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Monster Haven #4

Golem in My Glovebox

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A Monster Haven Story, book four

In her role as Aegis, Zoey Donovan has rescued and cared for hundreds of monsters and mythical creatures. Now humans are the ones in need of her help. Someone with a personal vendetta against the Board of Hidden Affairs has kidnapped all the other Aegises in the country--including Zoey's mother.

With the Hidden government in shambles and a string of deadly clues to follow, Zoey and her reaper boyfriend set out on a cross-country chase to stop the kidnapper from killing the captured Aegises. Along the way, they pick up a miniature golem who's on a quest to find his humanity...and may be the key to solving the grisly clues.

If Zoey succeeds in defeating this new evil, she'll finally be reunited with the mother she lost over twenty years ago. But if she fails, she'll become the final victim.

Don't Miss Monster in My Closet, Pooka in My Pantry, and Fairies in My Fireplace, available now!

80,000 words

218 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 21, 2014

About the author

R.L. Naquin

32 books282 followers
Rachel is the author of the urban fantasy Monster Haven series from Carina Press. She believes in magic, the power of love, good cheese, lucky socks, and putting things off until stress gets them done faster at the last minute. Her home is Disneyland, despite her current location in Kansas.
Be among the special peeps who get all the R.L. Naquin updates first by signing up for the official newsletter here: http://rlnaquin.us6.list-manage.com/s...

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 63 reviews
Profile Image for Zydras.
810 reviews141 followers
January 22, 2015
The start and finish of this was great, but the middle had too much running around. All the other books in this series were so great it was almost impossible for me to put them down, but this one I found my attention wandering.

Profile Image for Mandy.
1,394 reviews147 followers
January 17, 2015
Golem in my Glovebox is the fourth book in the Zoey Donovan series. Her mother is still missing only now she’s been taken by a killer who has already killed the board and has taken all the Aegises that she had just rescued from the collector. Zoey will have to head across the country in a roadtrip that could end in blood. At least she won’t have to drive across the country alone she’s joined by her sexy reaper boyfriend Riley. As well as a tiny golem that Bernice created but unlike her other golems this one can has feelings and doesn’t need to be near her.

After everything that happened with the board members Bernice is finally getting the O.G.R.E.S. (police for the hidden) up and running again. As Hidden are popping up it falls on Zoey to meet up with the leaders of the local O.G.R.E.S. to get them back online to keep the Hidden a secret. It’s while they are reconnecting the O.G.R.E.S. does Zoey get messages with bodies from the kidnapper who has her mom. As she dives deeper who’s hunting her she learns that this has all been coming about a long since the beginning. Will Zoey be able to save her mom and stop the crazy empathy who may be the strongest around?

I love Zoey and her little band of Hidden who help her just like she helps them in her own way. Zoey is by one of my favorite urban fantasy characters after all her fashion sense is one of a kind. She also is a good person with a good heart which is a must. I wish I had my own closet monster like Maurice he’s one of my favorite supporting characters. I think Riley is perfect for Zoey even if they have settled into the old married life before a wedding. I love our new little golem Gris is a perfect addition to Zoey’s little family of hidden.

Golem in my Glovebox is the fourth installment in the Monster Haven series. Zoey has come a long way from wedding planner to savior of the hidden. The concept is unique it’s urban fantasy that mixes mystery, romance and humor to create a brilliantly written story. It’s not every day I come across a series with closet monsters, fairies, skunk apes, injured centaurs, dragons, talking golems which are just an average day for Zoey. I really enjoyed this installment in the Zoey’s world it’s one of those series where I never know what’s going to pop up next. I’ve been able to connect with Zoey since the beginning she stole my heart in the first book and just keeps getting better with age. I’m looking forward to reading the next one, can’t wait to see what Zoey will stumble into next.
Profile Image for Sarah.
3,346 reviews1,236 followers
December 27, 2014
3.5 stars

I've been a huge fan of this series since I first discovered it, it's perfect light hearted and funny urban fantasy and I know I can pick up any book in the series when I'm in the mood for something that's going to make me giggle. I absolutely love the number of different Hidden creatures that R.L. Naquin has included in the series, she always manages to introduce us to something new with each book and this instalment brings golem, Griswald, who is accompanying Zoey and Riley on a road trip as they hunt the person who kidnapped the missing Ageises. Zoey is desperate to find out what happened to her mother and find a way to bring her home but their enemy is always more than one step ahead of them and they aren't going to make it easy for her.

As much as I love this series and enjoyed Golem in My Glovebox for some reason that I'm having trouble putting my finger on I didn't love it as much as I'd expected to. It's still a fun story and has all the humour you would expect from this series, we get to catch up with a few of our favourite characters and we get to see Zoey once again out of her comfort zone so I'm not quite sure what was missing. I think it just didn't have quite the same level of tension as the previous instalments and I have to admit I found a lot of the driving around America was a little on the boring side. The various stops they make, along with the people they meet, were great but in between there were some slower times and I also felt that the ending was a bit of a let down. I think I just missed the rest of the gang, characters who normally play a big part in the story were left back at Zoey's house and it just wasn't the same without them.

In spite of my minor niggles this is still a solid story, there is a lot going on and I enjoyed seeing Zoey and Riley get the chance to spend some quality time together. Even when they're out and about they still have plenty of interruptions though, I guess that's the hazard of being the only Ageis left - Zoey is constantly on call for all kinds of Hidden problems. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens to the couple next in Demons in My Driveway.
Profile Image for Cee.
982 reviews239 followers
June 14, 2018
A serial killer is on the loose, and Zoey and her friends have to capture him.

The body count in this book is high, and the murders gruesome and graphic. Although the tone is still witty at times, these books have taken a turn towards the grim. Instead of fun urban fantasy, this was more of a Jessica Jones gritty thriller, which wasn't really what I signed up for.
Profile Image for chucklesthescot.
2,981 reviews126 followers
March 10, 2016
I can't even begin to describe how much I love this series! The thing that attracted me first were the gorgeous covers and the idea of a Closet Monster than can bake. From reading the first book, I fell in love with Maurice and this series. I actually put off reading these last few books because it meant that the series was finished! Anyway, I've read the last three and now I'm finally getting round to reviewing them.

Zoey and Riley have to miss Molly's party to go in search of an Under the Bed monster out in public. It turns out to be Stacy, childhood sweetheart of Maurice, who he dumped for his future wife Pansy. Stacy and Maurice are finding the situation awkward but have to deal with it alone as Zoey is needed elsewhere. Someone is kidnapping the remaining Aegises and threatening to kill them and the Board of Hidden Affairs is falling apart. Zoey and Riley, and Gris, a minature golem helper, are on a road trip to follow the clues and try to save the kidnapped humans before they are murdered. Can Zoey save her mother this time?

I did miss the creatures back at Zoey's house while they were on the road trip but this was still an excellent read. I loved Stacy, social misfit and still in love with Maurice who is totally oblivious to her interest. I was amusedby Maurice sulking about the new houseguest and gatecrashing every hotel that Zoey and Riley stay in to get away from dealing with Stacy. It was a relief that Maurice was visiting them so often as I was worried that he wouldn't feature much on a road trip. It was funny to watch him being told by Riley that he was not welcome at certain times...

'Maurice, buddy. Brother. I'm going to have sex with Zoey in a few minutes. It's going to be really loud, because we're in a hotel and because we can. There may even be barking and other animal sounds involved. Do you really want to be here for that?'

Poor Maurice! I feel sorry for the guy but it was funny! I liked the addition of GRis who was creepy but cute at the same time. We also get a bit more to how the Aegises including Zoey's mother were taken and by who. Katy is very creepy and dangerous and made an interesting bad character, and Zoey has to find out how someone so dangerous escaped her prison cell and is out there killing people. Could she have had help from someone connected to the Board? The more Zoey sticks her nose in, the more dangerous the road trip becomes. She also has to deal with a work dispute by the Ogre Squad who are supposed to be policing things out in the real world to help the Board.

The danger increases as Zoey and Riley close in on Katy but how can she be defeated? This is the question on the mind of the reader as the book reaches its dramatic conclusion. I enjoyed the book as I have the rest of the series-just wish they would be released in paperback in the UK so I can keep rereading them!
Profile Image for AlenGarou.
1,517 reviews116 followers
June 3, 2017

È passato quasi un anno dall’ultima volta che ho preso in mano questa serie (mea culpa). Come se non bastasse, a maggio la Blue Nocturne ha chiuso i battenti e posso dire che già mi manca. Ok, ultimamente si erano persi a ristampare libri già pubblicati, ma è grazie a loro se molti romanzi urban fantasy sono stati portati in Italia… a prezzo stracciato poi. E, fatalità, erano pure carini. Insomma, diciamo che è solo grazie a loro se la zia Gena ha fatto fortuna qui.
Per riassumere è un peccato, anche perché ho visto che questa serie non è mica finita o.o Waaaa
Le gioie.
Per quanto riguarda questo quarto episodio delle disavventure di Zoey, è il degno successore dei precedenti. La storia non si smentisce ed è un crescendo di situazioni potenzialmente letali, alle quali Zoey fa un grazioso gestaccio. Non solo rivedremo vecchi personaggi come Darius e Kam (yeee!), ma ci saranno delle new entry interessanti, come Gris (il nome completo è tipo uno scioglilingua), uno dei golem di Bernice. Ciò che lo rende speciale? È piccolo, veloce e ha una coscienza tutta sua. Il che è fondamentalmente un miracolo.
Ad ogni modo, in questo nuovo capitolo vedremo Zoey e Riley andare in giro per l’America alla ricerca di chi si nasconde dietro le morti degli Aegis. Ed è sconcertante pensare che il cattivo di turno è una vecchietta di cento e passa anni. Come Zoey, anche lei è un’empatica, ma così potente da poter controllare le persone. E non solo. Il Consiglio è sempre più in crisi, i Nascosti sempre più pronti a farsi vedere in pubblico e l’unica soluzione possibile è quella di richiamare in servizio le squadre O.R.C.O., una specie di polizia dei Nascosti. Insomma, i guai invece che diminuire aumentano.
Devo ammetterlo, rispetto agli altri romanzi questo è una carneficina. Ha note più drammatiche dei precedenti e persino le battute di Zoey non riescono a riscaldare l’atmosfera. Per non parlare della fine. Bambini posseduti inquietanti? Sul serio? Questo sì che mette scaga!
Tuttavia è bene ciò che finisce bene e, finalmente, Zoey riabbraccerà la sua mamma. Yeeee!!! Era anche ora. Ma, sebbene il finale sia praticamente rose e fiori, all’orizzonte incombe una terribile minaccia. E non scherzo quando dico che è molto peggio di tutte le altre messe assieme.
Insomma, la storia di Zoey continua e mi aspetto grandi cose per il futuro.
Nonostante sia una serie poco conosciuta, nel suo piccolo si fa apprezzare. È leggera, ironica e, a mio avviso, anche abbastanza originale. Ho solo un appunto per questo romanzo.
Ok la presenza pucciosa di Gris, ma… Milo!!! Dov’è la mia volpe preferita?
Va bene… la smetto di lamentarvi e vi auguro una buona serata.
Alla prossima!
Profile Image for Federica Laviano.
291 reviews5 followers
April 18, 2016
Questa saga è sempre una continua sorpresa. Il primo libro mi colpì per lo stile sbarazzino, la protagonista buffa ma dolcissima e una serie di creature decisamente non comuni (a chi serve un Edward quando si può avere un Maurice?), la continuai con piacere e il piacere aumentò volume per volume vedendo che lo stile rimaneva invariato ma le trame si approfondivano, si toccavano argomenti delicati, si univano nuovi personaggi mai banali o superflui e le creature continuavano ad essere originali e poco sfruttate da un genere che, diciamocelo, a volte non brilla per innovazione (ovviamente voi, Mr e Mrs Andrews siete l'eccezione).
Ora arriviamo a questo 4 volume, Zoey parte alla ricerca della mamma che non vede da vent'anni e si ritrova sballottata di qua e di là per gli Stati Uniti, provocata da messaggi derisori e da omicidi inquietanti.
La storia è bella, non perde il suo ritmo, il cattivo è veramente una pessima persona ed è particolarmente inquietante per me, anche se provo una sorta di morbosa attrazione per questo tipo di "cattivi", non dico niente perché sarebbe uno spoiler consistente. Anche la location dello "scontro finale" viene para para dai set dei miei incubi ed è stato... bello....
Il finale rimane ovviamente aperto ai nuovi volumi, ma si capisce che una nuova fase della vita di Zoey è iniziata e personalmente non vedo l'ora di accompagnarcela.
Profile Image for Sara.
161 reviews11 followers
April 26, 2014
This book was fantastic. Novel-wise, it was a bit of a deviation from the previous books, but it is completely on par with the level of writing and reading enjoyment as the books that come before. I laughed, I cried, I squeaked out happy sounds, I shook my fist at the injustices and gasped at the revelations. I wanted to take home all of the characters and give them hugs. R.L. Naquin has the writing talent that puts her on the same level as the best urban fantasy writers out there, in my opinion, but where she really stands apart is in her characters. Not a flat or archetypal one in the whole lot. Even the nameless thugs have backstory I'd be interested in reading about. Overall, the range of emotions, the pacing, the plots twists (both expected an unexpected), and the unique and interesting characters made this road trip novel more like a roller coaster that I couldn't stop until I finished. The end was surprisingly satisfying, the resolution a perfect end to the ride, but it also hinted at the rising tension and inevitable climax that we'll get in the next two books. I can't wait!
July 31, 2014
3 1/2 stars This is book 4 in a series. If you haven't read the 3 previous books you will not get as much out of it. I really recommend you read the first 3 before starting this one.

While I did like this book I'm not sure that I'd call it my favorite in the series. It's basically one continuous road trip with Zoey and Riley. BUT, it's an important road trip because it's the first real chance Zoey gets to search for her mother. It has all the makings of a real road trip, fun beginnings, goofy nick knacks, then bickering from spending too much time together in one enclosed space. I liked how it also addressed one thing I was a little bugged about - how fast Zoey and Riley went from redoing their first date over and over to practically being an old married couple. It seemed like it was just a given that all was good. In this book we see that it even confuses them a little.

While I think I know a little bit of what's coming between Zoey and her mother, I'll definitely read the next one in the series to see where it all goes.

Profile Image for Paula.
734 reviews67 followers
June 6, 2015
When I first started this series I wondered if I would finish the first book. It was a little bit ditzyat the start. But I really enjoyed it and the rest of the series is just as good. I read this as soon as it came out.
Profile Image for Gawelleb.
656 reviews22 followers
May 1, 2014
Love it!!!
La série s'améliore de tome en tome!
Profile Image for Carrie.
2,403 reviews18 followers
August 21, 2018
This is the culmination of the previous larger storyline involving the murder of the Hidden board members. It is also a bit of closure to the “where is my mother?” story, too.

We join Zoey as she continues to struggle with the work/life/Aegis work balance. Her BFF is holding down the fort at Zoey’s “real work,” while Maurice is essentially holding down the fort at Zoey’s Aegis work/home. Combined, though, Zoey still doesn’t seem to have enough “free time” to adequately address the rapidly declining state of hidden affairs. On top of all the usual craziness, it looks like the murderer has stepped up her super creepy game.

This book is filled with all the creepiest things. Really, everything that might give you nightmares. Oddly enough, it’s not the “monsters” that are the scary things in this book. The big story here is Zoey and Riley on the road trip from hell, working to re-assemble the hidden “cops” and save Zoey’s mom. The body count is climbing and I really don’t know how Zoey and Riley manage to muddle through on very little food, sleep, and quality time together (other than driving). Poor Zoey needs a genuine vacation after this book.

So, as I said, we finally get some closure in the larger stories. After some misdirection and really creepy things, Zoey collects even more friends and allies, and, most importantly, we see an end to the big bad story. Don’t worry, it is rapidly replaced with an even bigger bad that we get to chase down in the remaining books in this series. After the bummer ending of the last book, this ending was a much needed breath of fresh air.
Profile Image for Angela.
2,743 reviews10 followers
August 20, 2018
I liked the story but at the same time it wasn't as good as the previous stories. The main character is getting bogged down by details and things are quite dark in this story compared to the previous books which, while there was some nastiness the tales were mostly lighthearted. I do plan to continue with the series where there is only two books left.
Profile Image for Fraser Sherman.
Author 9 books30 followers
April 4, 2021
Third-rate urban fantasy, attempting to stand out from the pack by throwing in an odder mix of creatures such as a lovelorn monster under the bed. The plot has the empath protagonist pitted against an empathic serial killer who uses her powers for mind-manipulation; I skimmed 90 percent of the book.
Profile Image for Terri.
149 reviews3 followers
November 18, 2023
You know a book is well written when you find yourself tearing up at the rescue of a completely fictional character. Another in the series I am working my way through. Zoey is traveling around the country following clues left by a serial killer, trying to save her mom. She is aided by a closet monster, a reaper, a golem and others along the way.
Profile Image for Martin Baker.
14 reviews
April 14, 2019
Great fun. The characters actually seem to change and grow over the course of the series

I am already wanting the next in the series, and I am looking for other titles by the same writer
778 reviews
August 19, 2019
Wonderful series!

Fabulous characters that interact with each other beautiful! Wonderful plot twists and turns. I highly recommend this series and author.
Profile Image for Christine.
659 reviews
July 6, 2023
DNF at 40%

I'm just not getting into it like I did the past ones. I may circle back but for now, on to other books on my TBR pile.
Profile Image for Sabina Bundgaard.
Author 16 books25 followers
January 8, 2015
I fell in love with Zoey and Maurice in Monster in my Closet, where she found out that she is an empath and she saved her best friend from being drained by an incubus. Maurice is just Maurice, he’s a wonderful closet monster and I absolutely adore him!
The adventures continued in Pooka in my Pantry, where the Leprechaun mafia moves into town, and the only one who truly can stop them is… You guessed right; Zoey.
In Fairies in my Fireplace all hell breaks loose when secrets are being revealed every time Zoey turns around, not to forget as the only Aegis still standing (maybe even alive), any magical (hidden) creature seeks refuge at her doorstep. They’re being hunted, treated as curiosities and Zoey is their last defense.
Through every Monster Haven book we have been treated to new characters and old loved ones. We’ve met new magical creatures, ranging from closets monsters, Reapers, Skunk-apes, Moth Man to brownies, fairies and Djinns – just to name a few. But more than that… Each Monster Haven book has made me smile, cry, laugh and more importantly; made me forget the world around me for a while. I get so caught up in these books, I forget everything around me.
In Golem in My Glovebox, Zoey is on a hunt; she’s hunting the mad person who has captured not only her mother, but every other Aegis as well. Her clues are grizzly breadcrumbs in shape of dead Aegises. Every time, Zoey hopes that it isn’t her mother lying somewhere.
So…. Riley and Zoey is on a different kind of road trip to save the Aegises, praying they won’t come too late. The Hidden Government is barely running, the teams that normally would help keep the Hidden… well, hidden, isn’t working anymore, and more secrets are rolling out of the closets. Because everything isn’t what is seems to be and maybe the one behind it all is closer to them than what they would like.
Rachel has created another wonderful and amazing book in her Monster Haven Series and I loved every page. It isn’t as emotional rough to read like Fairies in my Fireplace was, but it is a damn good book. It IS different from the other books, but it is still a wonderful book that fits perfectly into the Monster Haven Series. I know there are people that have been “complaining” that Golem in my Glovebox was too different, but to me it was everything I needed it to be. Rachel showed us that she isn’t afraid of changing the game, to take Zoey away from her comfort zone (maybe even Rachel’s own) and throw her into something new. That takes guts. But it’s also a necessity to keep the series alive and exciting. I love how Rachel made Zoey question certain things in this book, how she had to use everything in her, only to risk lose it all in the end anyway. I am excited to see where the next Monster Haven will take me, because the way things ended, I am curious to see if Zoey (and everyone else) can adapt to the new situation, and what there will happen with Zoey and Riley. Can I have Demon in my Driveway now? Please?
A bit of warning though…. You HAVE to read this series in order. If you jump directly to Golem in my Glovebox before reading any of the previous books, you’ll find it harder to keep up. You can do it, sure. But you will lose a journey and all those delicious clues and amazing pages of writing. You really don’t want to do that. So if you’re new to the Monster Haven Series – start with Monster in my Closet and prepare yourself to be swept away! I know I did, and still do every single time I open a new book.
Profile Image for Judy.
694 reviews83 followers
March 2, 2015
I was introduced to the Monster Haven books on another blog a couple of years ago. I loved the look of the covers and the idea behind the books. When I won a copy of the first book, I was thrilled, but put off reading it. I continued to oooh and ahhh over each new book cover and add them to my TBR pile. I even introduced them to my sister and she read hers, while mine sat, still unread. That changed though when I saw that Golem in My Glovebox was on Netgalley. Getting this book was the perfect reason to finally read the series. So glad I did.

After the downfall of The Collector (Fairies in My Fireplace), the Aegis were stolen away before they could be freed from their bonds. Zoey was left with a quickly penned childish dare, no closer to having a true reunion with her mother. Now as the only Aeigs left, it becomes Zoey's responsibility to protect not only the Hidden from humans, but also the humans from the Hidden. Zoey is dragged across the country, stumbling from one crisis to another trying to keep the Hidden where they belong - Hidden.

While Zoey and Riley are out trying to get the O.G.R.E.S. re-established, the kidnapper begins communicating with Zoey. They want to play a game of deadly hide and seek. They are hiding the Aegis and it is up to Zoey to find them before they end up dead. Unfortunately between trying to make sure that monsters and creatures of legend aren't discovered by humans while trying to solve the macabre clues that keep ending in the deaths more and more Aegis, Zoey is not having a good time. Basically - Worst Road Trip, Ever.

Zoey is such a great character. She is nurturing and caring to her friends and family, while having this offbeat, slightly kookie vibe. She is totally, completely herself and nearly all the time, she is completely happy just the way she is. This book shakes up that belief in herself just a bit and I think that Zoey comes out stronger on the other side because of it. Zoey is still learning what she is capable of with her empathy and Aegis powers, and without anyone to tell her she can't do something or shouldn't try something, she makes up her own rules as she goes along.

I enjoyed this book, though I missed many of the regulars from the previous books. The author took us on plenty of twists and turns throughout the story, many of which I never saw coming. I was kept glued in and couldn't put the book down for much of the read. The story arc isn't done, so I am looking forward to the next story and seeing where the author is going to take Zoey next. I gave this book 4 stars.
243 reviews2 followers
February 9, 2015
This book is pretty much at the level its predecessor was. Unfortunately it reaches this level from the other direction. It made me wait until I read the next book because I had to ask myself if I was still interested in the series.

While I found the previous book to be overburdened and ultimately falling flat, here we have a good ending that is reached after slogging through boredom.
The story is your basic serial killer/scavenger hunt affair with a bit of a roadstory in as well. And almost none of those really works.
The serial killer works well enough providing a villain that works out well as threatening hazy presence despite only really appearing in the latter part of the book. This keeps up even through direct confrontation, even though the explanation of the powers used is flimsy at best.
But the serial killer has a scavenger hunt planned and that is where the story goes off the rails. A good scavenger hunt can keep the story going and provide both structure and suspense. The one in this book provides a structure without any suspense and even fails in progressing the story. The conclusion is clear as soon as the hunt begins leaving the whole construction as a handy “x kills required until the end”-counter. In the end, this did become useful again because it showed me how long I still had to go.
And I checked often. Because the other story element was a roadtrip across the USA but in a way that takes out all the fun those things can have. Since driving somewhere for hours and days is pretty dull most of it is skipped over, leading to a succession of motel rooms where not terribly interesting things happen. Much of the book consists of “hearing about a problem – driving there – dealing with the problem – driving back” and repeat. The problems never get that interesting except for one entertaining interlude by the Leprechaun mafia.

In the end, there just was not enough. The time spent on the road heavily outnumbers the time something happens and even then it is not enough. Decent beginning and end are connected by three quarters boredom.
While reading I had the thought, that both this book and the previous one would probably have made better books if you took all the ideas and plots and mixed them more evenly, maybe that says everything about the level of entertainment I had.
Profile Image for Eva Millien.
3,098 reviews48 followers
April 23, 2014
3 1/2 STARS

The fourth book in the Monster Haven series is an intriguing and fascinating fantasy read. The Hidden government is in shambles and with only string of deadly clues to follow, Zoey and Riley set off on a cross-country chase to stop the murders of the captured Aegises. Will Zoey become the final victim of this new evil or will she finally be reunited with her mother?

This fast paced plot keeps the reader on the edge of their seat with suspense and action. The author brings this urban fantasy to life with vivid descriptions and details that bring the story to vibrant life and capture the imagination and tension building suspense as the reader follow Zoey and Riley on their cross-country chase and the danger escalates as time runs out. The characters are strong, compelling, easily related to and grabs the reader’s attention from the very beginning.

The story has romance in it between Zoey and her reaper boyfriend, Riley, but they really are a little too busy to trying to find this new evil, defeat it and saving the captured Aegises. The characters draw the reader deeper into the story as the reader gets totally caught up in the drama. The story invokes a large range of emotions throughout including chuckles, tears, happiness, anger and even some creepy crawlies mixed in as well.

The author has created a fascinating world inspired full of wonderful creatures with her own unique spin that inspires curiosity as well as entertaining and she keeps the reader guessing with some surprises along the way. I do recommend however that the series be read in order to achieve the full impact and a better understanding of the world and the Hidden that live there. That does not mean that it can’t be read in order you choose, though, as this is my first book and I found it to be an enjoyable read, there were just a few events that were referred to and some politics of the Hidden government that I felt I would have understood better if I had read the previous books, which I will be remedying soon.
1,272 reviews62 followers
May 15, 2014
I was a bit disappointed. I was expecting to find a fun and amusing read. I did get a decent urban fantasy read filled with a ton of different supernatural characters including some that must have been inspired by Pixar movies (closet, attic and under the bed monsters). The only character that got much page time was Zoey, our main character and Griswold, the golem. Riley, the reaper, and Zoey's main squeeze is there, but he basically assists her.

I have not read the other 3 books in the series and while I didn't dislike GiMG, it did not make me interested enough to look up the other books and see if I wanted to get them. If I saw one sitting on the library shelf, I'd probably read it and give one more a shot.

The plot is very simple. Someone has kidnapped all the Aegis (not 100% sure what they do (they have different skills)and why they are so important)except for Zoey. The kidnapper is killing them, leaving notes for Zoey, so it's a scavenger hunt to find them. Unfortunately Zoey isn't very good at the hunt. She races off to each new location, arrives too late, returns to the Covenant base, gets sent off on the new trail, arrives too late, returns....you get the point.

I'm sure the readers of the first three books get a bit more out of this story than me because they're probably invested in the characters and having a few favorites pop up is interesting, but for a new reader, there was nothing to capture my attention and involve me with the characters. I did like Griswold, a Pinocchio type character and his story on how be became what he ended up, including the portion where Zoey and her mom assisted him.

So, if this series sounds interesting to you, I would recommend starting with book 1 and take it from there. This book, while not bad, has nothing really to recommend it to new readers.

I received a copy from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for All Things Urban Fantasy.
1,921 reviews618 followers
May 14, 2014
Review courtesy of All Things Urban Fantasy

GOLEM IN MY GLOVEBOX is a wonderful addition to the Monster Haven series which has always been delightfully quirky and fun with some truly touching moments that make these characters seem all the more real. The story has a different feel to it as it takes place on a long road trip and because of that road trip to find the missing Aegises the pace of the story is in constant motion as Zoey tries to find her mother. Aside from the rush to find the kidnapper, the quirky fun of roadside attractions and tacky souvenirs GOLEM IN MY GLOVEBOX serves us a heaping side of creepy. Its a testament to some fine writing that the creepy big bad’s murders balanced so well with the sweetness and determination of Zoey and her friends. I loved getting caught up in the drama of the overarching story that I’ve grown increasingly fond of over the course of this series.

On the character front we get the familiar cast of characters; all of whom I would love to read about in their own stories. I love learning more and more about the lives and cultures of the Hidden. We get introduced to a lot of new Hidden and the variety of Hidden never ceases to amaze and amuse me. I have to admit that I spent some time while reading this book trying to figure out just how an ‘under the bed monster’ lives under the bed.

With GOLEM IN MY GLOVEBOX we get pulled into a fully realized and entertaining world with some awesomely faithful and talented characters. I laughed, cheered, gasped and generally had tons of fun going on this journey with Zoey and her friends.
Profile Image for Marsha.
2,994 reviews55 followers
May 1, 2014
I've said it before and I will say it again, I love the Monster Haven series. "Golem in My Glovebox" is another great addition. This time, Zoey's house is over flowing with refugees from the monster world seeking asylum. She and Riley decide to get away for the weekend but not before she receives a phone call from, Art, Riley's boss informing her that he has a lead on where her mother may be found.

Instead of a weekend for lovers Zoey and Riley head off to see Art and Bernice. Prior to departure, Zoey and Riley apprehend an under the bed monster named Sara taking a stroll in San Francisco. Joey comes up with a cover story for the public and take Sara back to her house where she puts Sara under lockdown and under the guidance of Maurice. Little does Zoey know but Maurice and Sara have a past history they would rather not face.

On the road, Zoey and Riley must handle one issue after another since the O.G.R.E. network is on strike all while trying to save the aegis from harm. Griswold, a golden made by Bernice goes along with the couple and proves useful in settling the contract issues. Soon, they realize the identity of the person behind the death if the aegis. She is the most powerful aegis of all times, 109 years old, and recently escaped from confinement.

Zoey and Riley face their greatest nemesis yet all while trying to save the most important person in the world, her mother. This situation will have far reaching consequences for Zoey and her family. In order to find out what they are, you will have to read this fourth book in the series.
Profile Image for Paris.
Author 14 books66 followers
July 25, 2014
If Fairies in My Fireplace amped up the Monster Have series, then Golem in My Glovebox takes it to a whole new level. This is the first time that Zoey really gets to be out in the field and I think it’s a really great place for her to be. In this new setting, Zoey was stronger, more take charge. She was totally kick butt, even when she was unsure of herself. I loved seeing her and Riley having time together too and I liked that it wasn’t all lovey dovey. No matter how much you love someone, being stuck in the car with them for hours and hours on end is not all fun and games. And when you are tired and broken…no one is going to be 100% happy for 100% of the time.

There was a lot of running around in this book. Sometimes it was a little frustrating that it felt like there was a lot of back and forth and running in circles, but in the end, I think it really worked for the storyline. I love that even though we were out on the road in this book, we still got to have time with Maurice and Sarah and Andrew. And now we have a new awesome character in Griswold the Golem (I want one of those too) that I hope we see a lot more of in the future.

Although this book was more action packed and intense, it still had all of the quirkiness that I’ve come to love about the Monster Haven series. This is a definite must read series for me. I can’t get enough of Zoey and I can’t wait to see where she’s taken from here. I just bet there are a ton of other Hidden to save and bad guys to stop in her future.

Arc provided by the publisher via Netgalley for an honest review
Profile Image for Melissa.
609 reviews7 followers
May 2, 2014
Zoey Donovan is an Aegis, she takes care of members of the Hidden. They are the beings that normal humans don't know exist. Trolls, closet monsters, and mermaids are just a few of the many different types. This time around Zoey and her reaper boyfriend Riley are on the road trying their best to keep things under wraps from the humans. Oh and they're also on the trail of a killer. With a pocket sized golem in her glovebox, a sexy reaper boyfriend, and the help from a few members of the OGRE squad, Zoey has quite a challenge in this book.

The Hidden government is trying to rebuild, but is having a hard time keeping up due to some Hidden members deciding they don't want to be in hiding. Since the OGRE squads haven't been paid in months, there is no one keeping things in check so Hidden are rebelling and walking the streets. Zoey and Riley come to the rescue, help reinstate the OGRE squads all while hunting down a crazy lady killing other Aegis'.

The villain in Golem in My Glovebox gave me goosebumps. She's psychotic, cold and calculating. Did I mention creepy? She's creepy too. I couldn't wait to see how Zoey would handle facing off against her. RL Naquin's writing just keeps getting better, I've loved all the books in the series so far, but this one is the best yet. I highly suggest this series for anyone who enjoys paranormal or urban fantasy. If you haven't read it yet pick up book one, Monster in My Closet.
Profile Image for LaSibila.
686 reviews10 followers
December 1, 2015
Zoey es una Aegis, un ser que ayuda a los paranormales con sus problemas (asistente social?). Mientras intenta mantener su negocio de bodas funcionando, su nueva pareja con un Reaper (policia que atrapa las almas de los paranormales que se pasan de la raya) y una casa-hospital-refugio, sigue pistas del secuestro de su madre y otros Aegis por todo USA.

Qué adoro de esta novela: la cantidad de personajes paranormales que nos presenta. Me encariñé con los personajes, no puedo olvidarlos. Los malvados son definitivamente sociópatas. Incorpora una boda del mismo género, pero cuyo problema es que son de razas diferentes. Un golem tiene vida propia, algo así como la historia de Pinocho.
Que odio de estas novelas: Los malvados son definitivamente sociopatas, que matan personajes a diestra y siniestra, ni siquiera se puede asumir que un personaje "imprescindible" lo sea hasta el final. Y las muertes son muy gráficas.

Ideal para aquellos que les gustan las novelas levemente románticas, con muchos amigos y empatía por todos los seres paranormales (síndrome Blancanieve) en una versión bizarra que nos hace generar un miedo inexplicable por todo lo relacionado con los Carnavales: payasos, algodón de azucar, globos, carruseles .... Alguien que puede transformar algo tan inocente como una niña rubia de 7 años en una sociópata-controla-mentes... tiene talento... o tiene un problema.

Profile Image for Maghon Thomas.
1,527 reviews1 follower
October 18, 2014
Yay for road trips LOL This is the 4th book of the series, and it's fun as ever!! These characters are all so lovable and I just love this series!! It's fun, it's touching, and it's a great addition to the fantasy world! Zoey and Riley are trying to find the missing Aegis, and we get to see them in action, just on the road. Zoey wants her mom back ASAP, and she's not gunna stop until she finds her.

We don't see as much of some of the other characters that are constantly around, but no worries, this road trip keeps you on your feet and laughing, or completely creeped out. LOL We meet more Hidden creatures and we get to see Riley and Zoey most alone together. We also get accompanied by Gris, a golem, who likes to sleep in the glovebox, hence the name, but I don't wanna give away too much of how he came to be because that might ruin something for you! I want you guys to check this one out for yourselves :)

I was cheering and laughing and crying while reading this one! This author is definitely talented! And I don't wanna give away too much, but we get to learn so much more about the world of the Hidden. There are so many creatures and they are all unique. It's amazing. This author has some serious genius in her fingers when she writes. I can't wait for the next books!!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 63 reviews

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