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Nancy Drew is visiting Deer Mountain Lodge to help her father with a case involving jewel thieves and while there, comes across another mystery involving a haunted bridge! How Nancy solves both mysteries and competes in a golf tournament despite her injurred arm is exciting and fun reading. l

180 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 1937

About the author

Carolyn Keene

1,236 books3,562 followers
Carolyn Keene is a writer pen name that was used by many different people- both men and women- over the years. The company that was the creator of the Nancy Drew series, the Stratemeyer Syndicate, hired a variety of writers. For Nancy Drew, the writers used the pseudonym Carolyn Keene to assure anonymity of the creator.

Edna and Harriet Stratemeyer inherited the company from their father Edward Stratemeyer. Edna contributed 10 plot outlines before passing the reins to her sister Harriet. It was Mildred Benson (aka: Mildred A. Wirt), who breathed such a feisty spirit into Nancy's character. Mildred wrote 23 of the original 30 Nancy Drew Mystery Stories®, including the first three. It was her characterization that helped make Nancy an instant hit. The Stratemeyer Syndicate's devotion to the series over the years under the reins of Harriet Stratemeyer Adams helped to keep the series alive and on store shelves for each succeeding generation of girls and boys. In 1959, Harriet, along with several writers, began a 25-year project to revise the earlier Carolyn Keene novels. The Nancy Drew books were condensed, racial stereotypes were removed, and the language was updated. In a few cases, outdated plots were completely rewritten.

Other writers of Nancy Drew volumes include Harriet herself, she wrote most of the series after Mildred quit writing for the Syndicate and in 1959 began a revision of the first 34 texts. The role of the writer of "Carolyn Keene" passed temporarily to Walter Karig who wrote three novels during the Great Depression. Also contributing to Nancy Drew's prolific existence were Leslie McFarlane, James Duncan Lawrence, Nancy Axelrod, Priscilla Doll, Charles Strong, Alma Sasse, Wilhelmina Rankin, George Waller Jr., and Margaret Scherf.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 323 reviews
Profile Image for Sheri.
1,266 reviews129 followers
August 30, 2023
A mediocre mystery that could have been more exciting if the right elements had been played up. There were some criminal components that could have made for an intriguing read, but the mystery was overshadowed by the golf tournament. Some of the spookiness of the haunted bridge was solved early on thus removing any further unease, and the jewel thieves and possible forgers were always set aside so Nancy could advance in the golf tournament. Another annoyance was boastful Barty, at least Nancy handled him rather effectively considering his bothersome butting in.

I did appreciate George's slip-up and the lesson that just because the clues fit one suspect, that doesn't mean they can't also fit another. All the clues have to be considered and all the facts verified, otherwise you're just jumping to conclusions.

In the end, Nancy shows us she can puzzle out the mystery while dealing with distractions, annoyances, and painful injuries and make it all seem smooth and uncomplicated despite those nuisances along the way.
Profile Image for Jessaka.
959 reviews198 followers
October 21, 2019
A Ghostiing We Will Go

Nancy has a golf tournament to attend, and along with her is her she brings her girlfriends, her boyfriend Ned, and her father. How exiting, golf. Not! I remember loving this book when I was much younger, and while reading it I could see why. At least the golf tournament didn’t take over the entire book.

So, while playing golf someone points out a bridge to Nancy that leads into the woods and tells her that she should not cross the bridge due to ghosts. Ghosts? Yes. And this is what makes this a perfect Halloween story for the faint of heart, which is what I am. You won’t get me reading Hillhouse or is that Hellhouse?

In this story, you will find Nancy and her school chums crossing the bridge, seeing a scarecrow flapping its sheet arms in the wind, and then you will hear various scary noises, and then way back in the woods you will find an old cabin. It is also about a missing bracelet and a woman who had lived in a house in those very woods, but her house had burned down.

As Nancy Drew stories go, this was a fun read. I am now wishing to read the one about the ski Jump because a friend told me that it is a great read. But that book seems like a good one to read when you y have snow on the ground-a winter book. And if not snow, a Christmas tree in your house.
Profile Image for Alissa J. Zavalianos.
Author 6 books408 followers
November 15, 2022
This is one of my new favorite Nancy Drews! Not only is Nancy skilled at solving cases, but she’s an avid golfer haha. What can’t Nancy do? My husband loves golf, and I’ve learned a lot through him, so the tournament moments were a lot of fun!

As to the mystery, I really enjoyed it! I almost wish there was more said in regards to Martin Bartescue (his name reminds me of barbecue sauce 😂). He was witty, though lacked a ton of humility, but I felt like he was a good match for Nancy lol.

I also felt that we got a better glimpse at Ned’s jealousy/overprotectiveness toward Nancy in this book, but I didn’t mind it so much. I know there are some Ned-haters out there lol, but I feel like he lets Nancy do what she likes, but is always careful to be the voice of reason. Like, I know he’d rather dance with her at a dance, yet he takes her on high speed chases and dangerous adventures haha. He cares about her which is something I really appreciate.

All in all, a wonderful story!!
Profile Image for Kristen Freiburger.
461 reviews12 followers
January 14, 2016
Andrew bought me a 1937 edition for my Christmas present this year. Hands down my favorite present this holiday. I thoroughly enjoyed the thick paper/pages, "old time" typeface and dated verbiage. It was like seeing an old dear friend after many years apart. Brings back wonderful memories for me.
Profile Image for Moonkiszt.
2,537 reviews294 followers
March 10, 2020
Nancy's 15th dip into the wild world of mystery solving took her out on a trip with her father to a resort to help him with clients, and to GOLF. GOLFING is heavily featured in this adventure. The woodland and ancient cabin, are adjacent to the golf course, and as you can surely imagine, there is a golfing event and Nancy is one of the contenders for the prize.

In this one there is a romance, reunited lovers, screaming&wailing - unidentified, scary scarecrows, caged animals, a mostly comatose old fellow who wakes for a moment to ID one of the key characters, and there is a lost heavy casket of valuable jewels. Ned shows up, babysits the comatose cabin dweller, but really wants to go to the resort dance - Nancy assures him all will be well. She breaks her golfing hand, but forges on, despite storms and towards the end of the golf tournament she hears something in the woods, and she's off, heading over the bridge and then. . . . .it collapses, and she's headfirst in the white water. I'll stop there.

(You and she will be relieved that Ned was babysitting the old guy. . . . .Ned is very good at timely appearances at scenes of Sleuths in a Scrape. . . . .)

On to #16.
Profile Image for Kavita.
821 reviews428 followers
August 29, 2021
Nancy and her friends go off to a resort to play golf. Nancy has an almost professional handicap and is all set to win the local tournament. But there are a couple of mysteries to be also solved and a creep to be kept at bay. The creep was a totally weird addition to the book because it's pretty rare to see sexual harassment in these books. But it was mild, so ignore!

On one hand, there is the haunted bridge where people are scared to go. There is a ghost seen there at intervals, which has created fear. Nancy tries to investigate and gets caught up in an interesting mystery and love story. She is also involved in a mystery of missing jewellery by her father. Both come together nicely and of course, Nancy wins the tournament. Not a spoiler, that! 😏

This was an enjoyable read, especially after watching the horrible, horrible TV show in which Nancy is annoying, Bess is an aristocratic dunce, and George is simply nasty. Carson Drew is neglectful, and Ned is an ex-con. It's like a parallel universe, but in line with the "dark" stuff that TV seems to be throwing out constantly for no reason. Everything doesn't need to be all about nasty people and nasty situations!
Profile Image for Eemil Kontu.
129 reviews22 followers
April 29, 2021
Best part of the plot: Nancy fell straight in to a flower bed trying to dodge a slimy guy's flirt. She suffered from hand trauma for the rest of the book. She wasn't even able to dress up without help from her friends. She could play golf like a professional, nevertheless, even through enormous pain.
Profile Image for Kate ★.
205 reviews18 followers
March 8, 2015
Compared to the last Nancy Drew novel I've read, this one was so much better, probably due to the fact that this is a later piece.

Mystery-wise, it is the usual Nancy-Drew-is-so-lucky scheme to be at the right place, and in the right time, to have met people that would help her solve the case, even her finding that small brass chest that would help determining the suspects.

I did like the plot-twist where a character was highly suspicious but turned out to be uninvolved. And, can I just say I loved the old-school feel of the story? Using a telephone where at present we have cellphones. I wonder how much use the technology of today would be to Nancy's sleuthing.

Profile Image for Mara.
21 reviews55 followers
August 18, 2012
Nancy Drew is the first series I developed an addiction to. Through Nancy Drew, I realized that determination, intelligence, loyalty and most of all, curiosity can make great things. Nancy Drew changed my childhood in ways I cannot even describe or fathom. It has been life when I was a child. This book opened me to the world of books and from then on, I never want to leave it. The joy I feel whenever I pick a book and read, I owe it all to Nancy Drew.
Profile Image for Whitney.
710 reviews57 followers
February 16, 2018
Golf resort mystery for Nancy and her friends! Nancy always plays a perfect round of golf, except when she injures her hand.

Suspicious missing jewelry? Keep a lookout for someone wearing lots of it.

More golf.

An annoying man who always boasts and changes his handwriting.

Don't go over that bridge that leads to that mysterious abandoned mansion.

Golf tournament.

Congratulations, Nancy (as usual.)
Profile Image for John Yelverton.
4,311 reviews40 followers
September 23, 2011
Spooky of story of Nancy Drew trying to solve the mystery of a haunted bridge, and then gets involved with jewel thieves.
Profile Image for Bev.
3,122 reviews326 followers
June 8, 2024
This mystery review gives you two for the price of one. I decided to read both the original and revised texts since I now own both. In a few of the mysteries, the story line between the two versions are drastically different, however, in most (as in this one) the changes are less sweeping. The basic story remains the same. Carson Drew is assisting in an investigation into a gang of international jewel thieves. His official female counterpart, a Miss Ingle (almost my maiden name!), has fallen ill and he plans to ask Nancy to help him out. In the meantime, Nancy, Bess, and George have been enjoying a vacation at the Deer Mountain Hotel--with tennis and golf. Nancy's golf game is good enough to qualify her to take part in a prestigious amateur golf tournament.

While waiting for her father to need her on his case and practicing her golf, Nancy's golf caddy refuses to enter the woods at the edge of the golf course to search for Nancy's prize golf ball (signed by Jimmy Harlow--a real-life golfing figure!). When she presses him about it, he tells her that none of the caddies would do it for her--because the woods are haunted. There is a ghost that walks back and forth on the bridge leading to the neighboring property; a ghost that moans and shrieks and generally scares the pants off anyone who comes near. Nancy naturally isn't afraid of ghosts and decides the haunted bridge needs investigating.

Then Carson enlists her help in tracking down a woman suspected to have connections to the jewelry gang. The only clue: the woman is known to carry a jewel-encrusted compact with the picture of a little girl in it and authorities say she is supposed to be in the area of the summer resort where the Drews are staying. So, father and daughter check out the local hotels--eyes peeled for a compact. Nancy comes across a young woman with a suitable accessory...minus the picture. But she just knows the young woman is important. Winds up the woman's name is Margaret Judson and she just happens to own the property adjacent to the resort. Is it possible the haunted bridge ties in with the jewel robberies? Nancy thinks it likely when she discovers a brass jewelry box buried in the mud below the bridge. But is Margaret Judson really involved? What about the pushy man at the hotel who seems to change his signature every time he signs something? Is he just an annoying braggart who wants to get Nancy interested in him? Or does he have a deeper purpose? Well...we all know Nancy will figure it out with help of Bess and George...as well as Ned and his buddies (Buddy & Bill in original; Burt & Dave revised).

So...what are the differences in the two versions? Mainly descriptions. Lengthy descriptions of the grounds of the resort and the adjacent property and the background of Nancy's caddy are given a drastic cut. The order of certain events is rearranged to no apparent purpose (and with no real change to the story). A couple of the names are changed: Mortimer Bartescue becomes Martin; the caddy Sammy Sutter, Jr. becomes Chris. And in the original text, Bess and George have not yet been given steady dates in Burt and Dave. Ned just brings along two random fraternity brothers who are more than happy to help out in whatever cause Ned's girlfriend enlists them (in this case--sitting up with the injured gardener of the Judson estate among other chores which would be a spoiler to reveal). The cuts streamline the plot and make the action a bit tighter.

I remember this being a favorite when I was young. I liked the ghost aspect and the way Nancy handled "Barty the Barge-In" with his persistent attentions. It was also fun watching her win the golf championship under adverse conditions (she had suffered an injury to her hand). Reading it now, the reveal on the ghost comes a little too quickly and Mr. Drew's logic in how he and Nancy search for the jewel thief really doesn't hold up. But coincidence is a great thing in the world of Nancy Drew, so it works out.

First posted on my blog My Reader's Block.
Profile Image for Madeline.
84 reviews2 followers
March 11, 2022
With a recent job change, I now have a spring break in my schedule. In previous years, I always tried to read a novel during spring break. While this was not a lengthy novel, it felt good to read a book while on a break from work. I found this book in my childhood playroom and it made me feel nostalgic. I love how books can make you feel that way.
Profile Image for David Allen Hines.
362 reviews43 followers
December 26, 2019
I've been reading a bunch of Nancy Drew books, and this is the first one I've had mixed feelings about. Even the title doesn't really comport with the adventure. There is no "haunted" bridge-- early in the book the "ghost" is revealed to be nothing more than an old scarecrow and that detail has little import in the rest of the book. After crossing the dilapidated "haunted" bridge Nancy finds an old brass box full of jewels and that ties her into a jewel thievery case of her father's. Meanwhile Nancy is golfing in a tournament and is persistently annoyed by an obnoxious braggard. She also comes into contact with a young woman whose nearby home burned down and it turns out is tied into the stash of jewels and thievery ring. The actual jewel mystery is a good one, but I found the several chapters of golfing that have nothing to do with the story to be a worthless and annoying distraction. Parts of the story have not aged well also. Nancy loses a golf ball signed by an evidently once well known golfer who is unknown to me, and there are several references to the old-time "Social Register" that would puzzle any young readers today. This book is also a modernized version of a much older and longer story and in some places it seems like the editing and modernization missed some things. I actually am intrigued enough that I want to find a copy of the original book of The Haunted Bridge which I suspect will be a much better story than this edition. All in all two words describe this book-- unfocused and uneven-- and its the first Nancy book I have read that I wasn't completely satisfied with.
Profile Image for Sheila .
1,975 reviews
May 31, 2018
Amazingly, I don't think there was a kidnapping in this one! The ghost writers known as "Carolyn Keene" must have started getting creative by this one (book #15) as there were some characters and plot distractions and twists in this one that "suggested" the story was going to lead one way, then in the end it turned out to be something else. In fact, the whole Haunted Bridge (which is the name of the book) turned out to be a silly side story.
Profile Image for Megan Lengel.
125 reviews
August 18, 2009
Mr. Drew is on the trail of an international ring of jewel thieves and asks Nancy to assist him. The trail leads to a summer resort area. Before Nancy has a chance to start work on her father's case, a golf caddy tells her a frightning tale. In the dense woods nearby is an old wooden footbridge guarded by a ghost! Intrigued by the caddy's story, Nancy decides to invesigate.
Profile Image for Sara.
325 reviews3 followers
May 3, 2020
Escapism during covid

Nancy drew books are all delightfully convenient, it’s impressive how often Nancy seems to literally stumble on to some lost item that hasn’t been seen for years in just about every novel. But I have to admit, they have been great nostalgic candy for quarantining at home these days.
Profile Image for Kristina.
408 reviews5 followers
August 9, 2021
This is one that I remember from my childhood because of the golf tournament that Nancy plays in while sleuthing. I remember her hurting her hand and worried that she won't be able to play. The story itself revolves around a stolen compact and a lost brass chest. Like the book previously, there is also a long lost love element to the story.
45 reviews
February 26, 2019
The Haunted Bridge is about eighteen-year-old Nancy Drew. She is staying with her two friends named George Fayne and Bess Marvin at Deer Mountain Hotel. They are guests of Nancy's father, Carson Drew.

Mr. Drew had come there on a business trip. Before they arrived he told Nancy he might need her help with the case he was working on.

His case is about a gang of jewel thieves that sell the jewels that they steal.

Nancy was playing golf on the course next to the hotel when her ball flew into the forest nearby.
Her caddy Chris refused to get it. He said the place was haunted by a ghost. This got Nancy investigating.

She decided to go exploring with her friends. She wanted to sneak up on the ghost, but when she tried she figured out the ghost is just a very old scarecrow guarding a bridge.

Later in the book, they figure out who put up the scarecrow. The person who put up the scarecrow was connected to her father's mystery.

I enjoyed reading this book. It's a very quick read. I recommend it to anyone who likes a good mystery.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Author 26 books38 followers
February 21, 2015
Good, but not great book in the series.
Decent setting, some nice spooky scenes and some good ideas, but the bridge of the title gets less important to the story the longer it goes on and the mystery that takes over is overly dramatic, but not terribly interesting.

Nancy is well written, her sidekicks are fun and fairly helpful. Her boyfriend Ned is still the most put upon boyfriend in the history of literature. Don't know what kind of spell Nancy has him under, but it's sure effective.

While the golf club is a nice setting, Nancy's golf game tends to take over the story and reading about golf is every bit as boring as watching it on TV.

Profile Image for Josiah Jones.
306 reviews
April 27, 2018
I enjoyed this book. I Didn’t get bored, but excitement was extremely lacking. The haunted bridge doesn’t even have a ghost, it’s a scarecrow. The cover picture makes it look like the mystery revolves around the bridge, but it doesn’t. One of the first things Nancy finds out is the ghost is fake. The mystery itself was decent, but still I would recommend to anyone going through the original series.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Barbara.
127 reviews
June 20, 2011
"Gee Nancy, that's swell!" It was on my shelf so I decided to see if Nancy Drew still held the same allure as an adult as she did when I was a kid. She did! A fun and easy read, but what was interesting was the level of vocabulary compared to children's books today; the vocabulary was much more advanced and educated. Sad. Ned is still a dufus though.
Profile Image for Katherine Tobiya.
110 reviews2 followers
March 12, 2013
Not as exciting as her previous mysteries, but still enjoyable enough. Just too much golf talk/competition and not enough of the "mystery" aspect that I usually love about these books. Just for once though I'd like to see Nancy not be good at something because she is apparently good at everything and can get kind of irritating after a while lol.
Profile Image for Yrsa.
296 reviews4 followers
August 19, 2016
Jag och mor diskuterade någon gång huruvida Kitty går i skolan eller inte och jag kom inte på att jag hade läst någonting om det. Ned gör det, det nämns ganska regelbundet. I den här boken pratade George med sin mor över telefonen och då sa modern att George skulle vila upp sig så att hon skulle vara pigg till att skolan startar. Nu är ju bara frågan hur det är med Kitty...
Profile Image for Joanna.
558 reviews9 followers
June 28, 2018
Overall this mystery seemed a bit lackluster to me. The "ghost" was quickly unmasked as a simple scarecrow, Barty was a disappointing (and annoying) red herring, and the main mystery of the jewelry thieves was less than exciting. Honestly, there was more golf than mystery, and golf is not all that interesting.
Profile Image for Jessi.
5,300 reviews19 followers
August 14, 2009
Is there anything that Nancy can't do? Even after spraining her hand, she manages to bring down a ring of jewel thieves, reunite star-crossed lovers and even win a golf tournament. Can I be her when I grow up?
Profile Image for MasterGamgee.
1,454 reviews22 followers
September 23, 2018
Pretty good addition to the Nancy Drew series. Mystery was interesting though the spooky element was short-lived and explained at the beginning of the book. I found the golf play confusing but otherwise it was a fun story.
Profile Image for Kevin Findley.
Author 12 books12 followers
January 1, 2020
A solid entry in the series, but the two most interesting aspects (a possible forger and a mountain lion) were only peripheral to the mystery. The reader barely sees the villains and an interrupted romance only slows down the plot.

Find it. Read it.
Profile Image for Becca.
267 reviews92 followers
March 24, 2015
sometimes u just gotta read some nancy drew.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 323 reviews

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