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The Fantastic Fluke #1

The Fantastic Fluke

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A lost fox. A gorgeous ghost. And an unlikely partnership to stop a murderer.

Since his mother's murder, Sage McKinley doesn’t live, he exists. His weak magic has made him an outcast, shadowing his life with self-doubt. All that changes when the spirit of a gunslinger appears in his bookstore with a message that will flip Sage’s world upside down. According to the mesmerizing apparition, a powerful magic lies within Sage... if he can find a way to tap into it.

But dastardly threats accompany this untapped power. Bodies are piling high as a killer hunts for the secrets of the mage that now course through Sage’s veins. Can Sage find the confidence to embrace all he’s capable of? Or will the next life snuffed out be his own?

288 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 6, 2020

About the author

Sam Burns

92 books857 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 414 reviews
Profile Image for Heather K (dentist in my spare time).
3,997 reviews6,250 followers
March 20, 2021
I enjoyed The Fantastic Fluke by Sam Burns, though I wasn't quite as enthusiastic about it as many of my friends.

I have a real love of magic and paranormal books, and my bar is set quite high due to my rabid consumption of series like "The Dresden Files" by Jim Butcher and the "Hidden Legacy" series by Ilona Andrews. I expect a lot from my paranormal romances, and though I thought The Fantastic Fluke was charming, and the fox was so fantastic, I also struggled a lot with plot holes and the romance.

For one, I really don't know what Gideon actually taught Sage except for how to lust after a non-corporeal being?? There were a lot of murky details about their training and how Sage came into his powers. I had a lot more questions than answers by the end, and I was left wondering if I missed something or if my questions will be answered in the next book.

Also, the romance was a bit... weird. It was underdeveloped, IMO, but as a series I would hope that relationship building would continue in the next book. Between that and the pacing, which was quite slow, I checked out a bit in the middle before getting into the story again at the end.

I enjoyed the overall vibe and the supporting characters a great deal, but I thought the story was a bit clumsy and needed more details to make it feel real. It was a good start, but I wasn't in love.

*Copy provided in exchange for an honest review*

Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,754 reviews379 followers
July 26, 2020
I'm in a sulk with Sam Burns because I'm not going to get book two in this series until next year! 😱

Which means, as you can probably guess, that this book was utterly brilliant.

It ticked every single box I have for what constitutes a first class urban fantasy/paranormal romance and then added a few more tricks besides.

First up, a novel way to use magic, not hugely different to others that have gone before, but enough that it intrigued me and I needed to know more.

It gave me Fluke, a perfectly perfect foxy familiar with a definite personality who gives Sage unconditional love and friendship.

Then there was Gideon, so swoony. A bonafide sharp shooter straight out of the 1800s, all brawn and muscle but plenty of brains.

Oh, and a ghost, who keeps being sent back to the material plain to train mages, only for them to keep getting murdered.

Which leads me to Sage. How I adored Sage. He's struggled with so much in his almost 30 years but he still pushes on. I wanted to wrap him in cotton wool from the off.

With a sort of Buffy the Vampire Slayer vibe, without any blood suckers, and a touch of Scooby Doo-esque mystery, this was an epically entertaining read.

While I had eyeballed a likely villain from fairly early on, I was still fooled with a twist which came out of left field and only added to my excitement.

The final chapter though, while wrapping up a lot of the mystery of this instalment, had me wishing there wasn't an ocean between me and said author and is why I'm now sulking 😁

It's not a cliffhanger so much as a formal notice that "you ain't read nothing yet!" and I cannot wait to find out more.

And, as a PS, how amazing is this cover by the incredibly talented Natasha Snow?! ❤

#ARC kindly received from the author in return for an honest and unbiased review.
Profile Image for Madison Warner Fairbanks.
2,810 reviews431 followers
September 28, 2022
The Fantastic Fluke by Sam Burns
Fantastic Fluke series #1. Paranormal M-M romance. Not a cliffhanger really as much as part of a series where not everything is known or revealed yet.
Sage runs a bookstore and one day rescues a fox that everyone tells him is his familiar. Sage isn’t so sure since his magic has always been a disappointment. Meanwhile A killer threatens Sage and his way of life while a gunslinger and a ghost add complications.

The fox was entertaining as well as Sage taking care of him. The ghost of Sage’s father, not so much. Who needs someone complaining about their so called failures? Time to banish that ghost. I do have to wonder how Sage’s magic will intensify and change in the next book.
Profile Image for Linda ~ they got the mustard out! ~.
1,754 reviews129 followers
March 30, 2021
DNF @ 72%

I tried to finish. I really did. But absolutely nothing was happening. Well, other than Sage trying to figure out how to bone a ghost, which was just weird. The fox was cute, but not enough to keep me invested. Add in inconsistencies with the timeline and not knowing when words should be capitalized, and this could use improvement. It's a great idea, and an interesting world of magic, but there was just too much setup and not enough payoff.
March 2, 2023
Well written urban fantasy with a smattering of mm romance.

Writing (or reading) the first book of an urban fantasy book isn’t easy, because usually that’s where you need „build“ the world in which the story takes place.

Keeping that in mind, this book is really good, not telling, but showing us the world as the book progresses.

It’s a world similar to ours, but with mages living among the „ordinary“ people. Sage is one of those mages, sadly not a very talented one, at least when it comes to his abilities in the commonly accepted types, like earth, or wind, or social magic. When his father dies, he inherits his bookshop. And his father’s ghost. His grandmother whom he never met before. And suddenly there’s a fox following him around, who seems to be his familiar. And a the ghost of a gorgeous cowboy who claims he’s been sent to teach him use the „divergence“, laylines of arcane magic.

And then there’s a killer making his rounds, killing mages and stealing their magic. And someone threatening to kill Sage, too.

It’s entertaining, and it’s a (very) slow burn romance, as Sage falls in lust with Gideon, the cowboy-ghost.

I loved Sage, and Gideon, and the world building, and I’m certainly looking forward to listening to the next book. Because that’s the reason I started it: I needed an audiobook to keep me company on my walks and during housework, and I thought I couldn’t go wrong with Joel Leslie as a narrator. Sadly, his voice didn’t fit the Sage I had created in my mind, and I forgot how… involved 😅… Joel gets during sex and fight scenes. Luckily, the next book is read by another narrator, and I’m looking forward to listening to it 😊

3.5 stars, rounded up because I’m feeling generous 😜
Profile Image for Barbara➰.
1,626 reviews429 followers
March 27, 2021
I have mixed feelings about this one. If you follow my reviews you will know I am a romance reader at heart. I hardly ever get into books where there's little to no romance. And this one had little (insert no here) romance. But I loved Sage and foxy. They were the reason I kept reading. Sage's history and the idea of the magic kept me interested. I actually enjoyed all of that. Even Sage's asshole dead father. No, I didn't like him, in fact, I hated him and how he treated Sage, but he added some interesting bits to the story. And cute little Fluke (foxy)! So sweet and mischievous! Loved him.

Now, a few things niggled at my mind. We are told Gideon trains Sage in how to access the convergence but we never see it. I wanted to see the instruction. We might get a sentence or two from Sage on what Gideon told him, but we're never shown it. I missed that. I have no real idea of how what he needed to do or how he went about doing it.

We are told they're drawn to each other and want to be together, and while we get Sage's thoughts on it all, (how hot Gideon is, how attracted Sage is to him etc.) we do not get Gideon's POV. I have no idea why he likes Sage much less wants to have sex with him. In reality, Gideon has very little on page time. and there's not a whole lot that indicates he wants to be anything other to Sage than his mentor.

But, having said all that, the writing kept me engaged and curious as to what would happen. I will definitely read book 2, and since there's a bit of a twist/revelation in this one, I hope that there will be more romance between the two. I need those sweet words and longing touches, the kisses, the sex, the breathlessness and the moans. I need romance.
Profile Image for Santy.
1,211 reviews71 followers
August 9, 2020
Where do I even begin? This book was as fantastic as the name suggests. It's going straight to my favourites for this year because there wasn't a thing I disliked about it.

The world building was fascinating. In this world Sam Burns created, we had many branches of magic; some familiar like elemental magic(water,air,fire,earth) and others not so much all unique in their own ways.

It also had great characters. Our MCs were Sage who was the kind of person who constantly doubted himself but in reality was an inherent badass and Gideon who even with his limitations was kind, loyal and patient(which one needs when dealing with Sage lol!). Honorable mentions go to Iris and Beez who were great supporting characters who added so much to the story.

My favourite character though was Sage's fox familiar. He was the star of the show for me and it was such a delight reading about his cute & mischievous antics especially in helping Sage believe more in himself. I just couldn't get enough of him.

The story proper was very well written as I've come to expect from this author, with the pacing matching the tone of the story perfectly. I will admit there were many many questions still left unanswered and many plot threads left hanging but with the way the book ended(not in a cliffhanger but with a buildup to the next book), I am more than certain that all will be handled in the next book(s).

I don't think I have to say that I'll be impatiently waiting for the next book if you've read this review to this point but, I WILL BE IMPATIENTLY WAITING FOR THE NEXT BOOK!!

Now let me go find a remedy for this book hangover I'm currently experiencing. ☹️☹️

**eARC Graciously Provided by Author in Exchange for An Honest, Unbiased Review **
Profile Image for Joyfully Jay.
8,293 reviews482 followers
June 21, 2021
Updated for audio review.
Read Jovan’s audio review in its entirety here.

A Joyfully Jay review.

4.75 stars

Oh, I enjoyed this book so much, I could barely put it down. The Fantastic Fluke was a story that I wanted to read from beginning to end, without pause. I found myself completely captivated and think Sam Burns has created something really fabulous with this book. This story is so layered and, as it develops, more and more is revealed about the magic, the killers, and what specifically is happening to Sage. I can’t even begin to summarize it all, nor do I want to, as so much of the fun here is slowly learning exactly what is going on and how it all connects. I seriously was captivated right from the start and couldn’t stop reading.

What I think really makes it work is that we are in Sage’s first person POV throughout the story and that is perfect. Sage is a fascinating POV character, full of self doubt and lacking a sense of self worth. I loved watching him come into his own as he finds his new abilities, but also comes to believe he is strong and worthy and deserves to reach for his own happiness.

Read Jay’s review in its entirety here.
Profile Image for Jacquie Stewart.
2,418 reviews73 followers
August 30, 2020
Foxy familiar

I love foxes so Sage having a fox familiar had me sold. Add to that an absorbing plot and great world building, and it's 5 stars for sure.
Profile Image for ~nikki the recovering book addict.
1,247 reviews2 followers
September 3, 2020
2.5 stars?

I don’t know... I didn’t like this very much. The characters kinda felt two-dimensional to me. As in, they were flat and there wasn’t much character progression. The thing about Sage’s insecurities really grated on my nerves. We get that he’s humble! But it’s mentioned so many times it went from humble to whiny and/or in denial. And that’s just...gah 🙈

I was hoping for another hit from this author but gah...I’m sorry I didn’t like it 😖 things just felt really predictable and flat 😔
Profile Image for gimmethosebooks.
704 reviews6 followers
August 11, 2020
This is so so so wonderful. I devoured it much like Fluke devours breads.

Gideon is a dream, and watching Sage begin to dream that Gideon could be his is such a lovely adventure.

Great world building. Stellar characters. Absolutely charming.

I am hopeful that the next book might give us Gideon’s POV. And I’m ready for that book right now.
Profile Image for Lilia Ford.
Author 15 books192 followers
September 15, 2020
3.5 I really needed something easy and light to take my mind off world events and this fit the bill perfectly. It's good-natured, with enough world-building, likeable characters and cute fox moments to keep you reading but nothing that exacerbates misery or stress. Now if I can find about 30 more books just like this to get me through the election....
Profile Image for Natalia.
773 reviews
July 11, 2023
Re-read July 2023
Re-read October 2021

4.5 stars
Profile Image for WhatAStrangeDuck.
478 reviews34 followers
March 21, 2021
Nice enough book but I didn't really feel it. I get that Sage has low self-esteem and has a right to feel sorry for himself but mostly I just wanted to smack him upside the head to stop his whining. Having said that, I would probably whine a lot too if I had such a cartoonishly terrible father who doesn't even stop haranguing me after he is dead, so there is that.

Well, anyhow, it's on KU, it's readable but it didn't wow me.
Profile Image for k reads.
892 reviews23 followers
August 18, 2020

2.5 stars
This started out really promising with an interesting mystery but lost its way in the telling.
Despite promising elements, the details were vague, and the pacing turned pokey for a good chunk of the book.

Fluke was super cute but… what does he do besides eat treats and growl at bad guys? I’m unclear about what familiars do in this world.
Also, Sage refusing to believe that Fluke is his familiar went on for frigging ever.

I thought the romance was rushed. With so many life altering events occuring to Sage, I found it hard to believe he would spend so much time thinking about boinking a ghost. Especially a ghost who is there to teach him the magic he never knew he had. I’d expect that would be the thing to focus on.
But, y’know, ghost romances are not my jam so YMMV.

The climax was anticlimatic and the story ended up being gloppy and unfocused. I wanted more forward motion and sharper action.

I’m meh about this particular book but it won't keep me from reading more by the author.
Profile Image for rebecca.
523 reviews15 followers
February 4, 2024
4.5/5 but I’m rounding it up because I can and I want to.

This was really, really good. I am a huge fan of fantasy and this book hit the spot. Mages, Ghosts and incredibly precious familiars — honestly, what more could I want?

As much as I loved the plot — which was good as hell and had me captivated the whole time — the characters really sealed the deal for me. The chemistry between Sage and Gideon worked really well and the friendships and found family (shoutout to Grandma Iris who’s one hell of a wingman) just made the whole experience that much better.

“My own grandmother was trying to get me laid by making an incorporeal man corporeal. Best wingman ever.”

I don’t know if I’m overselling this book because I can see why this might not be everyone’s cup of tea. But I really enjoyed it. So who cares?
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Angie.
949 reviews5 followers
August 6, 2020
3 stars!

I was lucky enough to get an ARC of this book but it goes live August 6!

This is the first book in a new paranormal/urban fantasy type series. I liked the world and the characters but at some points I was bored.

I found the romance to be a little weird but I liked that it was fairly unique. I liked that the drama was realistic and that the storyline had a whodunnit style mystery with a few curveballs. I think what really dropped it to a 3 star was just the pacing, it definitely needed a pick me up in some places.

The main storyline is going to be continued into book 2 (we get a soft cliffhanger for this in book 1) and I'm intrigued enough to read the next book. I imagine it will fill in some of the gaps and increase our knowledge of this world.
Profile Image for Kaity.
1,666 reviews20 followers
December 30, 2021

Still about the same rating but I know Joel Leslie isn’t the narrator for book two so who knows if it will be just as good.

4 stars

Great start to a series, I LOVED FLUKE and i want a pet fox haha

I have seen this book on my Kindle forever but just listened to the negative reviews that it wouldn't be good, but thank god i decided to try it out for myself and read it.

I will say having Joel Leslie narrate this made it that much better, i don't think it would have been as high of a rating if he wasn't the narrator.

Can't wait for the next book, i will be waiting for the narration, just because it was such a great experience with this book.
Profile Image for Dan.
1,452 reviews38 followers
June 11, 2021
I love me a magic system that's well thought through! This is one of those books that leave me tongue tied. I love it. I absolutely recommend it. I can't find the words in me to say how much I love it. The cute couple, the properly built world, the exciting events, the cute fox antics.... a definitive must read!
Profile Image for QuietlyKat.
616 reviews
November 5, 2022
Original review October 2020:

This is a hard one to rate. While I LOVED the characters, concept and world, the execution was somewhat of a disappointment. The storytelling felt weak in places and the plot and romance felt underdeveloped. If these weak elements had been fleshed out, I would definitely give The Fantastic Fluke 5 stars but the truth is, they were weak enough that 4 stars seems a stretch. And yet... I loved the characters and concept so much, I WANT to give it 5 stars anyway.

This is KU but even if I had bought it outright, I would have no regrets. I just wish that all of the elements would have delivered as fantastically as the strongest of them.

5+ stars for concept, characters and feels
3- stars for execution
Final rating.... I still don’t know! 4 stars seems too high but 3 seems too low.

If you’re in the mood for a cute and entertaining paranormal story with engaging characters and light, sweet feels, I cautiously recommend The Fantastic Fluke bearing in mind the previously mentioned notes.

Edited to add November 5, 2022:

🤔 I do remember why I felt the storytelling felt weak in places and the romance underdeveloped the first time I read The Fantastic Fluke, but upon rereading I’ve decided 4 stars isn’t really the stretch I thought it was the first time around.
5+ stars for concept, characters and feels
3.25 stars for execution
Final rating 4.125 stars
Profile Image for julia ☆ [owls reads].
1,886 reviews392 followers
September 15, 2020
The Fantastic Fluke was a pretty sweet and fun read! Sage's POV was so easy to get into and the world-building through his eyes was very well developed and explained. I do have to say that Foxy totally stole the show as the best and cutest familiar to ever exists. I love him.

The plot development did lack a bit. There was very little build up when it came to some of the twists at the end. The little foreshadowing that I think Burns tried to add to the story only made it incredibly obvious to me who the bad guys were. Some of the more action-y scenes were also a bit clunky and difficult to follow.

The relationship between Sage and Gideon was great, but the feelings part came out of nowhere? It wasn't really developed throughout the story.

And one minor complaint: the book sort of ends in a cliffhanger that makes it seem that there is going to be a next book? Except that this one is marked a standalone on Goodreads. And if I'm wrong in my assumption that this is a series, then I didn't like the ending at all lol
Profile Image for Joshua.
136 reviews3 followers
January 23, 2023

I thoroughly enjoyed the world Sam Burns has created in “The Fantastic Fluke.”

Yes, there were opportunities to flesh out a few details a little more. Yes, the ending was a little too neat and tidy.


There is the absolutely cutest fox familiar in the story. I fell in love with Fluke, and I can’t be held responsible for anything that happened after that.

Seriously though, the book had a good balance of light angst, dark undertones, new magic, humor, and awes. I finished reading with a big smile and anxious to dive right into the next book in the series.

I absolutely recommend the book to anyone who enjoys fantasy stories and magic. I will definitely be reading it again.

Note: I have one small warning for all my MM romance loving friends—“The Fantastic Fluke” is a fantasy story first and a romance second (or third). There is only one sex scene, and while it is explicit, it is still rather mild.
Profile Image for VVivacious.
1,029 reviews38 followers
September 10, 2020
This book was bloody brilliant. It made me feel things that I had forgotten I could feel while reading a book.

Gideon is a wet dream. He is just so perfect, it should be annoying, but it is anything but. He just melted my heart.

Sage was an amazing character. He instantly had my attention. Also, the fact that he is a book lover who owns a book store definitely helped. He is a total sweetheart though he pretends to be a grump.

There is a lot happening in this book and the plot never lets you down and it was so interesting that if it was possible to keep reading I would have read it in one go.

Gideon and Sage have so much chemistry that it was palpable and had my heart racing like I couldn't wait for these to get together because Gideon was literally so heartstopping.

Sage is dealing with his father's death and his ghost. Along with the presence of another ghost who is trying to tell him that he is something unique, surely he must be lying. But, when Sage witnesses a death in front of his eyes he seems to unintentionally tap into a well of power, shocking himself but now having to reconsider everything he knew to be true.

There are so many good characters in this book and there are a lot of interesting dynamics at play as well. Sage and his father are definitely a very interesting dynamic and their relationship though very antagonistic feels very genuine like I can relate to Sage wanting to move on from his father' death and colour his memories of him to something he can be comfortable with but instead his father is not ready to leave him alone.

Beez, Sage's best friend starts off as a very interesting character but over the course of the book she became too two-dimensional, and it was really unfortunate because she was the only character this happened to.

This book felt like it was going to wrap up the story but I feel near the end the author decided to leave the door open for a sequel and the writing near the end lets up on the pace that the book had been setting which was a little disorienting but now, that I'm sitting here writing this review, I realise there are a lot of things we have left to explore which could turn out to be very interesting in and of themselves, so now, I'm officially excited for whatever comes next.
Profile Image for Shelby.
3,064 reviews86 followers
December 5, 2021
Ok it's official, I'm in love. I want my own Fluke! Fluke just makes this book. He's adorable and feisty and fun. That's not to say that Sage and Gideon weren't lovely too. This was an interesting start to a new magic series. I had no real expectations going in, but I found this to be really charming. I felt for Sage. He's spent his whole life being berated and he's still stuck with it in his father's afterlife. He's always been told he has no real magic and no real options. But Gideon's sudden appearance in his life says otherwise. Of course that brings its' own dangers as now he's the target of more than one evil.

I wanted Sage to start finding some confidence and he does as the story goes. He deserves some joy in his life. I enjoyed how he figured out how to make a relationship with a ghost happen. Sure Gideon and Sage's feelings for each other are a little insta-lovey for me, but it's a minor shrug off for me since I was smiling through this whole book.

Can't wait to read the next book in the series. I need some more Fluke in my life.
Profile Image for PaperMoon.
1,679 reviews72 followers
March 12, 2021
A thoroughly engaging story-line with delightful MCs Sage and Gideon, situated in an interesting urban paranormal world featuring various streams of users and casters of magic. I especially like that the amount of bedroom action being significantly curtailed due to the limitations of being attracted to a non-corporeal entity. Fluke the fox steals every scene as Sage's familiar. I'm looking forward to the next title in the series - 3.5 stars rounded up to 4.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 414 reviews

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