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The War of Lost Hearts #1

Daughter of No Worlds

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A former slave fighting for justice. A reclusive warrior who no longer believes it exists. And a dark magic that will entangle their fates.

Ripped from a forgotten homeland as a child, Tisaanah learned how to survive with nothing but a sharp wit and a touch of magic. But the night she tries to buy her freedom, she barely escapes with her life.

Desperate to save the best friend she left behind, Tisaanah journeys to the Orders, the most powerful organizations of magic Wielders in the world. But to join their ranks, she must complete an apprenticeship with Maxantarius Farlione, a handsome and reclusive fire wielder who despises the Orders.

The Orders’ intentions are cryptic, and Tisaanah must prove herself under the threat of looming war. But even more dangerous are her growing feelings for Maxantarius. The bloody past he wants to forget may be the key to her future… or the downfall of them both.

But Tisaanah will stop at nothing to save those she abandoned. Even if it means gambling in the Orders’ deadly games. Even if it means sacrificing her heart.

Even if it means wielding death itself.

Fans of epic romantic fantasy like Sarah J. Maas and Raven Kennedy will devour this tale of dark magic, passionate romance, vengeance, and redemption.

520 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 7, 2020

About the author

I've been concerning teachers and parents with mercilessly grim tales since I was roughly nine years old. Since then, my stories have gotten (slightly) less depressing and (hopefully a lot?) more readable. Today, I write fantasy novels with a heaping dose of badass ladies and a big pinch of romance.

When I'm not writing, I'm working at my day job in cybersecurity marketing, watching too many movies, or drawing. I live with my fiance, one very well behaved rabbit, one very poorly behaved rabbit, and one perpetually skeptical cat in Rhode Island.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 12,823 reviews
Profile Image for Sara Carrolli.
59 reviews133k followers
March 21, 2023
4.5!!!!! The writing was beautiful & so easy to follow along, character development was amazing, & storyline was so entertaining!!!! Max?! He was so pure I love him sm.
Profile Image for jessica.
2,591 reviews45k followers
December 10, 2022
okay. wow. this is soooo much better than i thought it would be. definitely a case of “dont judge a book by its cover” because the cheesy budget 2000s YA-esque cover doesnt even hint at how exciting this story is.

the characters are interesting and have such compelling relationships/connections with each other, the plot is engaging and feels fast-paced even though the book itself is quite lengthy, and what surprised me the most was the writing! theres a certain depth to it that perfectly matches the tone of the story.

overall, a very wonderful surprise of a book. excited to see where the series goes.

4 stars
Profile Image for Lucie V..
1,136 reviews3,076 followers
July 13, 2024
✅ Gorgeous cover
✅ Strong, resilient, and badass main character
✅ Love interest
✅ Action
✅ Magic / Powers
✅ Hate-to-love (kind of) / Slow burn and sweet romance
✅ Funny moments
✅ Pace and plot
✅ Trainor-trainee trope
✅ 2 POVs
❗️❗️ Trigger warnings: slavery, torture and sex trade mentioned

My name is Tisaanah. I am a free woman and yet still a slave. I am fragments of many things but a whole of only myself. I am a daughter of no worlds, and all worlds.
And I am not done yet.

Why have I never heard about this book before last month? It was SO GOOD. You all need to read this series!!

I admit that I first decided to read this book because of the cover (ok, the summary was intriguing too, but it's mostly the cover that did it for me), but I honestly couldn’t put it down once I started it even though it is kinda long it is so compelling and addictive. The heroine is a kick-ass, strong, and resilient woman, she reminds me of Celaena in Throne of Glass, but she is less vain and has a more altruistic purpose (I’m not saying that Celaena was selfish, just that at first it was mostly about revenge and less about saving the world).

“I was too young to know the truth then. That victory meant another’s defeat, and sometimes our own defeat. That winning meant sacrifices, and sometimes ones that even our own people were not willing to make. That in war, someone always paid.”

Tisaanah is a slave that managed to earn the gold required to buy her freedom, but when the discussion with her master ends in blood and murder, she has to flee. She travels to Ara where she joins the Order, an organization of magic wielders. She wants to train to develop the magical power that she has had since she was a little girl, but only ever used for a performance purpose. She also wants to ask the order for help and resources so she can go back to Threll and free all the other slaves that she left behind.

The man tasked with her training is Max, an ex-soldier and a wielder with a dark past who wants nothing to do with the Order anymore. He is grumpy, antisocial, and sarcastic, and I love him. My poor heart bled for him when we learned more details about his dark past and I really hope that he can find love and peace in the future. He is kind and sweet under his gruffiness and I want more of him.

I wanted him in so many ways. As a friend, as a kindred soul, as a fierce teammate. As skin and lips and teeth. As a hitched breathless moan in the darkness or a lazy embrace in the sunrise. I wanted that. I wanted it all.

The development of the relationship between Tisaanah and him and the budding romance is not a surprise at all, but I still enjoyed reading about their interactions SO MUCH. How they slowly figured out that the other also had many mental and physical scars, and that maybe they could help each other to heal, or at least to feel less alone... It was perfectly done. ❤️

My Aran improved dramatically. Still, every so often, I would unleash a string of truly nonsensical words that butchered every conceivable rule of grammar. On one particularly exhausting day, I committed one such crime when asking Max where the Stratagram ink had gone. (“Has gone where… black water?”)
Max hadn’t so much as paused as he reached into a drawer and produced the ink. At Sammerin’s look of somewhat horrified amazement, he shrugged and said, “After a while, you become fluent in Tisaanah-speak.” And we looked at each other and exchanged a small, proud smile.

The fact that Tisaanah couldn’t speak Max’s language very well at first also created some funny and lighter moments that counterbalanced the more serious tone of their discussions.

I had spent the night cutting myself up into little pieces for consumption, forcing people to acknowledge me, thrusting my pain into their faces.

I really like Tisaanah, she is so determined, driven, and strong, she lets nothing get in her way, and even though she was a slave for many years and was mistreated and abused in many ways, she always finds a way to remain focused and to adapt to the situation she is in. She does not let anger blind her and make her lose sight of her goal.

“This is not a game, Zeryth,” I said. “I have twenty-seven scars on my back from the night I tried to buy my freedom and Esmaris rewarded me by trying to beat me to death. I was beaten, I was raped, I was almost killed. It is written into my body and soul, just as your guilt in it is written into yours, whether you want to see it or not. But you cannot ignore it. Neither can I. And neither can they, because I will not allow them to.”

“I have to say, Tisaanah, it was worth it to brave my first Order event in the better part of a decade just to see the looks on their faces when you were done with them.”
“I’m not done with them. I have barely begun.”

Tisaanah’s attitude towards Zeryth and the other members of the order who look down on her is awesome. I wanted to cackle like an old witch when I read how she put everyone back in their spot with a nice smile and a kind of sarcastic comment. How she managed to remain so calm and level-headed and to keep her anger at bay for so long is a mystery to me. She is so driven and strong and she knows how to play the game, she is also willing to sacrifice parts of herself, but not to compromise, which makes her a force of nature. I am in admiration of her. I think I might even be in love. She is an AMAZING main character.

I am really eager to know what will happen to the two main characters next, and I am also very curious to discover who is against them and who wants to use them, and for what purpose. It is made clear in the last part of the book that someone is using them, but I am not sure yet how many people are involved in this deception and what are the motives of the “bad guy”.

“Never look back. And never question stepping forward and saying, ‘I deserve to live.’”

0.5 Ashen Son ⭐⭐⭐

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Profile Image for Nae.
24 reviews410 followers
May 8, 2024
I was absolutely amazed by experiencing this book as an audiobook. The narration brought the story to life in a way that felt incredibly immersive, drawing me deeper into the world of the protagonist and her extraordinary journey.

From the moment I started listening (Daughter of No Worlds), I was entranced by the unique world-building and intricate characters that author has crafted. The story follows a remarkable protagonist, navigating a universe where love is a dangerous force and heartbreak is a weapon.

The depth of emotion in this book is truly remarkable. I felt a genuine connection to the protagonist as she grappled with her identity and the secrets of her past. The themes of love, loss, and resilience resonated deeply with me, making this more than just a fantastical adventure.

One of the standout elements of this book is the richly imagined universe filled with magical beings and political intrigue. Author descriptive prose brought each setting to life, immersing me in a world where nothing is as it seems and alliances are fragile.

As I followed the protagonist's journey, I found myself eagerly turning pages, desperate to uncover the mysteries that surrounded her and the fate of the worlds at stake. The plot twists kept me on my toes, and the ending left me hungry for more.
Profile Image for kaz.brekkers.future.wife.
404 reviews350 followers
March 11, 2022
This book broke me, ruined me. I am fucking dead. Dead Dead Dead Dead.
SO my ghost is now writing this by making chopsticks float in the air and having them press on the keyboard. So first I want to thank everyone who recommended this book to me. Fuck you, I hope you die a slow terrible death and choke on the vomit, which is the vomit of the vomit you just recently ate.
I also want to thank @Rachel Rowell for being the one to recommend this book first. If you are seeing this review, I want you to know that I have your address bitch, and I am coming to hunt you down for bringing me the pain and torture that is this book. That's right, you better piss your pants, bc I'm about to go all ghetto on your ass.

Now that I'm done threatening the people that have shattered my heart, this book was gold. The cover was gold, the blurb was gold, the writing was gold, the characters were gold. No, everything was fucking diamond.

I loved Tisaanah she was a bad bitch who probably would scam old people of their money just for fun. she doesn't do that in the book but this is 100% headcannon. Also, I loved that Broadbent actually had time to make a foreign mc who doesn't speak the other characters' language, I appreciated that so fucking much, because it warmed my heart how Tisaanah became accustomed to other cultures without forgetting her own.
She is headstrong, stubborn, but at the same time, she isn't an asshole for no complete reason. She's kind and compassionate. And when she accepted Reshaye, it was so hard seeing that thing hurt and possess her. She was so fucking passionate and powerful, you could see how she fought for her will. Seriously, Broadbent does not hesitate to traumatize these characters, and she's probably sipping some pink drink from Starbucks while casually writing their torture scenes. Like, I'd do the same thing to my characters because TRAUMA = SPICE. But seriously, Tisaanah is the most beautiful character I've ever seen.
And Max, oh how I love Max, he is a teddy bear. He gives me Matthias HElvar mixed with Aaron Warner vibes and I fucking love it. The things he has been through made him such a strong character. Also, from the minute I saw him making a garden, I'd knew he was my soulmate, unlike some basic gardening bitches *cough*Elain*cough*. Annnyway. I loved the way he warmed up to Tisaanah. They began to open up to each other, and honestly, they knew one another more than they knew themselves.
Also the way he sees her scars and's like in a brooding voice "i hope whoever did that you suffered long and hard, and i wish I could be the one to do that to them".
Anyway, the worldbuilding was also fucking gold. It was amazing stupendous (omg I spelled stupendous right without using autocorrect, maybe I'm not a bimbo)wonderful, out-of-this-world(pun intended, I should be a comedian), beautiful, gold, brownie-point earning........
*twelve hours later*
spectacular, mind-blowing, galaxy-like...anyway. Yes, the plot was amazing. Basically, Tisaanah kills her slaver (like the boss bitch that she is 😜) and escapes to join the Orders, which basically take these wizard people called wielders and makes them soldiers. and our golden retriever girl has to train with our brooding bear. But The Orders isn't as it seems.
Basically, they are murderers, and have murdered innocent people for "the greater good", so basically the fantasy version of the natzis, and they are harbinging this magic thing called Reshaye, and when Tisaanah takes her test to become a true wielder in the Order, she also passes the test to harbor Reshaye.
Now i fucking hated reshaye at first, but damn, Broadbent knows how to make you feel for characters. Reshaye isn't even a person, and I just wanted it to be happy, although it was mind-torturing Tisaanah left and right. Isolation can do a lot to a person, or a not-person-but-kind-of-person. And Reshaye was just afraid of being left alone., but at the same time, it was so hard seeing Tisaanah endure the torture from this creature-person. Max was her anchor to reality, and she stayed strong for him. It was so beautiful seeing them fight for each other on both sides.
And the writing. The fucking writing. Just beautiful. It was so painful and melodic, and music-but-really-ink-but-still-music to my ears. just so well written, you could feel what Max and Tisaanah felt.
Also, Moth is a cutie.

my heart is utterly ruined. I am numb. I no longer feel.
Review to come
currently reading
!!I'm 4/5's through and my heart is already crumbling. Either author's are heartless sadists or they get paid to make readers suffer!!
Profile Image for Ri ♡ .
410 reviews1,359 followers
August 5, 2023
— 4.5 Stars ★

“Men want power because it makes them feel good. Women want power because it lets us do things.

Carissa did it again! She again proved she can never write a bad book in her life. Because ascended fucking above this book was amazing. The story, the plotline, the twists and the characters. Everything was amazing. Though the first half of the book is slow because of all the world building and characters introduction but the second half had me in a chokehold. Because so many things were happening and all the pain that Max and Tisaanah went through was too much 💔😭

“It begins with two souls who find themselves suddenly, utterly alone.”

╰┈➤ Read this if you like

➛ Amazing world building
➛ Thrilling action sequences
➛ Power and Magic wielders
➛ Strong, resilient and powerful MCs
➛ A very slow burn and tender romance

This book is more about Tisaanah's journey and how she survived in Threll when she was a slave for Esmaris and how she tried to bought her freedom from him and how it led her to realise what her powers are. I hated how he treated her when she always treated Esmaris as her family even though he is the one of those people who were responsible for what happened to her homeland and her family. Later Ti arrived at Ara, a land where no one knew her, a language she never knew, just read in some Ara books. It was beautiful to see her language journey, her power wielding journey and everthing in Ara and how she thrived in Ara all on her own and also with Max's help. Romance is a very small part of this book but it still was mesmerisingly beautiful.

“Our bodies asked and answered, ceded to each other, moved with unhindered intuition. Together, we burned.”

“It’s easy to die for someone,” I said, “but it is so much more valuable to live. I do not give you permission to fail if I fail. Do you understand me?”
When he didn’t answer, I pressed, “Do you understand?”
“Yes,” he whispered.

I've always loved Carissa's intricate and exquisite writing and her storytelling is incredible. Its just flows that you can't help but read more and more. Also this one is action packed and I enjoyed all those thrilling fighting scenes and they were written so well and perfect intricate details that kept me on edge. The way Carissa described Ti's powers and those butterflies of hers, it was incredible and the last fighting scene of Max and Tisaanah had me crying but it was just 🔥

“I was too young to know the truth then. That victory meant another’s defeat, and sometimes our own defeat. That winning meant sacrifices, and sometimes ones that even our own people were not willing to make. That in war, someone always paid.”

“Every moment in life was a coin with one dark side and one light. They fell on the ground with one side facing up, but the other always lay beneath it, there, but hidden.”

✦ Tisaanah Vytezic ʻThe daughter of no and all worldsʼ
A fragmented girl who has no home and no family except a friend Serel in threll and she is determined to set all the slaves free from the cruelty of the world she lived in and where she gave all of herself to the men who never knew how incredible she is. She is intelligent and a badass with relentless determination who always fights for whats better no matter what. I loved her so much and her character development in this was amazingly written. I hope she kills all the people who gave her those battle scars and ahe deserves all the happiness in this world and Max ❤️‍🩹

“I never allowed myself to be seen as a threat. There was power in being underestimated.”

✦ Maxantarius Farlione
No matter how handsome and hot he was in the beginning I just couldn't like him then. Because when Nura took Ti to Max for his help he denied and was behaving like a cocky and a self centered asshole. It took me some time to love him but honestly he is the best and tge way he cared for Ti and helped her with everything was just beautiful 💘 Also he is the softest and sweetest grumpy MMC Carissa has ever written which made me love him more. He is grumpy, intelligent and strong and loves to being left alone. And the moment I learned about his dark past and what that monster Reshaye made him do that I was sobbing for him. He deserves so much better and I'll protect with everything 🥺

“If this wasn’t the end, then I was ready to write a better fucking conclusion this time. Whatever it took.”

➙ Tisaanah and Max's Relationship

At first they both disliked each other so much but the more they spent time together, the more they tried to know each other and they tried to understand their choices and their behaviour. I loved how their friendship developed from a trainer-trainee relationship to friends and then to lovers. They both always helped each other no matter what situation is and Max gave Ti a home. A home she never knew she needed. Everything about them is comfort ❤️‍🩹

“Still, I didn’t realize. Not when I agreed to let her into my house, or my mind, or my past. Not even when I realized that every time I was without her, I found myself collecting little stories and oddities to tell her about when I saw her again, like stones that I slipped into my pockets.”

“I have nothing else.” And there was no hesitation, no pause, as he stepped closer and said, “You have me.”

He tipped my chin with his finger, turning my face toward him, and said it again.
“Are you hurt, Tisaanah?”

They bantered and teased a lot each other but somehow it was all tender, sweet and comforting. There was palpable tension and forced proximity between them which just made all the slow burn in the end worth it! This is the slowest slow burn so be prepared to be burn with them in the end ❤️‍🔥

“I was no longer looking at a woman. I was looking at a fucking goddess. A goddess of death and vengeance and utter, indiscriminate destruction.”

“Honestly? I thought he was breathtakingly functional too. He was the most breathtakingly functional thing I had ever seen.”

And I loved how slowly their friendship developed into love. It was such a beautiful thing because they never forced their feelings on each other but were just going with the flow until they both realised they were in love. I love them so much 💘

“I figured you should have something both beautiful and functional, like you.”
He said it so quickly that it almost didn’t register.
I whipped my head around to look at him. “Max,” I breathed, touching my heart with exaggerated awe,
“you think I’m functional?” A dancing smile glinted in his eyes.
“I think,” he said, “that you are breathtakingly functional.”

✦ Nura
For me she is the most difficult character to understand and interpret. Like one minute she was cruel and cold and the other she had been so gentle with Ti. She had also helped Max a little before but I still don't like her work tactics and how she is working with Zeryth. Hope we get her redemption arc or something in the next books.

✦ Sammerin
I loved his character so much and how he is caring and helpful to Ti and Max 🥺💘 he is one of the best character in this and Carissa you better not do anything to him or I'll bring chaos 🥰

✦ Zeryth Aldris
He can die and rot in hell for all I care. Actually no I want Tisaanah to kill him rot his flesh the way he deserved for what he did to her and Max.

✦ Reshaye
What is it? A presence, a monter or something else? We got no answers but I have a feeling it is going to create much bigger problems in the future especially for Max considering its creepy obsession with him.

The ending. No that was a lot and I was so scared for Max and Tisaanah what they had to do 😭 they still have wars to fight and so much more and the upcoming plot is going to be very interesting. I really hope so because Carissa left it such a perfect cliffhanger ending 👀

“My name is Tisaanah. I am a free woman and yet still a slave. I am fragments of many things but a whole of only myself. I am a daughter of no worlds, and all worlds. And I am not done yet.”

To bestie Krys 💗 my best buddy, conspiracy and screaming partner 🫂 you are amazing and I loved reading this book with you sm and making all those murder plans 😌 I'm ready to kill them if you want to!! I'm so excited to continue this series with you and start our fangirling over Max again 🤭💘

Guess who is obsessed with Carissa's books? Me and bestie Krys 😌
Buddy reading this with gorgeous Krys
So excited for another chaotic BR with you babe💃

This better solve all my life problems!!!
Profile Image for benedicta.
422 reviews591 followers
August 19, 2023
3.75⭐️ “Men want power because it makes them feel good. Women want power because it lets us do things.”

I was yelled at for not reading this series yet🧍🏽‍♀️as a yellee, I want to say my yeller was right 😭
Profile Image for Zoe.
338 reviews2,057 followers
Want to read
April 24, 2022
everyone needs to read small fantasy authors because big ones like sjm may not always be as good
June 20, 2023
4.5 ⭐

Okay that was S T U N N I N G 😍😍😍 I expected to enjoy it but nobody told me it was this good??!! 🤭🤭 I'm obsessed!! 💗💗

“My name is Tisaanah. I am a free woman and yet still a slave. I am fragments of many things but a whole of only myself. I am a daughter of no worlds, and all worlds.

And I am not done yet.”

Daughter of No Worlds follows Tisaanah, who was sold into slavery at a very young age when her village was attacked. It's now many years later and Tisaanah has managed to buy her way out of slavery and has fled to the Orders- the most powerful organisation of magical Wielders in the world. Desperate to save the friends she left behind, Tisaanah will do anything to be accepted into the Orders- even dealing with Maxantarius Falcone, her assigned trainer who wants nothing to do with her or the Orders. But there's even more dangerous things at play than Tisaanah realised and as she begins to learn more about Max's bloody past, she must risk everything to accomplish her goals- even if it means wielding death itself.

“Men want power because it makes them feel good. Women want power because it lets us do things.”

This was my second book by Carissa Broadbent- I've previously read the Serpent & the Wings of Night, which I absolutely LOVED. It was the perfect fantasy romance and so I went into this one hoping to find the same (although a little nervous). BUT THIS EXCEEDED MY EXPECTATIONS BY A MILE 🤭🤭🤭

Starting with the characters!! ✨ OMG I LOVE THEM SM 🥺🥺🥺 For me, there's nothing better than when I absolutely fall in love with a cast of characters- and this book DELIVERED on that.

➡️ Tisaanah:

Tisaanah is literally the perfect example of the fierce female fantasy character- and I LOVE HER 😍😍 I think Carissa Broadbent did such an amazing job crafting her character- she literally had sm depth and her character development throughout this book was amazing. She has been through SO MUCH and reading about her past and how awfully people have treated her- it simultaneously made me SO sad and SO angry 😭😖 I can't imagine going through the things Tisaanah has gone through- but she still manages to keep going and keep fighting. And I love her for that ❤

She is also literally so cool- seeing her grow into her powers and fight back had me rooting for her sm 🤭💗 QUEEN 👑👑

➡️ Max:

Oh Max, my grumpy, tortured baby- I'M OBSESSED WITH HIM 🥺🥺🤭🤭 When we were first introduced to Max, he came up very annoying and self-centered- but his development throughout this book was SO GOOD 😍😍 I love him just as much as Tisaanah now!! He's so grumpy but cares so much about those he loves and is such a sweetie at heart. He also has a tragic backstory- ... and it had me SOBBING 😭😭😭 I don't cry that often in books but his backstory BROKE me. My poor baby 💔💔

But yeah, love him 🤭🤭❤❤

“I was too young to know the truth then. That victory meant another’s defeat, and sometimes our own defeat. That winning meant sacrifices, and sometimes ones that even our own people were not willing to make. That in war, someone always paid.”

Next, the writing!! 💕 Okay how is Carissa Broadbent's writing so good?! 🤭🤭 It's not super poetic or anything, but something about it works SO well in fantasy romance. I also felt such emotion reading her books (i swear, i was going through it reading this) and making me feel something is a sign that it's good. Also, I SWEAR she must put crack into her books bc why are they so addictive?! 🤭😩

I also really enjoyed the plot!! 🥰 The story told so many twists and turns and the balance between the character development, romance and action was *chef's kiss*. I couldn't stop reading this, i was so immersed in it!! 🤩🤩 Ngl there were a few slow points when Tisaanah was doing her training and stuff (which is the main reason it's a 4.5 not a 5), but otherwise it was amazing 💗💗

Lastly, the romance. For me to really love a fantasy romance like this, it obviously has to have a good couple- and the one in this book was S T U N N I N G 🤭🤭😩😩 I was literally eating their moments up!!! ❤❤ The chemistry was SO SO GOOD and they supported each other and helped each other through their trauma in such an amazing way. It was hot but also so so genuine 🥺🥺 It was also the PERFECT slowburn- for like half the book we were just getting crumbs and by the time they finally admitted their feelings i was so invested. But literally Max and Tisaanah were the PERFECT COUPLE Y'ALL. I LOVE THEM SM 😭😭💗💗

“I figured you should have something both beautiful and functional, like you."
He said it so quickly that it almost didn't register. I whipped my head around to look at him. "Max," I breathed, touching my heart with exaggerated awe, "you think I'm functional?"
A dancing smile glinted in his eyes. "I think," he said, "that you are breathtakingly functional.” ~ 🤭🤭

“I wanted him in so many ways. As a friend, as a kindred soul, as a fierce teammate. As skin and lips and teeth. As a hitched breathless moan in the darkness or a lazy embrace in the sunrise. I wanted that. I wanted it all.” ~ ❤❤

Overall, I'm still shocked how good this is??!! 😩😩 ABSOLUTELY pick this up if you want:

✔ Such great characters
✔ Addictive writing
✔ Super interesting plot
✔ STUNNING romance
✔ An amazing fantasy romance

Literally so obsessed with Carissa Broadbent books!! 🤭🤭❤❤

《 2023 Challenge: Book 77 of 110 》


THIS WAS SO GOOD SJDHFIEJDBFFN 🤭🤭😍😍 I literally love Max and Tisaanah SO MUCH 😭😭❤❤

Profile Image for Paige ♠.
303 reviews1,054 followers
July 24, 2021
Holy motherfucking shitballs this was soooo amazing! I can't believe I waited so long to read it (ty Lucie for the rec 🥰).


THIS BOOK WAS KIND OF LONG but I was completely captivated. I can't think of a single part that was boring to me. The magic was a little confusing and vague, but I understood it well enough overall

TISANNAH WAS SO DRIVEN and determined to reach her goals. I loved her thought process and how level-headed she was about all of her past horrible experiences. The way she reacted to things made her such an understated badass!

MAX WAS THE PERFECT grumpy and sarcastic love interest. Seriously, his backstory was amazing and made his hatred of everything sooo believable - my heart really bled for him 😢 I also loved how freely he cussed, it added to his grumpiness and made the book feel more adult

THE ROMANCE WAS LOVELY and paced so perfectly. They went from enemies to companions to lovers - absolutely no instalust or instalove! It was such a wonderfully slow burn too and I was on the edge of my seat by the time they finally got together. I loved reading about a grumpy hero becoming a big softie, and it even had a student/teacher dynamic too. I was also pleasantly surprised that this was not a closed-door romance (yay!)

THE LANGUAGE BARRIER Tisannah had was really entertaining to read and added a lot of funny moments. I have never read a book where the main character had a poor grasp of the language spoken but it was so well done in this book!

THERE WERE SOME HEAVY themes in this book which I thought added complexity to the story - war, mass slaughter, slavery, rape, etc. Due to these heavier themes, I would say this leans more towards new adult/adult than YA

Overall, I absolutely LOVED this book and cannot wait to read the sequel. There are so many other things I could list that I loved in this book so I'll just leave a brief list of honorable mentions: Reshaye, Moth, and the epic showdown at the end. If you have not read this yet and are looking for an awesome fantasy romance, then you should definitely pick it up!
Profile Image for ♥︎ Heather ⚔ .
736 reviews1,756 followers
April 22, 2024
Third time was a charm. RTC

3.5 Stars

‿︵‿︵‿୨ ୧‿︵‿︵‿
“Men want power because it makes them feel good. Women want power because it lets us do things.”

“I had spent the night cutting myself up into little pieces for consumption, forcing people to acknowledge me, thrusting my pain into their faces.”

“Did you know that when caterpillars make a cocoon, their bodies totally dissolve? They become nothing, before they become something else.”
Profile Image for ✰⋆☾ ⋆ Anna ⭑☽ ✧˖°..
50 reviews524 followers
August 30, 2024
✰⋆☾ ⋆ Daughter of No Worlds ⭑☽ ✧˖°. Carissa Broadbent ✰

🕮 LOVE the Cover
🕮 Romantasy
🕮 Magic / Powers
🕮 Slow burn
🕮 🌶/🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶

Seriously LOVED this book. The writing is easy to follow and the book just has you in a choke hold. You won't be able to put it away 😍❤

Profile Image for Jacob Proffitt.
3,198 reviews1,931 followers
July 8, 2021
I gave this a shot, largely on the very lovely cover (though the blurb didn't hurt, either). I made it nearly two-fifths through before putting it down and now I just don't feel like continuing. I was very ready to like Tisaanah and heaven knows that her situation invokes every sympathy I have, not to mention the inner paladin that cries out to right the wrongs done her.

And I like how determined she is. And how driven, not just for her own safety or goals, but to save those she left behind. I can totally get behind that and I love how she keeps on going to find a way around, through, or over obstacles that crop up. Only. Can we not have her all cringing/crying about killing her master? The man was beating her. To death. Killing him was a service to the world. And utterly justified. So that she's still unable to sleep without pangs of regret and remorse is idiocy. I don't find this sympathetic at all. The thing is, this stands out as being more than a little out of character because she has an explicit moral imperative to do what she has to do with no regrets. So this hangup is tiresome and it makes me wonder if the author is indulging a bit of high drama about how killing someone takes your innocence and forever marks you. Which it might! At least with some people and some personalities. But Tisaanah is not, in any way, innocent. And she has been making hard decisions all of her life. So dropping her into a months-long shame spiral just because she killed the man beating her to death seems beyond tacked on.

And don't get me started on Max. He has something of the same thing going on with the whole "I killed people and I have shame", only with a kicker that he was forced (mentally, magically) so he lives with that violation as well. Which, um, yeah, doesn't make you guilty either, so that unearned shame is stupid for him, too. But I digress. We pick up with Max in an isolated cabin with a pretty garden that he tends. And he's all mad at those who forced him to do bad things. So what does he do about it? Apparently, he pulls an eight-year sulk, shoving his fingers in his ears and mumbling "you can't make me be a responsible member of your bloody order, you monsters." So he's all about how corrupt they are. And willing to paint them as evil and stuff. But what is he doing about that? I mean, he's suffered this huge betrayal by someone close to him. And his reaction is to whinge and sulk. For eight years. He apparently has great power and the training to use it. But all he's doing is tending this stupid garden and snapping at people who visit. He could be out there fighting evil on his own. Or trying to change the Order from the inside. Or anything else at all that isn't sulking like a child about how bad the world is.

And the thing is, Broadbent is a decent writer, so even though it's taking forever to get to the next actiony bit, I was engaged with the characters anyway. Particularly seeing Tisaanah beat down Max's defenses and worm her way into his care. So I didn't even mind the hundreds of pages of nothing, really. Only then I set it down and had time to brood on how stupid it all is and how Max is a waste of space. And now I can't pick it up again.

So it's two stars because the writing is good and I want to give Broadbent her due with being able to draw readers into the vivid internal world of her characters. I just wish she'd done better with some of the fundamental aspects of her characters so they weren't so off-putting. For me, I mean.
Profile Image for Warda.
1,263 reviews22.1k followers
June 6, 2023
“You treasure freedom as much as I do. No one desires it more than someone who has never had it.”

I couldn’t decide whether to rate this 3 or 4 ⭐️. I was fluctuating between those two ratings as I was reading the story.

There were parts of it that really gripped me and parts that felt somewhat underdeveloped. But thinking about it and comparing it to a lot of fantasy romances that have been published these past few years, this had a really solid start for me. It had me engaged enough to want to continue on with the series because I can only see it getting better.

I really liked the writing. There’s something about it that felt poetic and not in a way that’s cheesy. I think it captures the fantasy world/setting really well and gets the personalities of the characters across.
The side characters were as interesting as the main ones as well, which is always a plus.

Tisaanah and Max? So good. They were resilient, traumatised, had depth to them that I can only see growing as I read the series and it has me excited! 😍
I’m really glad that we had a POV for both characters, though Max’s was introduced in the second half. I would’ve liked it more had we had his from the beginning.

I really liked the world. I think we got a good enough understanding of the politics and the magic system was fascinating. Though I’m hoping for more in the next two books.

I personally found the second half was stronger than the first half. There’s something that was introduced that made me want to keep reading.

I can’t say I found that the romance to have been developed in a way that felt…smooth? Or even the training sessions that were incorporated to make Tisaanah stronger. I think those areas did lack development, because it felt like we jumped from stage one to stage 4? Parts of the romance and the training felt like they had something missing and I didn’t vibe with the transition of it.

I still don’t understand the Order (the rebel organisation she’s a part of now) properly but again, I can see that being further explained and expanded upon in the other books.

Basically, the moral of the story - of this review - is that I want more and I’m really hoping it delivers. Because I can see this becoming one of my favourite fantasy series. And it would break my heart if that wasn’t the case.

I think I’m settling on 3.5 ⭐️ after all this. 😅
Profile Image for ✨ Helena ✨.
389 reviews1,091 followers
December 19, 2021
so good. SO GOOD. 😁

I didn’t know what to expect when I picked this up last night, but ahhh it was so worth it! This book was a hefty tome, clocking in at over 500 pages and I sped through it in what…three hours? What an addicting page turner! I got little sleep, but I have absolutely NO REGRETS! 🤣

I’ve seen many Throne of Glass comparisons floating around, but I’m not sure I agree with it. If anything, I’d say it’s a genderbent Spartacus retelling, plus some ✨ magic ✨ thrown in.

Tissanah is a former slave, who is quite noble and admirable because even when she attains her freedom, she fights to GO BACK and rescue everyone else left behind, even people who don’t necessarily appreciate her valiant efforts as much as they should.

Max is a retired soldier who reminded me SO MUCH of Akiva from Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor (and that’s high praise, coming from me, as he’s my ULTIMATE book boyfriend). I’ve definitely got a thing for those broody warrior boys haha! 💙 His training montage scenes with her were *chef’s kiss*! I do love trainer-trainee plots, and this book provided that in spades. (I also recommend Poison Study by Maria V Snyder if you love that plot line, too.)

Max was just so sweet in his affections for Tissanah that I actually found it refreshing, having read many enemies-to-lovers romances back-to-back lately. Her struggles to learn his language and assimilate into his culture also reminded me quite a bit of The Bird and the Sword by Amy Harmon, which was also a very sweet love story.

I just can’t help but point out how the author managed to interweave all of my favourite things into one book and I LOVE THAT.

Plus, their torturously slow burn romance did turn a bit 🌶 spicey 🌶 by the end and made all my agonising shouts at 3am to “JUST BLOODY KISS ALREADY” entirely worth it. Despite being a rather heavy read due to the slavery and war that drive the majority of the plot, I had a really great time reading this. There were a number of references to the gods and faeries as well, so I’m interested to see more development in regards to the world-building. And I’m very invested in these characters and where their story will go.

I can’t wait for the next one and highly recommend picking this up ASAP. It’s a hidden gem in the plethora of indie NA fantasy! 🙌🏻
Profile Image for krys ~♡~ (scarlett's version).
97 reviews12 followers
July 2, 2023
----3.5 'beautiful and functional'☆ ----

“Men want power because it makes them
feel good. Women want power because it lets us do things.."

🎧 Alexa, play Kingdom Fall by Claire Wyndham.

You all don't know how much it physically pains me to rate a book by the queen of authors Carissa herself anything less than four stars but oh well. Also I apologize in advance for how confusing this review is because I have.... feelings about this book 🥲🔫

First the things I didn't like about the book: I'm gonna be really honest here and say that more than the first half of this books was unnecessary and dragged out at some bits and I just felt bored in general while reading it. Like if we combine all the events that happen in the first half of this book the answer will be practically nothing.
For me all that happened in the whole first bit was Tisaanah trying to learn a new language and find her place in Ara and Max acting like a total hot dick and not helping her (don't get me wrong I love it when characters try to learn new languages and embrace cultures while still having a grip on their own but I felt like Tisaanah's journey was a little to exaggerated and long for no reason)

Aside from that I also felt very little attachment to the plot in general. But now  I feel like this was just a me thing but I just couldn't get myself to care about the plot. You know those books which you read and then after like a day or two completely forget about everything that happened and you literally go like "Oh wait, did l even read this?" Yeah, sadly this is one of those books for me 😔

Also before I continue I would like to say to whoever will be reading this book, please please please check out the tw's.
Here are the main ones: sl@very, tortur€, emotional and physical abu$e, discussions of r@pe and grief/loss of loved ones. !!UR METAL HEALTH ALWAYS COMES FIRST SO PLEASE BE AWARE OF WHAT UR GETTING INTO!!

Okay now, aside from the pacing of the book and plot, let's get to what I liked about this book *ahem* Max *ahem* the writing style. Carissa's writing is so concerning-ly addictive, i- I have no words. Her writing style is so exquisite and it just flows through so beautifully. Like even if ur not interested it'll be sure to keep you hooked. I've barely even read four books of hers and she is already easily one of my favorite authors now, no doubt. Theres just something about the way she writes, it's so intense yet so comforting at the same time and I love it 😩🤌🏻
And don't get me started on the way she makes us all suffer with her slowburns and tension 😭🔫

~Character Rants~

My name is Tisaanah. I am a free woman and yet still a
slave. I am fragments of many things but a whole of only
myself. I am a daughter of no worlds, and all worlds.
And I am not done yet.

Watching Tisaanah grow more into herself and learn to embrace her scars (literally) was probably one of the most satisfying things about this book. Her development throughout the book and the way she was fighting to get a grip to her reality even with specific someone controlling her mind and practically taking over her body was so messy and yet perfect and raw and sad  all at the same time!! Like I want to give her the biggest hug ever for all that she's been through and all that I know Carissa will put her through in the coming books 😭🫂🥺💕
The way she sacrificed everything just to save her friends and her town safe ejdnrkeududyeo queen/ badass behavior right there 😩👀🤭🤌🏻 AND HER RELATIONSHIP WITH SEREL?!? That was so so wholesome I wanna cry now 😭🥺

“I told you that together we would find a way to do
this, and I meant it. But I stand with you until the end. You,
Tisaanah. If you wanted to run, I swear we’d find a way out.
And if it all goes up in flames, I’ll burn right beside you and
it will still be the best thing."

This man needs to be protected at all costs. I feel like i don't when need to say anything more about Max, this quote does it all. But by the assended does this guy know how to get me on my knees. I was swooning, kicking my feet, giggling and screaming into my pillow like a lovesick 14 year old teenager whenever he would say anything 😭🤌🏻💕🥺✨😩 AND A SPECIFIC LITTLE BITCH CAN GO DIE AFTER WHAT TO DID TO MY PRECIOUS, RAY OF SUNSHINE, GARDEN BOI 😭😭🔪

{What a beautiful broken butterfly you are.}
*sighs* I literally want to cry rn. Reshaye- *starts punching a wall* even just talking about this "thing"- *eye twitch* is making me so fucking furious istg. Throughout this entire book and journey we got of this character the only thing I can say for sure is that Reshaye definitely definitely has a crush of Max, I can bet my entire inheritance it has a crush on Max. Like bro- I *starts vibrating with anger* it was actually acting like Max's ex in some scenes like why the fuck does it care if Max is with someone else??! AND THE WAY IT WOULD "TRY" TO KILL HIM. LIKE WE ALL KNOW UR NOT GONNA WHAT IS THE POINT??!? UR TOO OBSESSED WITH HIM TO KILL HIM LIKE THAT SO STOP ACTING SO GODDAMN STUPID JDODUDBRUSHEHDWO *explodes of anger*

*deep inhale* okay, getting back on track here *exhale* Aside from these characters there are also the side characters:
Nura, (words lack the conflicting feelings I have for her) Zeryth, (Ri, babes when are we executing our homicidal plans? I've got the knives ready) Serel, (his bond w Ti was so- 🥺) Sammerin (the perfect side bsf, uses humor as a coping mechanism) Moth (our God of Destruction 😌) I don't know how Cairssa can make me feel so much for characters I've barely even read about but I guess that's just the ✨mAgiC oF CaRisSa✨

~My favorite quotes/moments~

🗡 “Don’t let them ignore you, Tisaanah. You’re better than
they are. They should be terrified of you. Make them
scared. Be angry.”

🗡 (What a beautiful broken butterfly you are.}

🗡 {Our story is not complete, Daughter of All Worlds.}

🗡 And if she was going to create a
distraction, she was going to create the most distracting
distraction ever to distract.

🗡 I wanted him in so many ways. As a friend, as a kindred
soul, as a fierce teammate. As skin and lips and teeth. As a
hitched breathless moan in the darkness or a lazy embrace
in the sunrise. I wanted that. I wanted it all.

🗡 I was no longer looking at a woman.
I was looking at a fucking goddess.

🗡 “Show me that unrelenting brute force,
Tisaanah.” She didn’t move, didn’t speak. But a fiery glitter seeped into her eyes, and I let their flames strip me, burn me,
consume me, until there was nothing left but ash.

🗡 “I figured you should have something both beautiful and
functional, like you.”

To my bestie Ri, babes I had sososo much fun reading this with you! And even though this book wasn't 5/5 stars for me ur company definitely was 1929473937392091028/5. I love our over-dramatic reactions to practically anything that happens and also our fan-girling sessions over Max and the way we were actually plotting murder for *ahem* someone(s) *ahem* ilyy and can't wait to complete this series and br more amazing, chaotic books together 💕🥺🫂

I don't know how or when this went from a DEfiNitE fiVe sTaR ReAd to a whopping three stars but it did and here we are 🌝


Pre-read review:
I physically couldn't stay away from this any longer 😭 Dragging my bestie the beautiful Ri in here with meee!!
This is gonna be chaotic and messy but it'll be worth it hopefully 👀🤞🏻

I have such high expectations for this one!! It better not disappoint 😭🙏🏼
Profile Image for Lau ♡.
449 reviews467 followers
April 15, 2022
Daughter of No Words is a fantasy romance about a slave girl with a clear goal in her mind: earning her freedom to enter The Order and get the power to free everyone else. As someone who loves badass heroines, you can bet I was super excited for this. If only I had been able to enjoy her character, this may have worked.

I don’t mind a soft magic system, slow pace or weak writing style, but I am very picky when it comes to characters. I was really surprised when I realized you only needed one interaction to know if they were the bad or the good guys. Even Nura, who is described as the ever enigma was an open book. And don’t make me start with Zeryth; he couldn't been more obvious even trying.

The same applies for the heroine, Tisaanah. The only thing she wasn’t good at was dancing. She was always the best one, the most talented, no matter if she were against teens or the three most powerful Valtain, who had been training for all their lives while she had only been an apprentice for eight months. Not only that, she always got what she wanted. Yes, there was a price to pay, but her goal was always fulfilled in the end. I think I’m too used to reading fantasy when a character has a goal and ends up doing another thing, completely different from what they wanted. It made the plot too predictable for my taste.

The icing on the cake was how naïve she was sometimes. I hadn’t been through any of what she had, yet I had to keep reminding myself she was my age, not younger. Besides, there was a subtle I’m not like other girls vibe that got into my nerves.

“Women always come in here looking at the pretty bows or the little dainty daggers and those kinds of asinine things. But I thought… well. She seemed interesting.”

I highly doubt Nura will go there looking for pretty swords, but OK. This is the reason why I prefer multiple POVs on fantasy: if you can’t relate with one character, at least you have others to make up for it. By the time another POV was introduced, more than half of the book had passed and it was already too late.

As for the story, I loved the scenes up to 15%. While I’m not convinced that the heroine’s actions fitted her character, I couldn’t stop reading. The author made a great job making you care about Tisaanah by showing her life in short, powerful glimpses without slowing the pace. Then the time of training arrived, which is usually my favorite. Can you imagine my disappointment when they spent most of it making butterflies and flowers? I was so bored I wanted to scream.

But not everything was a let down: I liked the slow burn romance. I had forgotten the hero's name from my friend’s reviews, so at first I didn’t even know who was going to be. Books where you don’t instantly know who the hero is going to be are hard to find. Maybe I was the only one surprised, but I loved it.

Overall, I didn’t enjoy Daughter of No Worlds as my friends did. I struggled with the characters, the pacing and the lack of information about the politics behind their motivations. However, since I usually prefer adult high fantasy over new adult/YA fantasy romances, maybe I just wasn’t the right audience.
Profile Image for manas.
62 reviews101 followers
September 16, 2024
➳ 4 ☆ ↴

“men want power because it makes them feel good. women want power because it lets us do things.”

a lot of people compare this, and say it's the adult version of "throne of glass" and while i can agree, there are definitely notable differences. i do prefer TOG, but this was also such a good start to the series.

➺ tisaanah~ she is such an amazing character. i love how driven she is, and how much she stands on business. her learning a new language, being so smart & brave. this is what i want to see in a fantasy, and she absolutely delivered. some people did call her predictable and a copy cat of (insert popular FMC in fantasy), however, i never had an issue with that because a lot of material is reused and recycled. i love how she always called out those abusers too and never hid her scars/past.

➺ maxantarius~ i think i might be easily impressed because a grumpy asshole with dark hair? i am already sat, thank you. safe to say, he is actually a big green flag which did surprise me. i love all the training moments he and tis had together. he does get a small POV part, but that only comes after the 50% (?) mark. i would've liked to see more from him, but i am sure i will get that in book two and three. however, if there is one thing i will always love, that is a who did this to you (back scar) edition.

・❥・their romance was pretty light in this book, so i am not rating the book based on that. i feel like their chemistry is good enough to keep you engaged, but it is a slowww burn. while they do have scenes together, they are pretty mild on the romance. i am so interested to see where things pick up from here!

last thing i wanted to mention is i love her writing. this truly felt like a fantasy novel. not sure if that makes sense lol?
Profile Image for Céloise.
281 reviews146 followers
July 19, 2024
2.5☆ DNF 70% Didn't satisfy my TOG cravings.

I'm finally giving myself permission to let this one go. Around the 60% mark, the story takes a jarring turn toward psychological thriller territory, and I just can't hang. Unlike in TOG, I felt this story lacked a rich enough infrastructure (worldbuilding/characters/plot) to handle the literally crazy monumental level of evil we're suddenly confronted with. 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️

While I don't want to spoil anything, I think it's ok to say that the way the horrifying invasion of the bodysnatcher/mind-ravager thing was done is just too dark and consuming for this girl. When I take a few steps back and squint, I see some parallels to the central evil forces in TOG, and certain aspects of Tesaanah's circumstances are similar to Aelin's. However, the characters never enraptured me in a comparable way, and SJM's writing style is simply on another level in my opinion. After finding Max’s character rather tepid, I began to warm to him when the more personal horror story of his past finally came out. However, I found it hard to believe that he would be quite so blindsided about the potential of that history repeating itself. 🧐

I'm obviously in the minority here, but if you're not a lover of psychological thrillers with a touch of horror, brace yourself for some jumpscares on the horizon that become central to the story and the MC's journeys moving forward. 🤡🤡🤡

When a friend says the magic words, “Throne of Glass,” you look. When she adds that the heroine is cool and “kinda like Aelin,” you jump on that right QUICK. 🙌 🏃🏻‍♀️💨
Profile Image for alysh.
144 reviews164 followers
June 23, 2023
: ̗̀➛ 5 fucking stars ☆

“men want power because it makes them feel good. women want power because it lets us do things.”

don't get me wrong i LOVED tsatwon SO MUCH but THIS. this was so much better. i listened to a playlist while reading, it really made this book so much better if you are picking this book up next PLEASE listen to the playlist! <3

the character development in this was SO good. tisaanah went from a slave who was afraid of alot of things to a powerful & determined woman. i cannot wait to start book two. i adored max and tisaanah's relationship they love and trust each other and i love that.

i love serel and tisaanah's bond a lot, i want a friendship like theirs. i also liked the side characters which is kinda unusual for me, i usually don't care for them.

quotes! ⬇

"i was no longer looking at a woman. i was looking at a fucking goddess."

“i loved her for her strength, for her beautiful brute force, for seeing what no one else did. i loved her for everything the world constantly used against her. i loved her for continuing anyway.”

“my name is tisaanah. i am a free woman and yet still a slave. i am fragments of many things but a whole of only myself. i am a daughter of no worlds, and all worlds."

"and I am not done yet.”

Profile Image for denise.
300 reviews45 followers
September 5, 2024
YeeEt your ToDo list, your TBR list, your Currently Reading and your life span and go read this book. When you see this, don't walk to read it. RUN

New favorite author?New favorite author
The length? The depth? The characters? The hate to friends to romance? The spice? The freaking beautiful and intricate world-building with its magic system?

Das' all. PreAch🫶🏻
Profile Image for Kennedy Larson.
247 reviews3,582 followers
September 2, 2024
A solid start to a series!
I haven’t read an adult romantasy in a hot second, and it was such a refreshing read for me.

Love the characters and love that one main element (IYKYK) so much!

My main qualm was it felt like nothing happened for a portion of the book (I got a tiny bit bored), but I think the series is going to get better with every book!

Not to compare series, but as of right now I like Serpents by Carissa better!

Max killing his family came out of left field for me, and I was UNWELL. ABSOLUTELY UNWELL

Zeryth looks like Draco’s dad in my head lol

Venom but girl version
Profile Image for Melanie.
1,244 reviews101k followers
May 26, 2023
“Because if I allow myself to be angry, I will never stop.”

i'll be completely honest with you, i adored the cover of this book, and it kept catching my eye over and over, so i picked it up without knowing anything! i liked the story, but i didn't love the story, but i do believe the next book in this series will be even better. and i did really love and appreciate that one of the biggest themes of this book is getting your own agency back, no matter what, especially after years of someone forcing you through abuse to be codependent on them.

trigger + content warnings: blood, death, war, genocide, murder, invasion, slavery, kidnapping, abuse, torture, brief mention of animal death, mention of rape in past, self harm to get blood, mentions of suicide, vomit mentions, loss of a loved one in past, child death in past, grief, anxiety, possession / magical compulsion, gaslighting in past, a little bit of a medical/surgery setting, a lot of talk of scars + burns, snakes + insects

blog | instagram | youtube | kofi | spotify | amazon
Profile Image for Krysta ꕤ.
575 reviews278 followers
August 20, 2024
”I loved her for her strength, for her beautiful brute force, for seeing what no one else did. I loved her for everything the world constantly used against her. I loved her for continuing anyway.”

i’ll keep this review short cause i’ve made it pretty obvious through all my updates that i didn’t enjoy this book. it pains me to even give it this rating since serpent & the wings of night is one of my favorites and it’s honestly baffling me how this could be the same author. my biggest problem is how unbelievably boring this story was.. i did not care about anything that did happen (which was all after the 70% mark) and i didn’t connect to either of the characters or the romance. the audiobook narrators didn’t help the situation either.

- this is probably such a nitpick and definitely petty but i hated the mmc’s name: maxantarius .. like?? be so fr cause that’s hideous but ok 😒
August 15, 2023

i gotta stop disliking all these books or i’m gonna think i’m the problem 😩 but i just couldn’t take this anymore. i tried but god it was giving me absolutely nothing ! no romance, no tension, no plot, no anything…it was just straight up boring and bland

normally i don’t rate my dnfs especially when it’s early on in the book but i read over half of this shit and im pissed for wasting sm time

and why are men or the “love interests” (well in general) but especially in fantasy so goddam unlikable ??? maybe i haven’t read enough but i genuinely cant think of one i’ve liked let alone loved

worse ?? he had more chemistry with his ex than the fmc.
Profile Image for Emma Skapetis.
246 reviews331 followers
April 4, 2024
This is such a beautiful story about love, fighting for what you believe in and self acceptance. Tisannah and Max are such likeable characters and I'm looking forward to reading more of their books. Tisannah's journey from a slave to a powerful woman in control of her destiny was so inspiring to read about and everyone was right about Max being a golden retriever MMC. RTC (hopefully not months later). Daughter of no worlds follows Tisannah who earns enough money to buy her way out of slavery after being sold into it as a very young girl. She has a terrifying encounter with her master but this shows her that she is more powerful than she ever thought she was. With the help of her friend Tisannah escapes but she is forced to leave him behind. Tisannah obviously feels terrible for leaving behind her friend but she promises to come back to him in the future. Her only plan is to head to Ara, which is another country in this world and then become part of the orders which is a organisation of powerful magic wielders. She eventually arrives there and she meets Nura who takes her to Max so that he can train her as a apprentice before she does the test she needs to do to become part of the orders. Max does not want to do that all. He is a grumpy man who just wants to be in his cottage and garden following the traumatic experiences both during and after the war. However he and Tisannah begin to build a friendship and he eventually agrees to train her despite his hatred of the orders for unknown reasons. Eventually Tisannah takes part in the tests she needs to in order to become part of the orders and she passes them. This means that she can begin her goal of ending slavery in Threll, which is where she was a slave. However it becomes clear to both Tisannah and Max that the leaders of the orders Zeryth and Nura are using her for their own purposes. Tisannah learns what these purposes are and she agrees to something horrific so that she ultimately achieves her goal. But will she able to do this and stay true to herself and Max or will she lose herself and end up choosing power and revenge? I really enjoyed this book. I think it was a very good introduction to a series. The World building was easy to understand but it was also detailed and well done. The romance was definitely a slow burn but slow burns are my favourite type of romance especially in fantasy romances. I definitely want to read more of Carissa Broadbent's books now (in fact I'm currently reading book two in this series). I definitely recommend this book especially if want to read a fantasy romance with a amazing slow burn and amazing characters.
Profile Image for jess .
316 reviews746 followers
September 24, 2023
°•*⁀➷ My name is Tisaanah. I am a free woman and yet still a slave. I am fragments of many things but a whole of only myself. I am a daughter of no worlds, and all worlds. And I am not done yet.

3.75 stars

i love carissa broadbents writing. although serpant and wings of night has a place in my heart this book was really good and easy to fall into. i find myself struggling between a 3.5 or 4 so im giving it a 3.75 but disclaimer: just bc i lowered my rating doesn’t mean i didn’t enjoy it as much, i just had some issues with it and ultimately didn’t vibe as much with it as i would have wanted to

broadbent knows how to write strong ass fmcs!!! tisaanah was sold as a slave but she’s seen as substandard due to having patches of tan and pale skin and is considered not valuable as a slave even tho she is considered part valtain(magic wielder). nonetheless, after 12 years, she’s ready and saved up to buy her freedom but disaster strikes as it becomes her life or her master’s life. she ends up fleeing to a different land?island? (don’t ask me idk) she’s so selfless it was honestly admirable, she had endured so much yet was willing to return and face the land that once held her captive and save others from dealing with what she dealt with. also the way she was so powerful. i was in awe.

for her to join the order(their gov system) she had to go under the apprenticeship of maxantarius who used to be deeply connected with the government but after a life-altering event filled with betrayal he decided to leave that life behind but since he’s still under their order, he agrees to help her little does he know he would soon admire her and fight with and for her 🙈 i love max so much tho he was soo swoon-worthy

“But I stand with you until the end. You, Tisaanah. If you wanted to run, I swear we’d find a way out. And if it all goes up in flames, I’ll burn right beside you and it will still be the best thing I—”

it’s very rare for me to find myself liking both main characters but i loved them both!! i can’t wait to see how their story develops in the next books! they’re both so powerful and i love that they don’t necessarily need each other but they’re able to become stronger together.

now with the issues i did have…the world-building felt nonexistent. this series is called war of lost hearts but like why are there so many wars? who what when where why how?! although i did get some of my answers i felt like i was missing something the entire time. it also didn’t help there was no map 😒

i think personally i like the whole politics of fantasies but if you don’t care about that this book is really easy to go along with! it’s def entertaining i found myself not wanting to put it down at times 🤭

also, i hope we get more of nura because although i don’t trust her i like her for now….plus that slight cliffhanger 😒


“It’s easy to die for someone,” I said, “but it is so much more valuable to live.”

“Don’t let them ignore you, Tisaanah. You’re better than they are. They should be terrified of you. Make them scared. Be angry.”

“The way I look at it,” he said, very solemnly, so quietly that his words slipped into the air like steam, “you didn’t forget what you were. I think you remembered. And I hope no one ever again has the fucking audacity to tell you otherwise.”

The real gift was not the necklace. The gift was a home to come back to.

“Men want power because it makes them feel good. Women want power because it lets us do things.”

i feel like i haven’t read a fantasy book in AGES 😫
Profile Image for Rayne.
380 reviews117 followers
March 30, 2023
There was nothing wrong with this book it was just kind of meh for me.

Reread: 3.5 stars

After reading The Serpent and Wings of Night by the same author, I figured I would give this series another read to see if I would like it any more that the last time I read it.

I did like it more but not enough. I think it is more of a 3.5 star rating but not enough to round it up. I don’t know exactly what it was that made it so hard for me to connect to the story but I just couldn’t get into it. It felt pretty slow and usually I would rely on the romance to keep my interest during the slower parts but, that too was slow. By the time it finally picked up I just wasn’t invested enough to care as I should. There was nothing objectively that I didn’t like about this book. It has an interesting plot and I can see the appeal, it just didn’t work for me.
Profile Image for jenna ♡ (fullybooked).
200 reviews112 followers
April 24, 2023
“Perhaps we will make each other whole Tisaanah, daughter of no worlds.”

I thought I would try writing a coherent and fully developed review for once, rather than just spewing my emotions into a few lines 💭

This story touched on a lot of very difficult subjects, so if you like to check TWs beforehand, I would definitely recommend looking those up!

Firstly, let’s discuss the plot:

Tisaanah was taken from her homeland when she was just a child and forced into the slave trade where she learned to hone and craft her ability to disarm people men with her sweet and innocent facade, while internally brewing up a delicious revenge plot. [*cue maniacal feminist giggle*]

“Men want power because it makes them feel good. Women want power because it lets us do things.”

She tries buying her freedom one night and things get a *tad* complicated, so now she’s found herself in Ara training to wield her power enough to join a powerful magic organisation & ensure that she is able to go back and save those she left behind.

It is here that she meets…

*drum roll please*


It was a classic:
Oh noooo, I have some powers, but like, I need to learn how to make them stronger because I never had a chance before…who could I possibly get to teach me the ways of my ancestors other than this hunk of mysterious & sexy, broody man-meat, who would, in lieu of helping me, rather throw himself off a cliff????

I LOOOOOVE a good trainer-trainee trope, and this book definitely hit the nail on the head for me, so I highly recommend if you also enjoy an exploration of this type of relationship!

Next up, some notable characters:

Tisaanah on outside: gentle, soft, harmless
Tisaanah on inside: is planning your karmic retribution

Tisaanah is a fantastic FMC! ✨ She is strong, witty, incredibly resilient, and has more street smarts than I could ever hope to acquire.

She knows that her beauty goes beyond skin-deep and chooses to wield it as an extra power against those who are so shallow as to not deem her a threat. For those closest to her, the ones who truly love and see beyond her exterior; she values and protects with fierce loyalty. ❤️‍🔥🔪

Although considered Fragmented in her world, she never once allows this to hold her back; she works hard, constantly striving to be better, and handles challenges with grace (as well as some air of calculated arrogance, which I loved).

”My name is Tisaanah. I am a free woman and yet still a slave. I am fragments of many things but a whole of only myself. I am a daughter of no worlds, and all worlds.

And I am not done yet.“

Max on outside: moody, broody, cold, mean
Max on inside: protects his garden with a spell so his flowers don’t get cold, knows you love raspberries & will secretly buy them for you even though he hates them, is ticklish, thinks you’re beautiful AND functional (!!!!), is just an overall gosh darn ~soft king~

I instantly knew I was going to fold for Max…there’s just something about him that I can’t quite put my finger on…dark hair, blue eyes, high cheek bones, ripped bod…hmmm yeah not too sure what it could have been…

He is truly just a teddy bear that wants Tisaanah to get back at everyone for the things she had to go through because GOD DAMN IT HE LOVES HER AND HOW DARE ANYONE TREAT HER LIKE THAT?!

“Don’t let them ignore you Tisaanah. You’re better than they are. They should be terrified of you. Make them scared. Be angry.”

Max is so respectful & loving, & even though he would NEVER do it, there’s just something inside me that would 100% thank him & beg for more if he happened to run me over with a car [*cue feminism leaving my body*] 🫡

I loved seeing the way the relationship between these 2 characters developed and watching Max become more and more simped-up (because there’s nothing quite like watching the girl you like murder people to ignite some passion !), and I am super excited to see where this journey will take them next! 🤩

I thought this character (or…presence??) was such an intriguing layer to the plot and an interesting connection that Max and Tisaanah now share.

It has been honed as a super ruthless weapon and is almost hilariously psychotic at times, which I can also appreciate.

“I will open his throat & lick his blood from your fingers.”
(ok slay I guess?)

I am very eager to see how this particular part of the story continues in the sequel!

Honourable mention = SAMMARIN just for being the very smooth, cheeky (& sexy 👀) bestie

In conclusione:

I have 100% found a new series that I want to devour and would love to check out some of Broadbent’s other works as wellllll (namely: Crowns of Nyaxia)

Emotional investment rating: 8.5/10
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