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Enchanted Waters

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What really lies beneath the waves?

Dive into our magical collection of short stories written by award-winning and up-and-coming authors and follow the ocean’s call.

Meet murderous kelpies, hear the mermaid’s song, find a kidnapped prince, and explore the beautiful underwater kingdoms. Befriend selkie royalty, break fearsome curses, and swoon as you fall in love.

This book is fully illustrated with sketches and stunning water colour by Helena Satterthwaite and Elena Shelest.

All profits go to Oceana to support their mission to protect the world’s oceans and promote sustainable fishing.

384 pages, Kindle Edition

Published July 16, 2020

About the author

Alice Ivinya

34 books271 followers
Alice is a USA Today Bestselling author who writes low spice fantasy and fairytales.

She lives in Bristol, UK, and has loved fantasy all her life. Her favourite authors are Holly Black and Brandon Sanderson.

When she's not off gallivanting in other worlds, you can find her looking after her two young sons, hanging out with her church family, or walking the best dog in the world with her husband.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 83 reviews
Profile Image for Thibault Busschots.
Author 4 books161 followers
December 7, 2022
This is a collection of fantasy short stories, all revolving around a theme of water. I picked this book up as it seemed like an interesting way to discover some new authors. And it’s also important to note that the profits go to a good cause, to help protect the world’s oceans and promote sustainable fishing.

Daughter of the Selkie King - Lyndsey Hall - 3/5

Delta’s mother always told her to stay out of the water. When she goes for a secret swim with her friends and dips her toe in the water, a selkie appears. And Delta finally finds out who she really is.

A little bit of infodumping in the beginning. But once you’re past the first chapter, the story definitely picks up the pace. This is a really solid teaser for a bigger adventure, as it feels like the story ends just as it was getting interesting.

Merrily Merrily - Jennifer Kropf – 4,5/5

Zane is a snow pirate and his mother is a manipulative prophetess, a woman with great powers. Since Zane doesn’t like the future his mother envisions for him, she tries to have him killed. But Zane survives. And revenge is a dish best served cold. Ice cold.

A gripping read with some really strong characters. I also like that it has a satisfying ending. So while this can be seen as a teaser for a bigger story, it can also be seen as a very good stand alone short story. And there’s a Kraken-like monster in here that’s really cool, so I can’t help but love that.

The Kelpie of Loch Linnhe - Alice Ivinya - 4/5

A knight is sent to a remote foggy loch to investigate why people seem to go missing there. When he gets there, he meets a young girl.

I’m not a big fan of characters having a thick accent in writing to be honest. But here it does work. This is an atmospheric and mysterious read with a really cool twist at the end. It’s the shortest story in the book. But I do very much appreciate that this is a proper short story, not just a teaser to a larger story or a series.

The Bridge - Ben Lang - 2/5

Senieta is an outcast from her village because her dad decided to marry someone from the river people, frog-like monsters who usually appear in human form. Senieta then comes across a warrior/pilgrim riding an elephant at the edge of a river, near a bridge. He points out that the bridge is haunted by a Shido spirit. Senieta figures she can use this to her advantage and asks the Shido spirit to help kill the river people.

This story just did not manage to grab me. The story is also a bit too complicated for its own good.

Kiss the Frog - Sky Sommers - 3/5

A man gets turned into a frog by a witch. To turn himself back into a man, he needs to receive a true love’s kiss. And he’s willing to do whatever it takes to get turned back into a man. So he pretty much tries to get a kiss from every beautiful girl that crosses his path.

A fairy tale retelling with an interesting message. It’s about a man who doesn’t want to marry his latest fling and gets turned into a frog because of it. The story also doesn’t shy away from critiquing the witch who turns him into a frog.

Sea Ghost of the Isle - N.D.T. Casale – 3,5/5

Nessa lives in New York but her parents send her to her aunt in Scotland, to reconnect with her roots. Not far from her aunt’s castle is an uninhabited island that intrigues her. There’s a legend that says sea ghosts haunt it at night, so nobody can steal the treasure on the island. When her aunt’s dog has to go out at night, Nessa opens the door and comes face to face with one of the sea ghosts.

This is an interesting and well-written young adult romance/treasure hunt story, with some fairy tale magic sprinkled all over it. I’m going to repeat myself here though. I’m not a big fan of characters having a thick accent in writing. Accents can definitely be useful. They help set the mood for a story and can make it easier to bring a certain place or character to life, but I prefer it when accents are used in moderation.

The Naiad's Curse - Astrid V.J. - 3/5

Nate sees one person after another move their business to the new windmill, leaving him and his watermill without any customers. He’s down on his luck and desperate, with a wife and a baby underway to take care of. He thinks that the only way his wife and unborn child can survive, is if he’s no longer around. So she can be free to find someone else to support them. But just as he’s about to end his life, something magical happens.

Thankfully this has somewhat of a good ending, because this is quite a dark and depressing fairy tale.

The Arctic Mermaid - N.D.T. Casale – 2,5/5

Aerwyna is an arctic mermaid and her father is dying. The sea witch tells her she needs human hair to save her father. So Aerwyna goes to find a human. Luckily, she finds a human king who could use a mermaid’s help. But to help the human king, she’ll need to have legs. So she goes back to the sea witch, to ask her for a potion that will give her the legs she needs to save her father.

An interesting and really solid Little Mermaid fairy tale retelling. There’s also a Kraken scene in here. The kraken is my favorite mythical creature, so normally I’d be inclined to rate it higher. But to be honest, that Kraken scene was so disappointing that it devaluated the rest of the story for me. This is a bit of a shame because the rest of the story is actually pretty good.

Heartless Melody - Alice Ivinya - 4/5

The protagonist fell in love with the daughter of the goldsmith when he was just a child. But as the son of a lowly rat catcher, he knew he wouldn’t stand a chance to win her heart. So he wanted to join the army ever since he was little, hoping that will make her take notice of him. But when he’s old enough to join the army, a rat plague hits the country. And rat catching becomes a very lucrative job. So he works hard and earns a lot of money before joining the army, hoping that his newfound wealth will be another key to unlocking her heart.

Basically, the protagonist works long and hard for many years, but never really talks to the woman he loves so much. By the time he’s gained enough money and status to feel worthy of her love, it’s going to be too late. I like the message this story tries to tell. If you really like someone, tell them. Don’t keep putting it off until you think the timing is right. Because before you know it, it’s going to be too late.

It’s a really cool start to a rather dark Pied Piper retelling. It’s a shame this is just the start of a bigger story, as I was really starting to get into it. And the experience would have been elevated if the story at hand had a proper and satisfying ending.

The Wishing Well - Elena Shelest - 3/5

Luyba is a pretty girl who thinks she can easily get any man she wants. But she wants to marry one particular boy. Unfortunately, that boy went and joined the Cossacks. He hopes to elevate his social status, so he can one day become worthy of her hand. She’s mad at him, because she doesn’t care about what kind of job he does or how poor he is. She wants to marry him because she loves him. She’s so mad, she decides to do something stupid.

Stupid people do stupid things when they’re in love, that pretty much sums it up. It’s a YA romance story with a hint of fantasy. This is not a bad story, I’m just not a big fan of the romance genre.

This is quite an enjoyable collection of short stories. It’s a variety of different kinds of stories, written by different authors. So, naturally, one story will appeal more to you than another.
Profile Image for Laura.
1,031 reviews66 followers
April 13, 2022
A wonderful charity anthology for a great cause.
All profits for Enchanted Waters go to Oceana, an organisation dedicated to protecting the oceans, maintaining marine biodiversity and keeping fishing sustainable. A worthy cause if you ask me.

This magical collection of short stories, beautifully illustrated with gorgeous paintings by Helena Satterthwaite and Elena Shelest includes ten water themed short stories. Each one more magical than the other. And I'll tell you a little bit about my favourites.

Story no.1 - Daughter Of The Selkie King by Lyndsey Hall
my rating: 5 stars

'Being human doesn't mean we're any better than anyone else. It just means we think we are.'

A magical coming of age short story that manages to convey quite a lot of themes despite the short page count. From the way society treats an outcast to the way cruel jokes and snubs affect a young girl, the friendship and ties formed in between pariahs and the burning desire to fit in and be brave. We get all this and more. All wrapped up in a magical setting, starring characters you can empathize with, in a tale full of meaning complete with that little something extra that makes a reader yearn for more.
A secret well kept and a young girl who needs to make a choice.

Story no.3 The Kelpie of Loch Linnhe by Alice Ivinya is downright fabulous!
and gets 5 dark stars from me.

Set in Scotland and complete with a fabulous Scottish dialect, this little bite sized tale seems more of a thriller than a fairytale. And I absolutely loved it. The gothic atmosphere alongside a constantly rising sense of impending doom beautifully entwine and turn it into an absolute page-turner. And that twist there at the end.... Oh my! I did not see that coming and I'll wager you won't either. Masterfully done!

Story no.9 Heartless Melody by Alice Ivinya is another wonderful tale totally worth it of the highest rating.
5 stars of course and well deserved

A prequel to her Pied the Piper retelling, Heartless Melody shows us how it all began. And it's a perfect example of this author's gift at storytelling. I was hooked from the very first page and when the end came, with that little To Be Continued note, I wanted to jump straight into the sequel.
What does it take for a compassionate piper to end up playing a heartless melody? Read this to find out. I guarantee you won't regret it.
Profile Image for Shauna.
Author 12 books49 followers
July 9, 2021
A magical collection of stories by some very talented authors. I am familiar with some authors work while others, this was my first introduction.

I was not disappointed. I thoroughly enjoyed all the stories but my favourite is probably Kiss the Frog by Sky Sommers. It's told in Sommers usual quirky style of writing and I am already familiar with the characters from reading some of her other work.

An overall easy, light, enjoyable read.
Profile Image for Laura.
506 reviews7 followers
July 8, 2021
This review is based on the short story "Merrily, Merrily" by Jennifer Kropf included in the book, "Enchanted Waters."

A whole new perspective of the sea during harsh winters is found in Kropf's "Merrily, Merrily" short story. Elements of the fantastical and impossible come to life here. Seductive sirens, terrifying teachers, malicious mothers, erudite enemies... it's all there. And so much more. There's a chance at redemption; an opportunity to change the course of life; to not be "condemned" to what the prophetess foretold. So good! I can't wait to read more from Knopf, but if her story is indicative of the rest of this anthology, I will need a copy of it for myself - soon!

I received an ARC for free; this review is my own and given willingly.
Profile Image for Ilona Nurmela.
606 reviews15 followers
July 7, 2021
What I like about this anthology is that first, it’s for a good cause - supporting a charity to keep the marine biodiversity of our oceans. Second, I really like how award winning and noob indie authors have pooled together to produce a quirky set of mer tales that span across multiple genres. Third, I liked how the collection of these short stories flowed - from teen angst to a rollercoaster of rage and hope to titillating horror to philosophical, then traditional fairytale-style writing (with morals and all) to humour and then to transformational (some ah-hah moments for you there) to doomed romance and yet ending on a magical & hopeful story to make you go ahhh…that was lovely. All stories are clean, minimal romance, hardly any PNR & suitable for YA. Fourth, the water colour and digital art drawings for each story are amazing!

Reviews in detail:
Lyndsey Hall’s Daughter of the Selkie King is a coming of age short story where a teen girl afraid of water is fooling around with friends near water’s edge only to discover her maman’s been harbouring a big bad secret (see title). Lots of teen insecurities are unearthed in a short space of pages, and while the feel of the story was angsty with parental blame issues surfacing, the story was somehow also hopeful and made me want to find out about the big adventure that comes next.

Jen Kropf’s Merrily Merrily was one of my favourites in this set because it’s a sinister adventure on board of a pirate(!) ship with a dominating mother and an octosiren to boot. Instead of Ariel, it’s a boy called Zane who makes a deal with the sea witch and it ain’t his voice he gives up.

Alice Ivinya’s Kelpie tale was a thriller/horror story set in Scotland where the author keeps you on your toes throughout and you’ll never see the twist coming. Although I hate horror stories, this was actually another favourite of mine in the set. I can totally see this one being made into a movie, like Sleeping Hollow.

Ben Lang’s The Bridge was about mean water spirits in Japanese cruel fairytales style and rather philosophical. The story is based on the Troll and the three goats fairytale, but unlike it completely. A very different feel from the others, but good different.

N.D.T. Casale’s Arctic Mermaid reminded me of Alexandra Christo’s To Kill a Kingdom - it’s inspired by but quite unlike Andersen’s Little Mermaid and has some of the morals present in traditional fairytales peeking out.

Astrid V.J.’s Naiad’s Curse is about a nix (water spirit) who means well, but turns the life of a miller from desperation to regret. The tale is told from the point of view of the father, who wants what’s best for his family, but realises a few things about love and money along the way. If you want to read the story from the POV of the nix, read Naiya’s Wish.

Alice Ivinya’s Heartless Melody is a prequel to her Pied Piper retelling (in Silent Melody book) and she has an amazing gift for storytelling. The story draws you in and makes you want to keep reading about how the barren Queen’s wish to have kids got twisted and how having a magic flute but lacking a vital organ made Peter into a monster.

Elena Shelest’s Wishing Well is a slavic emotional rollercoaster fairytale of starcrossed lovers amidst Midsummer celebrations (Ivana Kupala) with a hopeful twist that leaves you guessing - what will the well ask in return for Ljuba’s wish.

Totally recommend if you’re looking for new favourtite indie fantasy authors, and want to have a quick taste of a variety of fantasy genres encapsulated in a short story format.
Profile Image for Andre Isidore.
26 reviews1 follower
June 28, 2021
Enchanted Waters: A Magical Collection ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

A collection of water-themed fantasy short stories. How could I possibly resist? I was introduced to this work of art by author Astrid V.J. and I am extremely grateful for it. The short stories within these covered proved to be unique and immersive. They all carried their own themes and background plots that were well developed and thought out.

The characters were a delight to be introduced to and reading the dialect some of the stories incorporated was rather entertaining. (I fancy the Scottish accent way more than I should 😅) I loved the thought and effort each writer placed in creating their own fantastical world and only wished they the stories were longer 😩.

An even more lovable fact about this book is that it's was created to support a good cause. The earth is naught but a barren wasteland without its beautiful and mystifying oceans and this book helps protect those waters by working with the non-profit organization Oceana, something I can't help but be extremely appreciative of. (The book can be pre-ordered before July 16th for $2.99. Price goes up when the book is live but ALL profits go to Oceana 🐋🐬🐠🦈)

Hats off to the authors for coming together on this initiative and take my solemn congratulations on a Job Well Done 🥳.

Enchanted Waters gets a round of applause from me 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾.
Profile Image for Bekah Berge.
Author 9 books70 followers
July 16, 2021
This whole book is filled with magic and wonder. I absolutely adored how rich the characters were and how each myth was reimagined by the authors. There was romance, there was action and adventure, and there was so much heart—that deep, emotional feeling that pulls on your heartstrings. (Sigh) Magical water creatures, spells, the beauty of nature...it was wonderful. Haven’t read something like this in a long time.

I particularly enjoyed the stories by N.D.T. Casale who wrote Sea Ghost of the Isle and The Arctic Mermaid. Her writing was so beautiful and I was immediately immersed into both stories. Her talent for storytelling is obvious. Her characters were dynamic and I wanted both stories to be longer, because I wasn’t ready for them to end!! I need more! Highly recommend this gorgeous anthology written by a group of very talented writers.
Profile Image for Astrid V.J..
Author 33 books353 followers
May 7, 2021
I've had the good fortune to beta read Enchanted Waters and have loved all of the stories in this collection! They are all so different and yet fit together brilliantly. The theme is wonderfully explored by each author and the variety of magical water creatures is amazing! No one used the same creature.

The authors have very disparate styles and that, too is wonderful. There really is something for everyone here. Whether you're looking for a light read, or something funny, great twist or tension you could cut with a knife, upliftment, and even something to make you stop and think, and reassess... it's all here, in this one book!

Because of the diversity, I cannot pick a favourite. Each of these bite-sized glimpses into the authors worlds are engaging and utterly hooking. I've added books by several of these authors to my tbr, just because their stories are so amazing! I honestly cannot wait to see the final, fully illustrated version of these stories.

If all of the above weren't enough, I absolutely LOVE that this is a charity anthology and all proceeds will be used to support a cause that I believe is more important than ever: ocean protection, fostering marine biodiversity, and ensuring fishing is sustainable. This is a book to treasure!
Profile Image for Sarah Hill.
Author 5 books43 followers
August 4, 2021
In this beautiful anthology, of which all proceeds go to the charity Oceana, dedicated solely to ocean conservation, we get TEN water enchanted stories! My favorites were (in no particular order) Daughter of the Selkie King - the ending had me wanting MORE, Merrily Merrily - because I loved getting a little backstory on Zane (from A Soul as Cold as Frost) The Arctic Mermaid - because I'm a sucker for love and Heartless Melody because it is the prequel to Silent Melody, which I am a huge fan of and we get an awesome, heartbreaking story on sweet Peter.
Overall, I enjoyed this book immensely. I am a dreamer and this book is filled with fantastic dreamy worlds that I myself wish I could write about. Filled with Selkie's, Pirates turned protector's of all things to do with tradition and Christmas, Kelpie's, Shido's, Princely Frogs, Sea Ghosts, Naiad's, Mermaid's, Pipers and water nymphs, Mavki and underwater Tsar's. The stories gripped me, the characters made me smile and had me cheering them on and a few left me wanting more as the ending was so abrupt, which was quite smart for those authors to do! Leave us needing more and needing to pickup the stories that follow.
I applaud these authors for putting their hearts and souls into such wonderful stories and giving to such a worthy cause. Definitely worth the purchase and was time well spent. Grab your copy today!
Profile Image for Alex Stubblefield.
Author 3 books5 followers
August 23, 2021
Such a beautiful collection of short stories. Each one was unique and colored by each author's unique voice. I think there is a little something for everyone to love here. Action. Adventure. Fantasy. Drama. Horror. Romance. Fables. I loved that each story was so different from the next, and I genuinely want to dive deeper into some of the worlds written about in Enchanted Waters. Alice Ivinya's stories were chilling and well written. Ben Lang's story felt like a fable from another time, and I was super impressed by the style. N.D.T. Casale is a strong writer and a great new voice on the fantasy writing scene. I look forward to reading more from her in the future. This is definitely a collection of short stories that you don't want to miss! Skip around and read a story here and there or power through it like a chapter book! Either way this marvelous anthology is one you'll want on your shelf.
July 16, 2021
I received an ARC of this book.
I am usually not a fan of short stories, but this collection was wonderful. Most of them were rather classic in a fairytale-like manner, with a positive tone, but there were some darker stories as well, which I really liked, as I tend to gravitate towards darker themes.
As a bonus I learned about quite a few mythological water creatures that I hadn't previously heard about or knew only very little about!
And of course the fact that the book supports an ocean protection charity is very commendable.
Profile Image for Elena Shelest.
Author 16 books190 followers
September 16, 2024
Loved all the stories in this collection! And the illustrations are stunning.
Profile Image for Yvonne van der Fluit.
115 reviews1 follower
January 6, 2022
Lovely short stories that makes you wanna read the whole book. Thankfully they give you links towards the whole books. Looking forward in reading them, filling my to read list a little more.
Profile Image for Susan Stradiotto.
Author 38 books182 followers
July 14, 2021
This review is of The Wishing Well by Elena Shelest.

The Wishing Well is a beautiful retelling of a piece of Slavic Folklore. The characters: Luyba and Danylo are well imagined. Luyba is strong-headed and determined, and Danylo has a strong sense of duty. They are a beautiful match, and I can't wait to read further in Shelest's The Healer's Choice.

The writing here is beautiful with vivid phrases such as:
“Kyrylo said softly, gathering wrinkles around his pale eyes.”

When reading, I felt like I was at the midsummer festival near the Dnipro River watching this all unfold. The reduction of one star is because it could use some (a little) editorial work, but all in all, it is a great story.
Profile Image for Boektuin.
141 reviews1 follower
July 14, 2021
A great anthology! Of course I wanted to read this because it supports a good cause, and it's a great way to learn a bit about the authors writing styles. Short stories can be so much fun and are totally different from full length stories.

The stories of enchanted waters are all truly magical and creative. Order this and enjoy ten different worlds full of amazing characters, weird creatures, spells, curses, forbidden love, honestly, hardship and so much more. All are connected through water, nature, magic and differ in places, settings, country and people.

Super fun read, definitely recommend!
Profile Image for Amber Herbert.
Author 3 books17 followers
July 15, 2021
*Please note: This review is for "Naiad's Curse", just one of the stories in this collection. I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.*

I absolutely adored this story. The characters were believable but whimsical, the magical descriptions were written well, and I had a wonderful time reading it. I also appreciated how an understated fairytale was chosen. I had never heard of "The Nixie of the Mill-pond" before diving into this story but plan on breaking out my copy of Brothers Grimm now that I've had a taste.

I can't wait to read the other stories in this anthology.
Profile Image for Ashley.
1 review2 followers
July 5, 2021
I’m so excited for the release of this Anthology! I’ve always submitted a request to the library I work at and plan on doing an in-depth review on our Staff Page once it’s released.

I feel very fortunate to have had the honor to read 2 of these short stories, both by N.DT. Casale in preparation for the epic unfolding of this book - “The Arctic Mermaid” and “Sea Ghost of the Isle”. Both of these stories were filled with magic and wonder! I absolutely loved how rich the plots were, and the slow-burn up to beautiful and promising romances.

Can’t wait to get my own physical copy of this book, and read even more stories by these amazing writers!
Profile Image for Meadoe Hora.
Author 14 books44 followers
July 14, 2021
In this collection of short stories, you'll meet all kinds of mythical sea creatures. It's a fun collection of fantasy short stories from around the world, perfect for fans of mythology or folklore. The best part is that the proceeds go to support our oceans. Thanks for the ARC copy.
Profile Image for Lauren.
310 reviews14 followers
June 27, 2021
Filled with myths, magic and memorable characters, this short story anthology is perfect for fantasy and folklore lovers, and those who are fascinated by the sea.

Navigate the beautifully illustrated pages to find a pied piper retelling, Arctic mermaids, pirates, fierce beasts of the sea, spirits that haunt bridges over rivers and a whole lot of other mystical beings. Each story ends with a way you can find out more about specific characters or worlds, and I added many of the authors' books to my TBR to read in the future!

Each voice is unique, producing a trove of stories inspired by cultures and legends from around the world. There's a bit of romance, a lot of adventure, and plenty of tricksy water spirits along the way.

All profits for this book go to Oceana and their mission to protect the world's oceans, too, so if you needed an excuse to pick this one up, now you have one!

Thank you to the authors for a free ARC in exchange for an honest review.
2 reviews
July 15, 2021
This marvelous tale of "The Wishing Well", held my interest from beginning to end. The dialogue and narrative smoothly take the reader forward, wanting to know what happens next. Elena Shelest weaves a story that we can easily visualize. I was left wanting to know more!
Profile Image for Lena Vorobets.
5 reviews
July 8, 2021
All the stories are unique and fun. If you enjoy clean fantasy and magical tales, this book is a great sampler. Also loved all the illustrations.
Profile Image for Bibliophilist 99.
236 reviews2 followers
July 7, 2021
Cute story about nixs and water sprites. I enjoyed this short story. 🥰 I would like to add that I only read the Naiads Curse which is 1 of 10 stories in this anthology. Fantastic!
Profile Image for Emily Pennington.
18.8k reviews320 followers
July 16, 2021
ENCHANTED WATERS, a charity anthology, is donating all profits to Oceana to support their mission to protect the world’s oceans and promote sustainable fishing. The stories provide a nice balance for your reading pleasure, so you will be certain to find enough variety to choose the order you wish to read them in. The characters are portrayed well, usually very likable and easy for the reader to care about as they engage in whatever adventures the authors dream up for them. You will notice that these authors do a great job pulling you in and keeping you reading to the end. And once you find a book you love -- and it won’t take long with the variety provided here -- check out the author’s other books and build your library of great reading experiences! You cannot lose with this wonderful deal, all while you are helping to protect the world’s oceans. Every little bit helps!

Titles in this collection include:

• MERRILY MERRILY - Jennifer Kropf
• THE BRIDGE - Ben Lang
• KISS THE FROG - Sky Sommers
• THE WISHING WELL - Elena Shelest

*** Reviewing “DAUGHTER OF THE SELKIE KING“ by Lyndsey Hall ***
Delta Irving’s friend Lorelei led her toward the Ondine Palace which is guarded and protected by a water creature, a monster of some kind. No one knew what it looked like, but it was fearsome.

Delta’s mother had told her scary stories that frightened her so much she never dipped a toe into the water. They came into a clearing and two other friends were already there, their feet dangling in the water! Lorelei told her it was a natural spring with healing powers. She had heard someone telling her mother about it. With her friends right there, Delta makes the decision to finally face her fears of the water and take a swim for the first time. They had been sitting there for some time but no creature showed up, so how scary could it be? Lorelei was already in the water up to her shoulders. Raff jumped in and went completely under the water, scaring Delta, but he popped back up, to her relief, at least until he shook his wet hair and water droplets sprayed her. She almost panicked, but nothing bad happened. Raff whispered that she could just put her toe in tonight, then a foot some other night. She was tired of being afraid. So she stripped and touched her toes to the water. And nothing happened! Why had she waited so long to ever try this?

Then suddenly water erupted out of the center of the pool as a boy with silvery translucent skin above the water, and dark under the surface where the water hid his selkie form. Then he turned to Delta to say he had never met anyone like her – a half-selkie! With her friends looking at her in horror, like she was a monster, she turned and ran through the trees away from everyone. She needed to hear the truth from her mother. And that truth could change her life as her mother tearfully told her that her father would come for her now to take her for himself! Can she protect against that fate? Is there anything that can be done to keep her safe? Grab your copy of this anthology and find out exactly what her mistake will cost her!

Profile Image for Amber K.
1,009 reviews33 followers
June 2, 2022
Enchanted Waters is a really great collection of magical stories! I found each story unique and enjoyed all of them. The audio narration was well done and enjoyable also!
Profile Image for Carmen.
50 reviews
June 29, 2022
Enchanted Waters is a delightful collection of short fantasy stories from award-winning and up-and-coming authors. All proceeds from the sale of this book benefit Oceana, in order to help protect the world’s oceans.

The tales all feature water, which is perfect for fantasy readers like myself who happen love the water! I thoroughly enjoyed listening to gorgeous narratives of underwater worlds, ghosts, and mythical sea creatures.

The audiobook is well done and I really appreciate the emotion that was put into its narration.

I highly recommend this book to all fantasy readers who love the waters and want to do their part to help protect our oceans. Exploring these wonderful stories is also a great opportunity to discover some amazing writers!

Thank-you very much to the authors for the opportunity to review the audiobook version of Enchanted Waters. My views and opinions are my own.
360 reviews14 followers
September 30, 2021
Enchanted Waters is a water themed fairytale & folklore anthology that I wholeheartedly enjoyed. The stories, I would say, are mostly YA but as an adult I definitely enjoyed most of them as well.
Several of the stories have an element of mystery, action, drama and the Kelpie of Loch Kinnhe actually freaked me out a little in an absolutely excellent manner.

My favourites were:
-Daughter of the Selkie King, by Lyndsey Hall
-The Kelpie of Loch Kinnhe, by Alice Ivinya
-Sea Ghost of the Isle, by N.D.T Casale
-Heartless Melody, by Alice Ivinya
-The Wishing Well, by Elena Shelest

Sexual content: none (some stories have some minor suggestive comments)
Coarse language: none
Violence and gore: mild-to moderate violence, mild gore

There was only one story I ended up not finishing, and although the writing styles are very different, and some of them show some room for improvement in pacing or character depth, it was fun to read relatively short stories by such diverse authors. If you're fond of fairytale retellings & folklore in the form of short stories, I can highly recommend having a go with Enchanted Waters. This was my first anthology, and it was a good introduction.
Profile Image for Andrea Stoeckel.
2,890 reviews116 followers
July 17, 2021
"Time was shifty in the Magic Kingdom, on account of fairy-tales being read and re-read, new ones made and old ones remade."

I especially loved "Kiss the Frog", Skye Sommer's take on "The Frog Prince" which gas always been a favorite of mine. Let's face it,a frog's got to work hard to try to get attention, and be listened to. And when circumstances bring The Boss into the realm of the one who cursed him, he kind of gets it. It's an amazing 5 star read .

I also enjoyed many others in the book like The Arctic Maiden, The Bridge, The Kelpie of Loch Linnhe and The Wishing Well.

This was an absolute blast to read, as it sparked memories of childhood as I tried to parse out Cinderella in the most lavish German edition that my mother owned from her German heritage. What it reaches me yet again is, like I quoted above, things change but they don't. Highly Recommended 5/5

[Disclaimer: I received this book from one of the authors and chose to voluntarily read and review it]
Profile Image for Jennifer Colvin.
169 reviews36 followers
July 16, 2021
First off, all profits go to Oceana to support their mission to protect the world’s oceans and promote sustainable fishing. Bonus ⭐️ 😉

What I liked most about this was that it is a collection of short stories by best selling authors and indie authors. It’s a great way to get an introduction to them, their writing styles and in the digital copy there are links to more works, or works related to the short stories, by each author.

You are first drawn in by a story of self-doubt & self-discovery. Then, continue to see many more water creatures, all different with each story. From kelpies, mermaids, sirens to pirates, lost princesses, and underwater kingdoms…You are bound to find something you’d enjoy.

What’s the worst that could happen? You have a beautiful book of tales and help contribute to restoring our oceans. ☺️
16 reviews
August 6, 2021
Enchanted Waters is a beautiful anthology of fantasy short stories by award-winning and up-and-coming authors. Water is the common element in all the stories but the reader will also find plenty of magic, otherworldly creatures with interesting characters, and plot twists galore.

Although I did not know many of the authors, there is something for everyone. As someone who loves reading short stories, I enjoyed all of them. They helped me relax as they transported me to different and exciting worlds. I also enjoyed the gorgeous illustrations – I just wish more adult books had illustrations!

This is a perfect summer read for adults and young adults. Also, all profits go to Oceana to support their mission to protect the world’s oceans and promote sustainable fishing. So kudos to the authors for that, too!
Profile Image for J.C. Lucas.
Author 6 books56 followers
July 16, 2021
This review is for The Wishing Well by Elena Shelest

The Wishing Well is a beautifully written short story full of magic and lore. I love the emotions of the young adults that is sprinkled throughout the story. They are real and raw and feelings that everyone experienced as a teenager. Fear, anger, young love.

The descriptions of each scene made me feel as if I were right there, as if I were Luyba, casting my wreath onto the river. And Danylo, oh my, he is a fantastic character. Despite his youth, he knows what he wants and what he must do to get it.

The artwork in this short story is phenomenal as well! Elene Shelest is such a talented author!
I wanted more and I can’t wait to read the second part!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 83 reviews

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