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Altar Ego: Becoming Who God Says You Are

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You are NOT who you think you are. In fact, according to bestselling author Craig Groeschel in Altar Ego , you need to take your idea of your own identity, lay it down on the altar, and sacrifice it. Give it to God. Offer it up. Why? Because you are who GOD says you are. And until you’ve sacrificed your broken concept of your identity, you won’t become who you are meant to be. When we place our false labels and self-deception on the altar of God’s truth, we discover who we really are as his sons and daughters. Instead of an outward-driven, approval-based ego, we learn to live with an “altar” ego, God’s vision of who we are becoming. Discover how to trade in your broken ego and unleash your altar ego to become a living sacrifice. Once we know our true identity and are growing in our Christ-like character, then we can behave accordingly, with bold behavior, bold prayers, bold words, and bold obedience. Altar Ego reveals who God says you are, and then calls you to live up to it.

240 pages, Hardcover

First published February 20, 2013

About the author

Craig Groeschel

80 books1,441 followers
Craig Groeschel is the founding and senior pastor of Life.Church, a multisite church with locations throughout the United States and globally at Life.Church Online.

Craig and his wife Amy started Life.Church in a two-car garage in Edmond, Oklahoma in January 1996. While Life.Church has grown over the years, its mission remains the same: to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Christ. Today, the church is known for its innovative use of technology to spread the Gospel, launching the first fully digital church experience in 2006 and the most downloaded Bible app in history, YouVersion, in 2008.

As a widely respected leader in the Church, Craig speaks frequently at leadership events and conferences worldwide. He is a New York Times best-selling author with books about topics like dating and marriage, social media, purpose, direction, church leadership, and more. He also hosts the Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast, a practical tool to spark new ideas and prompt innovative thinking in leaders at every level within any organization.

Craig and Amy married in 1991 and have six children. They live in Oklahoma where Life.Church began.

Visit www.craiggroeschel.com to be the first to hear about new podcast episodes, books, leadership events, and more.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 136 reviews
Profile Image for Amy.
26 reviews1 follower
April 11, 2013
Altar Ego by Craig Groeschel is a great book. I have come to have a love hate relationship with his books. I love to read them and always come away closer to God. AMEN!! I know that's his goal. But my toes hurt.. every time.. Altar Ego is about "Becoming Who God Says You Are." I admit, I like saying I want to be the person God wants me to be, but I don't always want to A) trust God to help me be that person or B)Accept that that person is better than the person I think I want to be. Groeschel addresses insecurity, inadequacy, and more.. One of the things that I appreciate about all of Groeschel's books is his honesty. He admits that he still struggles with doing the right thing sometimes. He admits that he depends on his wife and friends to help him be strong and be bold. "Bold actions are born of bold beliefs".. .. I'm a valuable child of God and I know who I am.. It's time for me to be BOLD.. What about you?
Profile Image for Matt.
929 reviews
February 15, 2019
I don’t want to oversell this but I will sum it up in two words: life changing. It was an audiobook read by the author and I felt his passion and conviction.
Profile Image for Wes Martin.
263 reviews3 followers
February 2, 2020
This book is rather simple, but incredibly effective.

What I liked about Altar Ego... It is jammed pack with truth, addresses "the need of humanity" without focusing too much on peripheral issues. Simply, Craig takes and inward-out approach and not the vise versa. Craig keeps the book interesting by throwing in many stories and illustrations and really makes the entire book immediately applicable.

What I didn't like about Altar Ego... Honestly there isn't much that I didn't like. A lot of the stories in the book are stories that I'd already heard in Craig's preaching, but then again how many stories can one man really have? Another aspect of this book that I wasn't crazy about isn't really Craig Groeschel's book. About a year prior to reading "Altar Ego", I read a book titled "Victory Over the Darkness" by Neil Anderson. Anderson's "VOTD" says basically everything that Groeschel says in "Altar Ego", but Anderson takes it to a whole new level. So, if you enjoy "Altar Ego", but you tend to like more academic books, or you just want something more in depth I would recommend reading "Victory Over the Darkness".
October 22, 2020
Es un libro que se que leeré varias veces por el contenido tan enriquecedor que tiene.
Entendí que quien yo creía que era, en realidad no soy, hay más que eso, hay muchas cosas que debo de prácticar para alcanzar y ser quien Dios dice que soy.
Profile Image for Blake Dunaway.
1 review1 follower
September 15, 2018
I read this book during a summer that I would say was one of the most life-altering summers of my life. I was in a position where I felt super unqualified, inadequate, and incapable. However, this book challenged me to share my story and to not allow my fears and shortcomings to hinder me from reaching my God-given potential. This book is a must read for those struggling to understand why God has called them to a specific stage in life and how submitting to that calling can not only change their own life but be used by God to encourage others to trust in God’s timing and plan.
Profile Image for Terri Palermo.
1,132 reviews32 followers
March 15, 2013
Just a few chapters into this book and I am loving it and totally inspired. It's like Pastor Craig is speaking directly to me :)

Yep, not only is this book a keeper, I'll be re-reading it frequently: it speaks directly to my heart and exactly what my newly-reborn heart needs to hear to keep me going on the right path. I cannot recommend this book highly enough!
Profile Image for Jessica.
913 reviews105 followers
April 23, 2018
This book is gold. I love the author’s humor and delivery. It’s so simple yet such truth.
Profile Image for Ted.
75 reviews
March 31, 2017
I previously read Fight by Groeschel before and I thoroughly enjoyed it. This book? Not so much. I'm just not a frat boy kind of guy and so his appeal seems to not resonate with me. This book seems like it would help those who grew up in a Christian home, drifted away and came back. Alternatively it may appeal to those who have decent upbringing but felt something was missing.

This book probably wouldn't appeal to the same audience as say, Joyce Meyer. That group, which I find myself squarely in the middle of, looks upon this as an idealized script. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I disagree with his conclusions…I don't. It's the approach. When he recounts the extent of his sinful nature, it's about what some of us experienced in a weekend.

He's just not sufficiently broken for me to relate to. Not his fault. God just uses him to speak to a different group. I'll be sure to read more of him as I am batting .500 (yes he overused sports metaphors. )
Profile Image for Warren Benton.
499 reviews21 followers
March 7, 2016
Having read most of Craig Groeschel's books and years of sermons I have heard most of this book before. But for someone who has not followed him for years this book talks about how to break away from being a person of the world and being a person that God created you to be. He talks about the characteristics you should have if you are living for God life: patience, honor, integrity. The chapter on integrity I thought could have been a book in itself. A few quotes from that chapter:

"Just to clarify, personal integrity is not the same thing as your reputation. No, your reputation is who other people think you are. Your integrity (or lack thereof) is who you really are. "

"If you have integrity, that's really all that matters. If you don't have integrity, that's really all that matters."

A quote he used from Tony Dungy " Integrity doesn't come in degrees: low medium or high. You either have integrity or you don't."

Another quote that stuck with me from the Bold Obedience chapter was "We must realize that true obedience is total and timely. Delayed obedience is disobedience. Partial obedience is disobedience."

This book is short and to the point. Groeschel has an ease to his writing as if he were just sitting down to talk with you (corny jokes included).
February 23, 2015
My first read by this author. It won't be my last. Craig Groeschel teaches us what it means to bold in God's way. Great teaching for those Christians like myself who can get too comfortable living with God but not through God.
Profile Image for Richellelee.
48 reviews1 follower
February 9, 2014
Great read. Loved the last two chapters..especially on bold obedience. Inspiring!
Profile Image for Felicia.
188 reviews1 follower
February 22, 2019
This is such an amazing read from start to finish. It's honest and open and it really made me take a deep look into my own life. I think each particular section of this book was helpful in it's own way.

The first section taught me the power of hupernikao (a term I had never heard before but now am obsessed with). It reminded me to stop putting labels on myself and others. It encouraged me to be the ambassador that God expects and needs from me.

The second section taught me the important of being patient, of having integrity, of being honorable and thankful. Perhaps the most impactful part was learning that there is a difference between respecting and honoring someone. Groeschel spoke the words the Lord knew I needed to hear and encouraged me beyond belief.

Finally, the third and final section, reminds us to be bold in the things that we do. The truth of the matter is that we do live in a "sensitive" world right now & yet, we as Christians still need to learn and exhibit the boldness of Christ. This section and entire book was filled with so many relevant examples. For instance, there is a situation involving a snake that shows us that while yes, we should speak with our actions, sometimes it's our words that make all the difference.

I cannot say enough positive things about this book and about how encouraged and challenged I am after reading. So if you are even considering picking this book up, DO IT!
Profile Image for Emily Kidd.
353 reviews
August 3, 2020
This book was written by Craig Grieschel, founder and pastor of LifeChurch. When I came across this book I was skeptical (not of him—I’ve never met him or even heard him speak—but I have to admit I have pre-existing opinions on mega-churches). But I was blessed for the reading, and would confidently recommend.

I would wager the premise of this book is nothing new, but it is well-written: “I don’t have a split personality or an alter ego. I have an altar ego. My old life is on the altar, crucified with Christ. My new life is His. Christ in me...because of Jesus, I am not who I was. I am who God made me to be” (228).

I underlined quite liberally in this book, but here is (maybe) my favorite take-away: “If you don’t know the purpose of your life, all you can do is misuse it. Wether through waste or selfishness, your ignorance will have you squandering the masterpiece of God that is you. Life with no purpose is time without meaning. When you don’t know the purpose of your life, everything you do is just an experiment” (39-40).

This harkens back to Jen Wilkin’s book In His Image: knowing God’s will for your life is rooted in knowing God’s character.

He has shown you, O Man, what is good (Micah 6:8).

Profile Image for Justin Ruszkiewicz.
143 reviews3 followers
September 5, 2020
A decent read by Craig Groeschel! He made some pretty good points about what it means to walk with boldness as a follower of Jesus, as well as laying down your old self and taking on your new self in Christ. It's pretty basic, though. I'd suggest it to someone who would like to learn about the basic values of Christianity, but if you've read anything like "The Christian Atheist" or "Divine Direction" by him before, it's a very similar book with very similar concepts. It's one of those books that's in that realm of Christian writing that's all pretty surface level. But still an encouraging read!
Profile Image for Hanna Lindh.
83 reviews
March 17, 2022
I loved the book! It reminded me of who I am, that my identity comes from, and only comes from, the love of Jesus Christ. The book also gave many practical tips on how to think, act and live for a more fulfilling life.


Var tålmodig!
Ha integritet!
Visa alla heder!
Var tacksam! - när vi vänder välsignelser till lovprisning, odlar vi tacksamhet

Ha en frimodig tro och agera frimodigt! - frimodighet är agerande fött i tro och baseras på det du tror om vem du är och vem Gud är. Handling utan fruktan. I takt med att din tro växer, gör även din frimodighet det.

Be frimodigt! - be stora böner, be som om du verkligen tror att det ska ske, be för det omöjliga.
Profile Image for Helen Shirley.
141 reviews1 follower
June 26, 2022
What can I say?! I love Craig Groeschel's books so much and this was no exception. His books are so easy to read and to pick up and read at any time. The chapters aren't too lengthy, in this averaging only about 18 pages so I found it easy to read a chapter each night in bed before prayerfully considering what I'd just read and learnt about. This book was split into 3 main sections and then a further 4 chapters in each section grouped around learning. Craig's books are totally based on Scripture which he brings alive and makes fully applicable with his own shared stories and explanations. This is a must for any Christian who wants to begin to see themselves as God sees them.
28 reviews
January 26, 2022
Empece a leer este libro pensando que se trataba de otra cosa. No sabía nada del autor ni lo que ha hecho, pero me alegra haber leído este libro. Su lectura es fácil, amena y con buen sentido del humor. Sin embargo, en algunos puntos te confronta con tu vida personal. Para mí fue bueno leer algo diferente a lo que venía leyendo. Lo recomiendo, ya que si lees un capítulo diario te ayudará a meditar en tu día a día.

Profile Image for Terry Pellegrino.
44 reviews1 follower
September 27, 2017
Great book that focused on praying boldly, acting boldly in the name of Jesus, and following the voice of the Holy Spirit. The author sprinkles in his personal history; and also walks the reader through the parts of the Acts of the Apostles where the disciples of Jesus prayed and acted boldly led by the Holy Spirit. Great Book!
January 19, 2019
One of the best books for someone who is trying to find their way.

I chose this book after recently attending a Life.Church sermon. Pastor Craig is one of the best speakers I'd ever had the pleasure of hearing speak. This book has helped me find my way back to who God wants me to be. I just hope I can continue to be BOLD!
Profile Image for Matti.
10 reviews
April 30, 2020
This was the book that brought me to God and had me doing a self examination of who I was v. Who I was really meant to be.
While reading this book I realize the layers of insecurities and falsehood that my identity was covered under and helped me find Myself as I was created and finding my own path to a new life.
Profile Image for Rick Spinos.
Author 37 books44 followers
September 12, 2020
Started slow but finished strong.

I was attracted to the title because I believe that the new identity that we have in Christ is extremely important in the lives of Christians. I enjoyed Greg’s examples of boldness and faith, obviously due to his strong conviction of who he is in Christ. I recommend this book to any Christian who struggles with identity issues.
Profile Image for Ben.
2,689 reviews203 followers
December 17, 2022
What's Your Altar Ego?

This was a really great book about living as a Christian and how to become more like Jesus.

Some great practical tips and really encouraging stories from Craig's life.

Craig is a truly amazing author, I also really love his appearances on YouVersion.

Would recommend!

Profile Image for John Funderburg.
589 reviews1 follower
January 20, 2018
Outstanding. Pastor Craig's perspective is incredibly admirable, and he has written a fantastic book filled with Godly wisdom. Do you want to grow? Do you want allow God to use you more, or for the first time? Pick up this book and get started today.
Profile Image for Evan Hoekzema.
340 reviews2 followers
June 1, 2018
Groeschel brings the heat in helping the reader filter through the most important aspects of living a God-honoring life. One of my favorite quotes from the book was, “If you have integrity, that’s all that matters. If you don’t have integrity, that’s all that matters.”
Profile Image for Mike Wardrop.
230 reviews11 followers
June 30, 2018
This is a great read for new Christians in particular - a simple but profound book helping people reorient their identities around who Jesus is and God’s descriptors of us. Altar Ego challenges us to live boldly, out of a confidence born in our relationship with God, through Christ.
Profile Image for Paula Mardik.
2 reviews
October 24, 2018

This book has pushed me to a new level. Reminds me to always pray bold prayers. Believe for the unexpected. Very motivating an inspiring. Remember, you are who God says you are!!!!
Profile Image for Nihou.
64 reviews
January 1, 2020
I will return to this book again and again, when I need Craig's enthusiasm and bold faith. He makes one believe that in ordinary ways, one can be an ambassador for Christ, regardless of how little you thin you are capable of.
Profile Image for Brenten Gilbert.
445 reviews2 followers
January 15, 2020

This is a good reminder to embrace and embody the person God made you to be. This deals with doubts, labels, excuses, and all kinds of things that irk us and prevent us for living our lives as we should.

Not a bad book to start off the year with, actually.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 136 reviews

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