Riggs family? Talk about an editing fail. Did the authors forget Riggs' first name?

The ending is fairly lukewarm too. There is the predictable miscommunication, followed by a rushed HFN.

But the very worst part is the epilogue because Lucy Lennox did it again and wrote the epilogue from the POV of a secondary character, introducing the next book in the series.

Y'all, I've had it with that bullshit. If you're writing in the romance genre, follow romance genre conventions! An epilogue by definition is a CONCLUSION, not a beginning.

Suffice it to say, this book was a big, fat disappointment.
Profile Image for Carol [Goodreads Addict].
2,702 reviews25.1k followers
August 31, 2021
Hijacked is book one in the brand new Licking Thicket: Horn of Glory series by Lucy Lennox and May Archer. I’ve been so looking forward to this spin off series. We previously have met Carter Rogers, Tucker’s best friend and ex-boyfriend. So now he gets his own book. It’s silly, sexy, fun, and suspenseful.

When Dr. Carter Rogers moved to Licking Thicket, he never thought he’d fall in love with it the way he has. He never thought he’d be a small town guy. But he does love it. He loves being near his friend Tucker. He can admit to himself that watching Tucker and Dunn being so in love makes him feel like maybe he is missing out on something. Even though he had pretty much given up on finding his own one and only.

Carter is getting ready to leave for a month with Doctors Across Continents to provide medical care to a small village in Venezuela. His grandfather is insisting that a bodyguard accompany him. A very sexy bodyguard. But also a bodyguard that seems to despise him on sight.

William Riggs is an ex-marine and now works along with his military brothers at Champion Security. Riggs made a huge mistake costing the company the account of HOG Corporation, the owner of the ultra popular Horn of Glory video game that has swept the country. As part of his punishment, his boss is sending him as a bodyguard to a Dr. who probably thinks he’s entitled and superior and will most likely make the month torture. But as soon as he sees his new client, he’s completely shocked at the zap of chemistry he feels. But he can’t mess this mission up after his last mistake. He has to keep his distance from the sexy Dr. What better way to do that than to make him dislike him.

As these two get acquainted, they both realize the other isn’t what they thought and as each day passes, their respect for each other and their chemistry grows. But then it happens, Carter and Riggs are kidnapped by a hypochondriac drug lord. In order to keep their wits about them, they have to count on each other, trust each other, which brings them closer yet.

I loved this book. I enjoyed the Licking Thicket series so much and loved the part Carter played in getting Dunn and Tucker together. I’m so glad he gets his own chance for love in this book. Riggs was a combination of a bit of a screw up and a tough guy. He’s smart and rough around the edges but Carter definitely brings out his soft side. He can’t help but fall for Carter but is also struggling with just how many rules he’s breaking at work since he’s already on probation. Neither of these two thought they’d ever find love and when they did, it was at the worst possible time. But isn’t that always the way it is?! And what happens once they’re back in the real world? You’ll have to read this to find out. Prepare to smile, a lot! To sigh, maybe giggle, and even pump your fist into the air when these two work together. These two amazing authors have done it again with this book but I didn’t expect anything else. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

For more about this book and so many others, come and visit me at Carol's Crazy Bookish World.

Profile Image for Rosabel.
723 reviews238 followers
September 4, 2021
Not even my love for my home country could save this book. 😔😔

The writing is... weird, sometimes it tries to be too funny, sometimes it tries to be all about the banter, sometimes a character that was joking turns serious out of nowhere, sometimes... I don't know what the fuck it is.

And yeah, it has flaws in the facts.

1. We don't have an embassy.
2. Where the fuck is Gelada? I'm gona ask around, maybe it does exist. I still think the authors tried to write Sierra Nevada and got confused.
3. I'm sure there are more but I stopped.

So yeah, nope. 🤗🤗🤗

Update: I just read this:

"Is this true, Lucrecia? Has Gustavo’s seed rooted itself within you? Is it even now ripening into a youthful virile man like myself who will one day be the heir to all the Santiago holdings?” He cast an arm wide, encompassing the house and the mountain, possibly all of Venezuela.

A crime lord I believe, a crime lord that speaks like that? I feel insulted, they would be dead if they spoke like that, DEAD!! And without cursing? That's like the first thing your learn in english.

Yeah better not read this. 💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻
Profile Image for Rebecca.
9 reviews47 followers
September 25, 2021
I break my no-review rule because writing out this essay in the comments would seem a little ridiculous, even for me. Not as much as this story though which achieves new and astonishing heights in the genre of OTT comedy.

Apologies in advance to anyone reading this overly detailed review. A lot of my friends here DNFd this one and I go into the details of the book to make them suffer too enlighten them about just how amazing this story kept getting, in hopes that the million karmic points I earn from this noble and selfless act will lead to one of my book boyfriends materialising on my doorstep, with a dozen of my favourite paperbacks in hand, ready to sweep me off my colourfully socked feet.

This intricately plotted story revolves around our MCs, a Bezos level rich cardiologist by the name of Carter and Riggs, a bodyguard in whose military abilities I have more doubts than holes in swiss cheese, who are kidnapped by a drug cartel.
There is also a prominent side plot revolving around the kidnapping of Bo Nutter, the inventor of the world famous game Horn of Glory (basically a Farmville on crack, tripping on acid) and his Magic Seed! Sorry to disappoint but said magic seed refers only to a secret access code that could apparently be used by the cartels to conduct drug transactions within the game undetected. At least that's what I understood from it. For more on this, please read the book because the last game I played was Mario in circa 2001, so a gamer I am not.

The villain of the story is the baddest, most evil drug lord of all time, the guy who puts Escobar and El Chapo to shame - Gustavo Santiago! This attempt at a review would be remiss without honourable mentions of the truly memorable lines uttered by him:

Upon assuming that he's living out his final days-
“My poor ladies! My darling Evalin. My sweet Lucrecia! They are faithful to me and only me, for no one can satisfy them like I can! But at least they can cling to their memories to comfort them. My heart breaks for the ones who’ve never been loved by me.” He looked at me with shining eyes. “For I am a fabulous lover, Doctor. As you will no doubt verify from the blood samples you will take."
Caring about his multiple lovers more than his own life, the sheer selflessness and love on display here had me tearing up :")

On why he doesn't have children-
“My seed,” he repeated. “It is so formidable that when I unleash it into a womb, the womb cowers in terror.”

The best reaction to a pregnancy announcement ever, which every child bearer wishes they were lucky enough to hear-
“Is this true, Lucrecia? Has Gustavo’s seed rooted itself within you? Is it even now ripening into a youthful virile man like myself who will one day be the heir to all the Santiago holdings?”

To all those who are wondering, what kind of drug lord talks like this, prepare to have your minds blown because

Why after all the aforementioned excellence in plot development did I not give this one star? Because I liked Riggs and Carter together (or I Stockholm syndromed my way into liking them). The way Riggs called Carter "Duchess" never failed to melt my heart because I am a sucker for cutesy nicknames like that. They were cute together and despite the forced miscommunication and temporary separation at the requisite 70% mark, I liked them enough to ignore it. The initial, extremely short lived hostility between them, because lust love conquers all, was entertaining, and the only intentionally funny part which made me laugh.

To summarise, read this if you're in the mood for OTT antics, bad puns which probably won't make you laugh and and plot twists & action scenes which will either have you laughing your butt off or make you want to bang your head against the wall!

Will I be reading the second book in this series which seems to continue the HoG plot with Bo Nutter and his magic seed? Yes I will. Possibly because I have lost my mind but also because the MCs for the next book, the cynical boss of the security company and a smooth talking twink, have me intrigued.
Profile Image for ~✿ Tala✿~ .
164 reviews41 followers
September 24, 2021
DNF @45%

1.5 'I physically cannot keep reading this' stars

This book ... wow 😳.. just wow 😳

I will preface my review by saying I've enjoyed several Lucy Lennox and May Archer books, their style of humour doesn't always gel with me (I don't think I'll ever understand the obsession with oversexed seniors?! ) but there is definitely some charm to the OTT stories.

This new series is a spin-off of the Licking Thicket series (this book follows a side character Carter from book 3), which if you haven't read follows people from a small town 'Licking Thicket' and is jam packed with wacky out-there characters, sexually implicit traditions and holidays that are all named after sexual innuendos. I read the whole Licket Thicket series, albeit sometimes the sexual jokes were a bit cringey and too much, I still had a lot of fun reading the books, it's can be a nice change of pace to read fluffy comedy so I've been anticipating this book for a while now. Unfortunately, I was left very very disappointed...

me: description

The first 10% of this story was Licking Thicket ON CRACK. It almost felt like a race to see how many different characters, sexual jokes, weird comments and OTT things that could happen in less than 100 pages?!

Then we finally get a reprieve from Licket Thicket gang as Carter, a doctor, leaves for a mission trip to Venezuela with Riggs as his bodyguard. The whole emphasis on how dangerous Venezuela is was a bit annoying, like yes of course there is issue in Latin America but the emphasis from an American writer just feels off ? Idk maybe it's just me.
While I can't comment on how much it improved, up until 45% the connection between Carter and Riggs was very lacklustre, every "cute" moment mentioned was told instead of shown, so even the first hook-up didn't have me as excited as I normally would be.

I want to state for the record that I tried to keep going, I really tried.. right until the 'hijacking' happens and then the book lost me . The story took a turn for the worst, it became ridiculous and nonsensical. Not to mention the caricature of the Latinx characters as one dimensional cartel gang members was borderline insulting and offensive?! I might be wrong but from what I remember the Licket Thicket series has minimal diversity so for the only diverse characters in this book being crime lords and criminals is just a NO from me.

Maybe it gets better but I truly don't have the patience to find out. I will probably be passing on the rest of this series but I'm hope that these authors will take the feedback from reviewers for future books 🤞🏼
January 17, 2024
4**** stars

I dnf’d this one before because hell, with Michael Dean narrating I couldn’t take the romance seriously (or the steamy scenes) BUT I wanted something truly entertaining and I knew already that this one would deliver with the funny narrative and all the puns. I had a blast. And I think I’ll even go for another one of these. *lol

Licking Thicket: Horn of Glory Series

Book 1 - Hijacked - 4.0 stars
Book 2 - Hitched - 4.25 stars
Book 3 - Hacked - 4.0
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,754 reviews379 followers
August 24, 2021
Chaos, utterly brilliant chaos.

The first of the Licking Thicket Horn of Glory spin-offs is an absolute riot. A firm sense of disbelief is needed but you know what, it really doesn't matter because it's just fun.

From the moment Dr Carter Rogers meets his reluctant bodyguard William Riggs you just know there's going to be fireworks.

It's funny, sweet, steamy, a little bit dramatic (the plot not the relationship), has all the hiccups you'd expect on the road to a happy ending, and I just absolutely loved every bit of it.

As a huge gamer, the Horn of Glory which Lucy and May have created for this series is an absolute triumph, I could so see it as a real thing!

Loved it, can't wait for book two.

#ARC kindly received from the authors in return for an honest and unbiased review
Profile Image for alyssa.
960 reviews194 followers
September 4, 2021
*update: read a few more chapters because giving up at two makes me feel like a clown but yeah it's not working 😅 good riddance!

[DNF] i only read the first two chapters and i already wasn’t feeling the characters at all. i thought maybe i just wasn’t in the mood, but after seeing what’s in store, i’ve decided to learn from the very best: Rosabel!! handholding me through the dnf process ‘cause i need it sometimes haha, thanks for freeing me from my prison 😆🙏🏼
Profile Image for Jamie.
645 reviews107 followers
April 8, 2024
Enjoyable book to read

The licking thicket series was a bit much for me, and I know this was a spin off but I was still hoping for it to be a little less licking thickety

I did still really enjoy it though. I would definitely consider it an action book with a small side of romance. The set ups for the next two books are really good too!
Profile Image for Kaity.
1,666 reviews20 followers
June 6, 2023
Reread/Relisten June 2023

Hmm better this time around but I am really rereading these for Kevin lol but Champ and Quinn’s book is just as good so excited to be done with book one!

2.5-3 stars June 2022

ehhh... soo no idea why i do this to myself. I love each authors small towns that they create, i think May Archers more than Lucy Lennox's but i digress. for some reason these collab books that they are doing together are really hit or miss for me.. this one was more of the miss.

but they create characters that you can't help wanting to read about even if they do stupid, stupid, stupid things.

i don't think i could fully connect with either Riggs or Carter..both got on my nerves, but I loved Kev and Hux, unfortunately their book isn't until book three which sucks to wait but i am glad its coming in about a month!!! fingers crossed thats good. I am hoping book two is better otherwise these collabs will just be a strictly 3 star reads from me.
Profile Image for Ele.
1,311 reviews40 followers
October 9, 2021
DNF @40%

I have no idea what happened here. There is suspension of disbelief and then there's this story. Sorry, I rest my case.
Profile Image for Julia (bookish.jka).
773 reviews217 followers
September 3, 2021
"I needed to bodyguard the shit out of that doctor dude. And I was sure as hell not going to get close to the guy".

So from the opening chapter you know where this one is going, but what a fabulously fun read it was. I was literally chuckling out loud to myself at times, and I totally loved Carter and Riggs and their dynamic.

"You know that part of the animated Snow White where she wakes up and slowly stretches, smiling happily at the thought of another beautiful day? Yeah, waking up with William "Badass" Riggs was nothing like that."

Hijacked is a Licking Thicket (yep, makes me snicker every time) spin-off and is written in the same tongue-in-cheek manner as that series was. We have the suave and sophisticated Dr Carter Rogers heading off to do some doctoring in the middle of the South American jungle, with his annoying bodyguard (paid for by Carter's grandpa) in tow.

Throw in some kidnapping, crazy drug barons, an online game called Horn of Glory (yes, really) and a lot of steamy times, and you have a recipe for a feel-good slice of Licking Thicket-style lemon pie 😍.

Recommended and OUT NOW!

4 ✨✨✨✨
September 7, 2021
Wow - and not in a good way. I'm not sure what happened here.

There was zero relationship development. They meet, the job starts and then there's a two-week time jump and they are kidnapped. There is sex here and there but I couldn't tell you why they fell in love. I never thought I'd say it, but I almost wish this book had taken place in Licking Thicket just so we could have actually focussed on the romance. There wasn't even an epilogue for Carter and Riggs as it was the start of the next story.

The kidnapping plot was ridiculous and the way it ended made no sense. I don't think I laughed once and I definitely skimmed pages.

The brightest spot for me in this book was Carter's cousin Kevin whose book I would love to read at some point, but I don't think I'll have it in me to continue with this series otherwise.
Profile Image for Gustaf.
1,442 reviews166 followers
September 5, 2021
2.5 stars
Ehhh who was I kidding, thinking I would love this one? I didn't dislike it with passion as I did the last Licking Thicket book though. So there's that. Actually, I even really liked the beginning of this story. Then the hijacking happened and things fell into the OTT gutter and they fell hard.

I don't know why I keep reading these authors common work but here I am and I know I'm going to get the next one as well. Because apparently that what I do.
Profile Image for UnderCoverBookAddict.
283 reviews15 followers
October 16, 2021
Let’s just say that I finished this book by sheer will.

There was nothing and I am telling you NOTHING compelling about it.

There was no surprises, very cliche and lots of moments where I couldn’t believe what I was reading.

You know when you go to the gym and you are looking at the clock to see how long you have left. That’s how I felt looking at the percentage left. It was simply a wtf moment after the other.

I did not like any of the MC’s. I liked Kevin though. And I liked the grandfather. Even now I have to strain to remember the name of the MC. Riggs, was not a character I enjoyed and as a bodyguard he was the worst. The sex was meh. I did not felt anything. I am still asking myself WHAT HAPPENED? Why? This is the same woman that wrote MY Toby!!

When Carter was at the charity event talking with Kevin I was loving this book so much and then Riggs and Carter met and it was downhill. Which is never a good omen. When I read about Carter in Tucker’s book I was soooo looking forward to it!!

So this is it! I am on the fence if I should give it another try with the next book or simply give up on this series! But…but… I liked Kevin!! A LOT!

Will see…
Profile Image for Lily.
631 reviews23 followers
September 21, 2021
I hated this.

I love May Archer and Lucy Lennox and I really wanted to like their book but it sucked. This book starts off strong in Licket Thicket with our favorite townspeople abusing the hell out of sex puns. But then Carter decided to go abroad with a sexy bodyguard. Sounds good, right? Unfortunately things fall apart as the drug lord equivalent to Wile E. Coyote kidnaps them with his merry band of Tweedlee dee and Tweedlee dums. It was like I started out watching Golden Girls, then all of the sudden anvils are falling as Wile E. Coyete pulled out a stick of dynamite. I was completely dislodged from the plot with the shock of tone change. I get that Wile E. Coyote was supposed to be incompetent but it stopped being funny 2 seconds in and went straight to cringy. I’m surprised my eyes didn’t get stuck with how often I rolled them.  I kept muddling through hoping things would get better, that the plot would go back to the familiar turf of Licket Thicket.  Sighh. Just the small gesture of calling Wile E. Coyote ‘Patron’ or ‘Don Coyote’ would’ve made a world of difference in making this less cartoony and more actiony. If you’re going to write a book featuring a cartel kidnapping you should at least watch 1 episode of a cartel novela. It was obvious these ladies did ZERO research in the matter and the result was bad writing.
Profile Image for Wendy.
179 reviews16 followers
August 1, 2022
4 thrilling story stars

Such an enthralling book that might have got slightly OTP sometimes. But it's fiction and Santiago's monologues made me laugh so 🤷‍♀️

Riggs and Carter had amazing chemistry. The tension was there since the very beginning, but they hid their attraction behind animosity. The pining was everything and I was desperately waiting for them to crack. And when they did 🤯

After that we went deeper into their own personal feelings and insecurities, more importantly, the main plot really kicked off. Their evolving relationship and the whole kidnapping story blended well and fed each other. I got very invested in the operation side of the novel which kind of surprised me - which means Lennox and Archer did a great job here.

I loved how Riggs helped Carter center himself and find his inner strength, but I hated their lack of communication at some points. And now I have a lot of questions about Riggs's past I will never get answers to 😫 they still made a good team, so I went along with it.

Let's finish with a "bad" thing and a good one. Not being a MMORPG player, all the explanations about the game we got at the beginning bored me to death. BUT then infos - and puns - were distilled into the story and it worked for me. As for the good, I loved the banter between Kev and Hux, so I'm excited to get to their book someday!
July 18, 2024
You really must be in the mood for all the “Licking” “Thicken” “Nuts” “Horn” and “Magic Semen” puns 😅

… because yes, it can get a bit much at times. On top of that, we have to deal with a REALLY ott drug lord/Venezuelan mafia/kidnapping trope that can be a bit much, even if you’re mentally prepared to deal with all the puns.

You know the 80s movies with Eddie Murphy, like for example “The Prince of Zamunda”? That’s the humour you’re dealing with here.

Did I enjoy myself? Mostly yes, at least during the parts that weren’t completely ridiculous. It’s the story of Carter, a cardiologist who’s “Licking Thicket royalty” and who insists on going abroad to help people who don’t have access to medical care. And Riggs, who works for Champion Security and who’s assigned as Carter’s bodyguard after fucking up a job involving the creator of “Horn of Glory”, THE game to play, a mix between Minecraft and Farmville.

It’s… a crazy ride. Not the best book I’ve read written by this pair of authors, but still enjoyable and loosely related to the Licking Thicket series. I quite enjoyed listening to Michael Dean’s narration. He’s no Nick J Russo, but he’s fun, and he’s the voice of almost all of Lucy’s books.

Also: that stupid miscommunication/third act breakup??? Really??? Are we still doing that???

I think the next books in this series are a bit better though, so I’m looking forward to listening to them next 🙂
Profile Image for Airy.
426 reviews8 followers
September 4, 2021
This was exactly what I expected, when I started reading it and I loved it.
Profile Image for Joyfully Jay.
8,293 reviews482 followers
September 2, 2021
A Joyfully Jay review.

2 stars

Hijacked is the first book in a spin off series to the authors’ Licking Thicket series. We do meet Carter in that series as Tucker’s ex-boyfriend (from Fools), but the setting here then moves to South America and Riggs is new to the series. Carter was presented in a different manner here than he was in the prior book and, while I liked him there, I didn’t like him much here. Riggs also didn’t give me much to work with as he too felt unlikeable and we learn little about him. I found every character that appeared on page became more irritating than the next for me.

Riggs gets taken off of his work detail because he has little professionalism and his only option is to go to South America to guard Carter. Riggs is not pleased about this and hates Carter on sight. Riggs then wants to make Carter’s life as difficult as possible.

After hearing all about how Riggs is the best at what he does, the men get kidnapped.

Read Michelle's review in its entirety here.

Profile Image for Guy Venturi.
1,040 reviews1 follower
July 31, 2023
Love, Horns, Games, HOGs, Cartels, and Turtles?

Security can be difficult at best when provided by a group of former Marines that have been through some of the most frightening and challenging operations together and still work as a team of best friends. If they could only find a receptionist who would last more than a day.

Bodyguards are needed for many executives, especially when they travel to remote locations or to politically unstable areas of the world. The safety of the clients always comes first. Staying close makes it easy to learn about each other as privacy and solitude are lost to safety and secrets.

Yet it is possible to really care for others and help with aid and medical support by going to where the need is greatest and with the least resources for the local people.
Profile Image for LauraSt.
1,470 reviews48 followers
September 29, 2021

I must admit, it took me a while to finish this one. We finally get Carter’s story, and it’s with a wickedly hot ex-marine Riggs. Their banter was funny, and the endless puns and laughs in the book were as always hilarious. But I don’t know, I just wasn’t feeling their connection and a couple or how their feelings developed. It was okay, but definitely not one of my favorites.
I really can’t wait for Champ’s story though, since I’m still obsessed with this universe.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
318 reviews
September 6, 2021
The plot was a mess, just completely unbelievable. I didn't feel any real connection between the two MCs. Took me three days to get through. Definitely a miss.
Profile Image for Cyndi.
697 reviews41 followers
September 4, 2021
This book was so much freaking fun, which is exactly what I've come to expect when May Archer and Lucy Lennox combine their writing chops. I enjoyed the Licking Thicket series and all of it's small town shenanigans, so I was super excited when I learned that the next series would include our favorite cardiologist from Fools, Dr. Carter Rogers.

Carter was the perfect combination of caring and cocky. He came from money and hid behind a somewhat posh and flippant attitude to keep others at arms length, but he couldn't maintain the facade when it came to helping other people. His heart was too big to keep hidden and his new bodyguard, William Riggs, noticed it almost immediately. Riggs was an ex-Marine who worked for a private security firm. After getting into some trouble and losing an important client, he needed to prove he could be trusted again. That meant babysitting Dr. Rogers on his month long journey to Venezuela to dispense life saving vaccines and medical care. It should have been an easy assignment, and it was until a drug cartel stuffed them both into the back of a truck.

This book was such a departure from other romance tropes. I loved the element of danger and the way it forced both characters to drop all pretenses and truly learn to trust each other and work together. I also loved that their situations didn't always pan out perfectly. Mistakes were made that they had to navigate. In some instances they wasted their time on a plan just to have to pivot when their circumstances changed. Even the big bad bodyguard wasn't capable of figuring everything out, which made him feel that much more real. And their relationship, which transitioned from annoyance to reluctant admiration to intense attraction to luuuuurrrrve, felt earned and believable, even within it's short timeline.

Also, these ladies write dialogue so well! The characters talk like actual people, with all of the appropriate stutters and the use of "uh" and "ah". They get distracted. They crack jokes. They say things they wish they could take back immediately. I swear they should teach a master class on it.

The inclusion of the HOG video game was really cool. It was like a weird Farmville/World of Warcraft hyrbrid, but with its own console. It was funny how engrossed people were with it, especially Carter's cousin Kev - who I hope will be getting his own book with a certain Champion Security employee???

Speaking of future books in this series, I can't wait for Champ and Quinn's book! I can already tell from Quinn's outfit alone that I'm going to love him. I mean, the man purred at Champ. And he's kind of short, which means he must be feisty. Or I'm stereotyping. Either way, I think he's going to be fantastic and I'm super excited.

Profile Image for Amanda.
1,529 reviews76 followers
December 21, 2023
I started this book a little nervous for what was going to happen, I was worried that we were going to get more of a suspenseful action novel which is not what I expect from these two authors. Alas, I should have never feared because when these two team up, I always end up having a wildly good time. While I guess you could say there was suspense, it was at its heart a lighthearted fun romantic comedy I've come to expect from this duo. It had lots of laughs, great steam, the most amazing characters, and a romance I was completely rooting for. Was it ridiculous? Yes, of course it was; if you've read the Licking Thicket series you know EXACTLY what your in for (the answer is always puns, and I LOVE puns). Will I do everything I can to get my grabby hands on the rest of the series? Yes, of course I will, when Archer and Lennox joins forces it's guaranteed to end up being one of my favorite series. Can't wait to see what happens next!
Profile Image for French_fry.
347 reviews11 followers
September 3, 2021
If you like bad puns, people (Riggs) who are really bad at their jobs and nonsense, have I got a recommendation for you. I can usually suspend disbelief enough with these authors and have found many of their books enjoyable. I don’t care for these two or their story. Also, it’s sloppy. At one point, one of our main character, William Riggs, tells us a story about his brother, Will. What? Come on.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 346 reviews

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