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Destroy Me tells the events between Shatter Me and Unravel Me from Warner's point of view. Even though Juliette shot him in order to escape, Warner can't stop thinking about her--and he'll do anything to get her back. But when the Supreme Commander of The Reestablishment arrives, he has much different plans for Juliette. Plans Warner cannot allow.

Fracture Me is told from Adam's perspective and bridges the gap between Unravel Me and Ignite Me. As the Omega Point rebels prepare to fight the Sector 45 soldiers, Adam's more focused on the safety of Juliette, Kenji, and his brother. The Reestablishment will do anything to crush the resistance... including killing everyone Adam cares about.

Perfect for fans of Tahereh Mafi's New York Times bestselling Shatter Me trilogy, this also features an exclusive look into Juliette's journal and a preview of Ignite Me, the third installment of the series.

197 pages, Paperback

First published February 4, 2014

About the author

Tahereh Mafi

53 books57.8k followers
Tahereh Mafi is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Shatter Me series. She was born in a small city somewhere in Connecticut and currently resides in Santa Monica, California with her husband, fellow author Ransom Riggs. She can usually be found over-caffeinated and stuck in a book. Shatter Me is her first series, with television rights optioned by ABC Signature Studios; Furthermore, her first middle grade novel, is on shelves now, and Whichwood, its darker companion, will be on shelves November 14, 2017.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 4,576 reviews
Profile Image for Emma.
122 reviews54.3k followers
March 9, 2023
I'd like to vote Adam off the island
Profile Image for Cookie.
52 reviews56 followers
Want to read
October 5, 2013
Mafi said there will be "A ton of bonus content" DID YOU MEAN CHAPTER SIXTY TWO IN WARNER'S POV

Profile Image for Emily Hong.
285 reviews
May 28, 2015
This...isn't about Kenji. That disappoints me greatly. Otherwise I'm excited to have these two novellas in my grubby hands ;D

Mostly, I just want hot sexy Warner in my grubby hands. Forget Adam.

Adam who??

Profile Image for ✧✧tanja✧✧.
215 reviews135 followers
October 19, 2018
This really made me love Aaron and dislike Adam. Mostly the latter because now I truly understand how he was holding Juliette back. He basically thought of her as a wounded dog he needed to protect. It was always "Juliette's gonna cry" "Juliette will probably puke" and "Juliette is locked inside her own world today" and the love Aaron has for her is nowhere near Adam's heart or mind.

This is a must-read for the trilogy to be whole.
Profile Image for P .
691 reviews342 followers
March 24, 2017
“Because these words I write down are the only proof I have that I'm still alive”

Well ... This book was quite enjoyable for me. Since Warner is my main ship, I adored every minute I read his stories which surprised me no end about how deep his character is. That being said, Warner compared to Adam made me see the big differences even though I shipped Adam so hard in Shatter Me. Warner hasn't judged Juliette by her power or capability, being totally in love with a girl whose power is lethal. Adam is too good to be true, suffice to say, he could be with Juliette if there aren't those problems throwing in his face in Unravel Me.

Unite Me includes two stories of Adam and Warner. You won't see much about their lives in this one, alas they're just short stories completing the gaps between book one and two and book two and three.

Profile Image for Whitney Atkinson.
1,020 reviews13k followers
February 24, 2014






im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy wait what if this isn't actually a thing you know what i dont care it exists on goodreads i have hope im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy im so happy
Profile Image for Giselle.
1,080 reviews903 followers
March 31, 2016
Warner!!! I knew there was more to him. I just knew it!

Can't fault Adam for wanting to protect his brother but what about Juliette? He thinks so little of her. That's she's incapable of protecting herself. Not cool Adam
Profile Image for ♥ℂĦℝΪՖƬΪℕÅ.
230 reviews3,952 followers
August 8, 2019
I usually don't enjoy novellas all that much. They usually bore me, still, I read them anyway because they are quick to read. I am so happy I read this.

Destroy Me (Shatter Me #1.5) Warner's POV ★★★★★

“Watching her talk to someone else made me crazy. I was jealous. Ridiculous. I wanted her to know me; I wanted her to talk to me. And I felt it then: this strange, inexplicable sense that she might be the only person in the world I could really care about.”

If I thought I was intrigued by Warner in Shatter Me, I have fallen so completely for him now. Just like I thought, there is just so much more to him then what meets the eye. He is not all malice and heartlessness, it's what he was taught and molded into. But if given the chance, people might just surprise you. I loved that we got a chance to be inside Warner's head. It's always refreshing when we get insight into another character's mind and a look into their soul. I love complex characters so much and I love Warner even MORE!!! :D

Warner... *sighhh

“This girl is destroying me. A girl who has spent the last year in an insane asylum. A girl who would try to shoot me dead for kissing her. A girl who ran off with another man just to get away from me. Of course, this is the girl I would fall for. I close a hand over my mouth. I am losing my mind.”

Fracture Me (Shatter Me #2.5) Adam's POV ★★★

“All I can think is how horrible and beautiful it is, that our eyes blur the truth when we can't bear to see it.”

Ugh... I wonder how I ever like this guy? Seriously how?? Adam is so broody and is an annoyingly negative ass, who whines way to freaking much. He doesn't believe in anything, NOT in the people of Omega Point, NOT in their cause and he sure as HELL doesn't believe in Juliette! I can't stand how much he underestimates Juliette all the time, or the way he acts like she's a porcelain doll that can easily be broken, and the way he doubts the control of her powers and how deep down he's afraid of what her touch could do. I swear he acts as if he's better and could do a better job then everyone else and yet... he does nothing!! There are a few sad bits like the parts with Adam and his little brother James, and the loss of so many people and the loss of Omega Point. Things quickly go from bad to worse, and there were so much destruction and devastation in the wake of the battle against the Reestablishment. This really didn't do much for his character. My feelings for Adam aside, I am glad I read this because it was nice getting insight into what happened after Juliette was taken by Anderson's men but I wish it was in Kenji POV instead. I do NOT like him! Adam is all kinds of wrong for Juliette.

“Every day we feel further apart. And sometimes I think the harder I try to hold on, the more she tries to break away.”
Profile Image for sam.
408 reviews742 followers
April 17, 2020
I loved destroy me better than fracture me..I mean who wouldn't?

Destroy me: 4.5/5⭐
Fracture me: 3/5⭐

Overall rating: 3.75/5⭐
Profile Image for Warda.
1,263 reviews22.1k followers
March 17, 2018
Think I prefer and enjoy the perspectives of the other characters more than Juliette's...
Profile Image for Isa Cantos (Crónicas de una Merodeadora).
1,009 reviews42.3k followers
February 6, 2017
Unite Me es la recopilación de las historias cortas Destroy Me, contada desde el punto de vista de Aaron Warner, y Fracture Me, contada desde el punto de vista de Adam Kent. Y, además, incluye todo el diario de Juliette que hemos ido leyendo por pedacitos a lo largo de toda la trilogía.

Destroy Me: ★★★★★
Fracture Me: ★★★
Diario de Juliette: ★★★★

Aunque los apartes del diario de Juliette que aparecen al final ya han ido saliendo en Shatter Me y Unravel Me, verlos todos juntos como un pequeño libro es genial, pues vemos la lucha que tiene ella misma para tratar de no volverse loca, de convencerse de que es humana y que no merece estar abandonada en un asilo y que, algún día, alguien vendrá por ella. Este diario es una de las mejores cosas de toda la trilogía porque se siente absolutamente personal, como un flujo de conciencia, con tachones, palabras repetidas y momentos delirantes.
Profile Image for Monica.
Author 5 books304 followers
July 26, 2019
Tahereh tiene una capacidad impresionante para contarnos una historia, y mi personaje favorito de esta saga es y será Warner.
Por eso tener la oportunidad de leer una historia narrada por él es una oportunidad que no pude dejar ir, y me hice con este libro.
El otro chico me es indiferente, pero este villano con ese corazón y esas emociones, te llega.
Profile Image for Penny.
462 reviews59 followers
March 11, 2023
2nd Reread: February-March 2023


Destroy Me

Can I be objective when it comes to Warner?

Of course not!

I just love him so much, he's probably my favorite book boyfriend. And I still can't get over the fact that I fell for Adam at first!

About this novella, it was really good to (re)read about Warner's thoughts and his past and I absolutely loved the ending so I have to give it 4 ⭐.

Fracture Me

Having read all the books in the series (minus Believe Me) I can say that Adam is not my favorite character. I really liked him the first time I read Shatter Me but then I fell for Warner (can you really blame me?). What I'm trying to say is that I wasn't particularly interested in his pov but I liked how much he cared for James. Also, I'm really glad we got to see more of James in this book because in Unravel Me there weren't many scenes with him. 4 ⭐, mostly for James, not Adam 🤭

Overall rating 4 ⭐

Profile Image for Holly .
247 reviews23 followers
March 10, 2014
Thoughts on Destroy Me:
I understand Warner more now. I don't think he is a monster, but as I remember some of the things he said to Juliette in Unravel Me, I still don't like him.

Thoughts on Fracture Me:
I am so frustrated! Adam, what the heck?! Acting like Juliette's a burden, something to take care of because she can't take care of herself, instead of caring for her! Juliette's the weak link, Juliette's too trapped in her own head, Juliette can't protect herself...ugh!! I'm so peeved. This isn't the Adam I've grown to love! This sounds more like the Adam Warner imagines in his head, not the real one. I understand him doubting whether they should be together, with everything going on and Juliette breaking up with him but he's acting like he only loves her because she needs him, not because he needs and wants and loves her for who she is. I got the sense that he knows nothing about Juliette from this novella, which is not how I ever pictured him. Again, this is how Warner imagines Adam. Did Mafi do this on purpose? Make us turn away from Adam completely so everyone will be happy when if Warner and Juliette end up together?

On the upside, I love James more and his nickname for Adam. I love Kenji and how he sees strength in Juliette but I also like him just because he's the best. He might be one of my favorite supporting characters ever. I liked seeing what Juliette is like from an outside perspective when she closes herself off and lives in her mind, and how some things trigger her to come back to life. It was interesting to learn that she actually does repeat her words out loud like how she does in her head.

Thoughts on Juliette's Journal:
We already get the chance to see most of her journal entries between Shatter Me, Unravel Me, and Destroy Me, but I liked seeing them all in one binding and simply rereading them all again. It's a very peculiar thing to be in Juliette's mind when she's at the lowest points of her life.
Profile Image for han.
40 reviews29 followers
August 3, 2024
— destroy me — 3 ★ — ily warner.
— fracture me — 1 ★ — ihy adam.
Profile Image for Jackie.
333 reviews258 followers
January 7, 2018
January 7th 2018:

Juliette's diary is just too real sometimes.
And even when you're ready to let go. When you're ready to break free. When you're ready to be brand new. Loneliness is an old friend standing beside you in the mirror, looking you in the eye, challenging you to live your life without it. You can't find the words to fight yourself, to fight the words screaming that you're not good enough never enough never ever enough.
Loneliness is a bitter wretched companion. Sometimes it just won't let go.

January 7th 2017:
Destroy Me made me fall in love with Warner a little more (if that is even possible, with all the love I already have for him), Fracture Me made me like Adam a little less and Juliette's Journal was a great insight into Juliette's mind and everything that she's been feeling!
Profile Image for Caitlin.
339 reviews677 followers
October 22, 2017
2.5 stars

I mean this was okay but it didn’t really add anything to the series and I didn’t particularly care for it at all 🤷🏼‍♀️
Profile Image for lauren kammerdiener.
581 reviews235 followers
June 22, 2016
since this is an e-novella bind-up, this is a collective review. each novella is individually rated. overall rating is based on the average of the individual ratings.

Destroy Me
rating: four / five

Fracture Me
rating: four / five
darnit, Adam, you selfish little.
like I understand we were concerned about James. that is one hundred percent okay. but we literally don't even care about anyone but Juliette, James, and ourself. like the entire freaking base blew up but after we find James we don't even care. LIKE GOSHDARNIT ADAM CAN YOU NOT.
it's not like I hate Adam or anything psh what.
(the reason this got four stars is bc Tahereh's writing is actual poetry.)

Juliette's Journal
rating: five / five
does this even count as a thing well who even cares because it was BEAUTIFUL
it was heartbreaking and sad but beautiful because Tahereh is a freaking goddess and her books are the prose of angels, I will not sugarcoat bless.

I have so much emotion with this series I just want to go back and reread it now.

average rating comes out at 4.33, which rounds down to four stars
Profile Image for sally ✿.
434 reviews113 followers
August 30, 2017
Destroy Me: ★★★★ | Destroy Me destroyed me. I LOVE YOU WARNER.

Fracture Me: ★★ | Adam, you know I used to like you. Sure, your romance with Juliette was cringe, but I used to think you were nice. You were a bit rude in Unravel Me, but I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt. Now I am just not a fan.

Juliette's Journal: ★★ | mostly the same stuff we read in the regular novels with some extra stuff mixed in.
Profile Image for Vaishali • [V.L. Book Reviews] .
300 reviews198 followers
March 26, 2019
Rating: 4 stars

‘Unite Me’ by Tahereh Mafi is a novella bind up, split into ‘Fracture Me’ (From Adam’s point of view) and ‘Destroy Me’ (Told from Warner’s point of view). The titles themselves are indicative enough, stressing how Juliette’s departure would affect both of these men; Losing Juliette for Warner would destroy him, but losing Juliette for Adam would only fracture him.

This novella is very telling – it highlights just how much and how far each of these men will go to fight for Juliette’s love. Warner is ardent, unrelenting, unwavering and inexorable in his efforts to attain her. He will do despite the conditions. Adam is also ardent but only to an extent, and when a boundary presents itself, Juliette seems to become a secondary goal for him. His love seems provisional. Adam underestimates Juliette to such a degree, that when I read ‘Fracture Me’ , it was more than surprising to see what he actually thought of her. Whereas Warner overestimates Juliette, believing in her capabilities to the ninth degree.

Fracture Me

I was immensely bothered while reading Adam’s POV; it took me longer than a week to gain some kind of a reprieve from what I had just read. His take on Juliette was deprecatory; he has little to no belief in her, his thoughts rather insulting and critical, and such a contrast to what actually comes out of his mouth. I really didn’t want to dislike him, but after reading ‘Fracture Me’ it was undeniably foreseeable. The only facet worth of value is Adam’s relationship with James, and his friendship with Kenji.

I failed to find the symmetry and logic of his judgments when he was always the one to uplift Juliette, providing her with a base to realise her own strength. Adam’s affections seemed inadequate, and Juliette appeared to be a point of burden for him, only needing her because he desired the role as protector, and Juliette just happened to be the meek enabler. Adam is easily loved when we see him through Juliette’s eyes, but Adam from an objective outlook is vastly different. Adam’s psychology stems from his own personal ordeals, and I can’t help but wonder if Adam actually loved Juliette, or was his relationship with Juliette a product of his need to safeguard?

Adam has always assumed the parent role for James and in James’s life, having a huge responsibility as a provider since he was a child, and it seemed that he assumed that same role with Juliette herself. I can wholly understand that James is his priority (as he should be), but he utterly and disappointingly gave up on Juliette not just as a potential lover, but as a friend.

As impartial as I tried to be, I think the reason Adam affronted me to such as degree was because I’m invested in Juliette and her rehabilitation, and to poke around in Adam’s mind, examining his deplorable thoughts was more than dispiriting. Kenji fought much harder than Adam for his best friend. I wanted to believe that he was more than Warner’s opinion of him but that didn’t happen.

Destroy Me

Onto greener pastures!

‘Destroy Me’ is a fantastic addition to the series. Warner is exactly the laboured soul that Juliette thinks him to be. Her absence itself brings him physical and emotional pain; she simultaneously weakens and strengthens him. Reading this broke my heart, seeing Warner's relationship with his dad broke my heart, everything about him breaks my heart. Tortured people always tend to be the most interesting just because they are so much more than they appear to be. Warner endures and survives because he has to, because he knows no other way, and he hadn’t truly lived until he met Juliette - she changed everything for him.

His life is regimented, structured for organisation and compartmentalisation which opposes his chaotic thoughts and emotions – or rather that’s how he manages his highly feeling nature. He combats his pain and internal agony with uniformity and practiced control in his external environment. He very clearly struggles with mental health such as OCD, anxiety and PTSD, and just like Juliette he has coping mechanisms in place to challenge his issues. Warner’s character is illustrative – he can still fight and survive despite the weight of his mental incapacities, and coping with them is attainable.

Warner is alone in this world with the exception of Delalieu, (still don’t know how to pronounce his name) and Juliette is the one person who makes him feel less alone. His thought processes and mode of thinking is so divergent from Juliette’s own narrative. Though he is just as much at war with himself as Juliette is, he makes the best of what he was given. His thoughts are clear and concise, and I was glad to see the world through his eyes. The manner in which he thinks about Juliette is endearing and reassuring. How on Earth is it possible to not fall in love with him!

'Unite Me' was fully satiating, more so with the addition of Juliette’s beautifully written and poignant journal entries.

Favourite Quotes:
Profile Image for Fati¹⁷.
115 reviews25 followers
February 20, 2023
I know people say you don't HAVE to read the novellas, but I say you do. These are so absolutely neccessary to understand Aaron and Adam and I loved the two novellas so much. The journal was okay, sometimes too many metaphors.
Profile Image for Angela.
880 reviews1,506 followers
February 23, 2015
Was reminded why I love t mafi so much. And those journal entries.... Sweet Jesus They're sad

First I would like to say that I'm writing this review for the whole Shatter Me series, and second that I never EVER write reviews... That being said here's my review of the shatter me series.

Breathtaking, wonderful, stunning.... I could use any of those words to describe this series but they would all be understatement.

Mafi's writing is beyond refreshing and unique. It's something so hard to describe or even put into words, and I know that my review wont do it true justice.

I found myself drowning in her words and not wanting to come up for air. I wanted the waves of her writing to crash over me and pull me further and further out. I'm pretty sure I held my breath the whole time I was reading this series (which might I add I finished in less than two days).

Since finishing this series I have found myself comparing any book I have read or am reading to it. Never has a writer made me fall so in love with characters and made me feel like whatever happened to them was happening to me. Her characters will steal your heart and soul. Juliette will make you feel empowered and brave. Adam will make you remember what love feels like. Warner will show you everything you secretly want and OH BOY WILL YOU WANT IT, and Kenji will be the friend you've always wanted.

I could go on for days... weeks... no years about this book. I would go so into detail and fine tooth comb and break down every chapter if I could, but I wont because I would never want to tarnish, or give out any details to someone who hasn't had the chance to read this masterpiece, because that's what this series is. It's the Mona Lisa of ya novels. A slight mysterious smile that you can't turn away from. It makes you want to scream out loud and kiss Tahereh's forehead and thank her for writing something so on point. so on point.

I could seriously keep going, but I'll spare you the novel of a review I could write and leave you with this.....
You know how you meet someone with such passion for what they do and all you can think is "wow, this person was born to do this" well Tahereh Mafi was meant to be a writer, and I'm SO very thankful that she is! Thanks for the permanent goose bumps, tears, laughs, and never ending book hang over that you have rewarded me with.I am forever in your debt.

Read this review and other one our blog:
Profile Image for eden ⊹.
138 reviews103 followers
April 14, 2023
destroy me ! ☆
warner’s novella

the first of warner’s novellas give a more in-depth look into his life, his circumstances, and an overall backstory for his former actions in shatter me. destroy me was absolutely heart-breaking, aaron warner’s story is much sadder than i originally thought. although i had a pretty good idea of his story and what had occurred to ultimately shaped him into the young man he is, i never thought it would be so intense.

warner’s father is absolutely horrific, i could not even stand him in the first three books. his appearance in destroy me genuinely made me sick to my stomach. the way he acted and talked to his own son really showed how abusive and downright manipulative he is. there aren’t enough words i could to describe the pure hatred, disdain, and scorn i feel for paris anderson. that man deserves nothing but the pain he’s forced upon others tenfold. he absolutely disgusts me.

this novella, in particular, also highlighted how important juliette is to warner. it gives an important perspective on exactly why she was so important to him. i personally feel warner saw himself in the struggles of juliette— he resonated with her more than he had ever resonated with someone in his entire life, that was something foreign to him. it was almost as if a piece of his humanity was given back to him. i really think warner saw his struggles in juliette’s which is why he was so captivated by her. aaron learned every little thing about juliette and understood the pain and pure agony she was feeling, ultimately because he had felt just the same. i honestly believe warner fell in love with juliette because of how well he understood her pain (as well as the way she’d overcome all of it, instead of taking it out on the world, juliette wanted to change for the better.)

although i do not feel like warner’s pain is overlooked as much as juliette’s is, i do really, really appreciate the added perspective on his pain. it really make the reader understand why warner is the character he is and it truly drives home the idea that the way you raise a child will affect them for the rest of their lives.

warner's portion of this book gets five stars from me-- the writing, the execution, the description of the struggles he's facing. it's devastating in such a way that you know in the depths of your soul the writing is good. however, the overall rating has to also include adam's novella so... you know how that is.

fracture me ! ☆
adam’s novella

adam’s novella honestly felt like a waste of time. although i do understand his character was a big part of the first three books, his point of view of the omega point situation was simply annoying. kenji, ian, juliette, and james honestly carried the whole entire novella, and guess what? it wasn’t even their points of view. i would pay big bucks to have adam’s novella replaced with james’, i need his point of view more than i need adam’s ceaseless whining

i will admit, i really do admire adam for how much he genuinely cares for james. his best quality is how much love and affection he has for that boy. it is one of the only good things about his character, he feels an immense attachment to james and he would and will do anything for him. their relationship is honestly one of my favourites, it’s heart-warming in a way i absolutely love and adore.

that being said, i was still relatively annoyed with adam throughout reading this novella. he constantly thinks he knows what’s best (when ultimately, he really does not, and it causes a lot of problems.) he is consistently and deliberately underestimating juliette and kenji when they are clearly able to hold their own. i understand he cares about their well-being and their overall safety, but it gets to a point where he genuinely doesn't think they are strong enough, and at that point, it’s just belittling.

i completely understand his need to worry and stress about making plans but when he makes it all about himself or himself and james, that is where i draw the line. i know adam is not exactly a purely selfish character by nature, but some of the things he says does and thinks are overwhelmingly so.

juliette’s journal ! ☆

if the first two novellas didn’t break me, these journal entries did. you could feel the pain radiating through the words and sentences on juliette’s journal pages. it was absolutely awful. she had been abused, abandoned, and left alone to ultimately die. juliette was unwanted and she felt lonely as she silently went insane, it honestly makes it even more riveting to see the change in juliette throughout the series.

these writings were ones of desperation and profound loneliness. juliette was a broken, beaten down, and incomplete soul when she wrote those things— it was absolutely shattering. warner’s reactions were completely in-line when he read those entries. she was at the lowest point in her life, in all of her seventeen years it seemed like all she felt was misery.

juliette’s journal was an outlet for her when she was in the insane asylum— it was a collection of her deepest, darkest thoughts. seeing them and reading them really shone a light on how absolutely broken she was. and if anything, these entries really display how beautiful juliette’s transformation throughout the series is. she was able to pick the pieces back up and make herself a stronger, more resilient, and braver woman. it is absolutely and positively compelling, although she may just be words on paper— i’m so proud of juliette ferrars and her personal growth.
Profile Image for Etteniaj Gata.
9 reviews4 followers
February 13, 2014
Profile Image for pauline.
259 reviews27 followers
December 22, 2021
reread: 4 stars!

Profile Image for kendall ♡ ⋆。˚.
93 reviews102 followers
March 28, 2024
Destroy Me
╰┈➤Book 1.5 read after Shatter Me
╰┈➤Warner's Novella
╰┈➤My rating: 4 🌟

~three songs that vibe with this novella~

☆ Take Me To Church by Hozier
☆ Heaven by Julia Michaels
☆ Dark Paradise by Lana Del Rey

In Shatter Me we're introduced to Warner through Juliette's eyes. And since books all are about perspective and who's telling the story, we naturally go and think that Warner's bad. But that's only because you don't see his side of the story. I honestly think that this novella should be a must-read in the series because it provides so much clarity into Warner's mind. I think the people who don't like Warner must have not read this novella, because lord almighty, it changes a lot.

Some of my favorite quotes:

If it were nothing but sexual attraction I'm sure I would not suffer such unbearable humiliation. But I wanted so much more than her body.

I thought she might enjoy having something nice after being caged as an animal for so long. I can't quite explain it, but it gives me a strange sense of pride to see her wearing something I picked out myself.

And suddenly this small, battered notebook means more to me than anything I've ever owned.

Fracture Me review coming out as soon as I read it 🥲
Profile Image for Sophie Elaina.
414 reviews379 followers
March 20, 2020
Destroy Me: 2.5/2.5

Destroy Me is and excellent addition to the Shatter Me series and I enjoyed the fact it delved in to Warner’s situation between Shatter Me and Unravel Me. It was great to see behind the scenes and see what his life is really like and Tahereh Mafi did a great job adding slightly more depth to Warner’s character development with this little novella. If you love Warner, you’ll get a lot of insight into his character especially if you have not yet read Ignite Me.

Fracture Me: 1/2.5

Fracture Me is from Adam's perspective and starts off close to the end of Unravel Me. It was great to finally read from Adam's perspective and get a better insight into him as a character. However he is a character I have disliked very much from the get go so I didn't particularly enjoy this. I found this novella to be pretty boring and wasn’t a necessary addition to the series.

Overall Rating: 3.5 Stars
April 3, 2024
i loved reading from adam and warner’s perspectives as opposed to juliette’s. warners novella made me like him a lot more than i originally did. i understood the reasonings behind some of his actions. adam and james’s relationship is the most precious thing ever.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 4,576 reviews

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