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What's Behind Your Belly Button? A Psychological Perspective of the Intelligence of Human Nature and Gut Instinct

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"What’s Behind Your Belly Button? A Psychological Perspective of the Intelligence of Human Nature and Gut Instinct" by Martha Char Love and Robert W. Sterling explains what your gut feelings are actually capable of telling you about your inner instinctive needs, how to listen to the voice of your gut, and how to use both of your brains—head and gut—to work together for your optimal health and well-being. Although numerous books and articles have recently talked about the gut instincts as valuable in giving us useful hunches in the decision-making process, "What’s Behind Your Belly Button?" goes much further and explains how gut feelings not only have a psychological intelligence of their own, but are also understandably rational in their functioning. The authors explore how gut feelings are like a gas gauge in our guts indicating through an emotional feeling of emptiness or fullness how well the two instinctive human needs for acceptance (attention from others) and of control of one’s own responses (freedom) in our lives are being met and how our behavior attempts to keep these two instinctive needs in balance at all times. They explore how these two instinctive needs motivate nearly all our behaviors all through our lives and that the feeling memory of how well these needs are met from moment-to-moment may be accessed through somatic awareness of our gut feelings of empty and full by using the Somatic Reflection Process the authors have developed.

Since Dr. Michael Gershon, M.D., published in 1999 his revolutionary medical findings that demonstrated that the gut has an intelligence of its own and called it the “Second Brain”, people have been examining their guts with growing interest in trying to understand their gut feelings. Love and Sterling answer the questions many people have about the psychology of the second brain and the ENS in a new theory of Gut Psychology, and explore how to use both your head and gut brains to work together for a healthy life.

It is written in a narrative style that allows for the reader to understand the experience within themselves of having two brains and it makes thinking of the human being with these two brains become truly understandable for the first time. While the authors make this material easy to understand, the psychological explanations of gut intelligence and instincts in this book are comprehensive, well-researched, and based upon clinical studies with hundreds people by the two authors. Utilizing the research of Dr. Gershon, the work of Dr. Lise Eliot who charts the development of children from conception through the first five years of life, recent research of their own in the Psychology Department at Sonoma State University, and their vast clinical experience in career counseling and psychometry, the two authors of "What’s Behind Your Belly Button?" have presented an interpretation of recent medical research into a new revolutionary understanding of gut instincts and a more accurate behavioral understanding of the Self and human nature than has previously been available.

This book is recommended for anyone looking for a hopeful view of humankind and a method for getting in touch with gut instincts to reduce stress, cope with fear and anxiety, deal with health issues and make efforts to stay healthy, and to increase optimal problem-solving and life-decision making abilities. It is a book that would be useful for general audience readers as a self-help book, as well as for scholars of psychology, education, neurology, medicine, and business organizational leadership interested in the well-being of healthy decision-making and the human condition. "What’s Behind Your Belly Button?" is now available for purchase on Amazon.com in both the USA and the UK.

328 pages, Paperback

First published November 8, 2011

About the author

Martha Char Love

4 books268 followers
Martha Char Love is the co-author of "What's Behind Your Belly Button? A Psychological Perspective of the Intelligence of Human Nature and Gut Instinct". She was born in Charlotte, North Carolina, and grew up primarily in Georgia and Mississippi. She presently lives in Honolulu, on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. She received her BS in Elementary Education in 1968 and an MA in Educational Psychology in 1970, with a 5th year certificate in Psychometry in the School Psychology department at the University of Georgia. She was a counselor/instructor in the '70s and early 80's, working as both a career counselor and instructor at Meridian Junior College and later in a large community college, Santa Fe Community College (SFCC), in Gainesville Florida, as well as a licensed School Psychologist for the Alachua County Schools K-12. It was at that time that she first wrote a text for her classes with her colleague, Robert Sterling, about the gut instinctive responses that they were discovering with people they were working with in career exploration.

In 2005, she received her MA in Depth Psychology and continued her study of the gut instinctive response in a research study at Sonoma State University in Northern California. In 2008, she received her PMA in Art Therapy. After years of study and new medical breakthroughs supporting the intelligence of the gut brain, she and Robert Sterling have written a groundbreaking book, "What's Behind Your Belly Button? A Psychological Perspective of the Intelligence of Human Nature and Gut Instinct" introducing a new Gut Psychology exploring the intelligence of human nature and gut instincts. They have also recently published a second book on gut instincts titled "Increasing Intuitional Intelligence: How The Awareness of Instinctual Gut Feelings Fosters Human Learning, Intuition, and Longevity."

She also has a recent cookbook published titled: "Mom's Island Bakens: Over 50 Altered Recipes For a Happy Gut and a Healthy Heart." While Martha Char Love has spent her career life exploring the intelligence and psychology of gut feelings, she does not write "Mom's Island Bakens" as a professional but as a Mom and lifetime family cook who has always had the well-being of her family's gut and health in mind. She has used her long years of cooking experience coupled with her professional counseling abilities to write a book to guide people who have found it a necessity due to illness or simply a smart move toward well-being to strive to make healthy changes to their diet and thus their cooking.

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Profile Image for Martha Love.
Author 4 books268 followers
April 10, 2018
Hope our book "What's Behind Your Belly Button?' is bringing some important meaning in your life about your own gut responses. We wanted to invite everyone to our blog site on our work and book with exploring instinctual gut feeling intelligence at http://instinctualgutfeelings.blogspo.... We have included excerpts from our book "What's Behind Your Belly Button?" in most of our blog posts along with new material. There are five plus years of blog entries to explore gut feeling intelligence on this blog, so please look at the left hand side panel on the site to check out the many entries on gut feeling intelligence.

We wrote this book to share our work and we hope that it helps people to uncover the meaning of the gut response and how it may be used for healthy decision-making and wellness.

Thank you, dear readers, for coming to my Goodreads page and I look forward to hearing from you.

Martha Love
Profile Image for Micki Peluso.
Author 11 books61 followers
February 4, 2013



Authors Love and Sterling point out in their dedication of this book to the youth of the 50s and 60s, that they were the first to realize the power love and peace offers in uniting the various differences within humanity. This was not explainable then — just a “gut feeling".

Since those times the authors have, through extensive research and counseling sessions, along with neurological studies, been able to identify the gut as a second brain; one more in tune with somatic reactions to stress and emotional feelings. Once people learn how to combine the two brains, it becomes possible to use that natural combination to experience healing, stress reduction and dis-ease.

The authors, working on the premise that “nature creates the situations called problems and man discovers the solutions," present a protocol for “facilitating the Somatic Reflection Process”. An external guide called a facilitator guides the patient through a process of acceptance of feelings, past and present, allowing the person to share emotional inner needs which are often the cause of physical distress. People through language, such as, “I feel like I got punched in the gut," or " I got a gut instinct about this," have always sensed that the gut was the seat of emotion leading to illness and duress. Many actors routinely throw up before a performance; others become nervous over something and experience diarrhea or cannot eat.

Using the Somatic Process can help people bring the internal, often deep-seated emotions of loneliness, an empty gut feeling, and myriads of distressing emotions to the surface; to examine these feelings and their origin which are mostly buried in the subconscious mind during childhood. Working through these unresolved memories can result in “full gut – empty mind," freeing the patient from real and misconceived ideas causing physical and mental pain, which dissipates once the instinctual needs are both met and accepted. This process is exceptionally advantageous in dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome.

The authors maintain that today’s lifestyles tend to ignore inner feelings, operating on outside systems of thought. This is an extraordinary book, one that can be referred to each time a person feels that “empty gut" sensation. The solutions are laid out in simple steps throughout this phenomenal book.

Micki Peluso: writer, journalist, and author of . . . And the Whippoorwill Sang

Profile Image for Nicholas.
217 reviews22 followers
July 10, 2014
The premise of this book is that by using our gut encoded instinctual memory to supplement our thinking brains,we can become less dominated by external influence and the false self that it can impose on us.To facilitate this process the authors outline the technique they developed called the Somatic Reflection Process,whereby attention to feelings of emptiness and fullness are used to gauge a persons unconscious response to situations helping them identify patterns of behavior that have become harmful,and in conflict with their instinctive feelings.
The authors have had over 40 years experience in the field,and many of their counselling sessions are provided verbatim to clarify how somatic awareness can be beneficial to those trapped in self-destructive patterns of behavior,that where mostly laid down in childhood.
The book is thorough and remains fairly focused throughout and explains the origins and scientific verification of their theories.The only negative criticisms I'd make, are that the first few chapters where written in a rather academic style and some points and references where repeated too often which gave the impression some of the chapters where independent of the rest.
Profile Image for Carol St clare.
1 review5 followers
September 29, 2013
This book is valuable for professionals in Psychology or the Medical fields, and for the general reader. It is both deeply personal at times and yet very well researched. I think nearly everyone could benefit from reading "What's Behind your Belly Button?" It gives a hopeful new view of human kind and would make a good gift for anyone.
Profile Image for Carol Stewart.
10 reviews2 followers
June 24, 2015
Some of the theory is deep and you do have to think about it as you read along because it is a new way of thinking about your feelings. At least it is for me. But I found the writing very clear on experiencing the inner self and gut feelings. This book had more to say about gut feelings and how they differ from emotions than anything I have ever read.
I found it to be a very useful book in my life. I took it serious as a self-help book and I set out to try to verify the use of their technique in the book by trying it on myself. I did as they said and found the most unresolved issue in my life and centered on my gut feelings of emptiness or fullness and took these feelings back in time in my life. I followed their steps listed. It really did work to help me see that what I was dealing with was from an early age and it clarified more what that was all about. After I experienced many of the things they are saying in the book, I could understand the theory they put forth much deeper. I liked reading the theory first, though, because I like to get an idea of where I am going before I go there. But the later chapters that give you the technique are very important.
I've been interested in using my gut feelings for decision making for a long time and generally do go with my gut. This book explains what these gut feeling are and how to be aware of them. I've never read anything quite like it and it makes a lot of sense. You can tell as you read it that these two counselors base what they are saying on a great deal of experience with people.
Profile Image for Rosemary.
Author 4 books66 followers
November 20, 2013
At first when I saw this cover and read the Amazon introduction it was obvious it was not a book about a baby story but a book I just had to buy. Let's face it, babies are sweet and innocent and you learn with fascination of your baby the many aspects of life he or she is experiencing. But this book goes beyond the cute baby photo and allows us to see what is behind that belly button. The actual feeling of gut pain that alerts us to when something is wrong or simply uncomfortable. It is a great science that our body parts have their own intelligence yet this book clearly shows with clinical studies what we have in common between our brain and our gut.

Your going to love what your learn about the things already in your own mind, heart and gut but may or may not have listened to in the past.

What's Behind The Bellybutton offers an insight to how you can use and listen to those nagging feelings or gut instincts when reflecting on a problem worrying you have no answer but while the solution really lies inside your own body.

This book through proven studies about the gut shows you over and over again how we can learn from this special communication between the brain and your stomach in a special way from these two authors even the simple layman can understand. It offers you the ability to recognize those feelings and learn to benefit from these "gut instincts" that without, you could make some serious errors in life with severe consequences.

Yes, these authors were indeed sincere offering all of us a way to believe in ourselves. I for one have anguished over decisions that were difficult to make and have made myself think I was merely sick when in actuality it was my stomach trying to communicate with my brain a message that was often a critical answer to many times a life altering decision.

It is not often you have the opportunity to read material that is written by highly educated authors in the science field that may be over our heads and presented in a way that makes us understand answers that we may otherwise never have gotten. This is not just a book for the professional but for all of us.

I was curious enough after reading the introduction to open the pages of this incredible book and finally understand this connection between the gut and brain. I would have never thought to search out a book to find out why one gets these gnawing feelings as-you just think it's a normal stressful reaction to whatever you are pondering.

But this book is different. All things are more easily understood now that I have read this book learning we do have TWO BRAINS and how to understand this communication between them.

I am not sure how I ever got along without it and at the very least am so grateful now that I own it and have read it. Now, I know that this vital communication inside ourselves is natural and makes our lives so much richer.

The research combined with clinical studies has enabled these two brilliant authors a way to share with us the most fundamental understanding of ourselves and I for one wish to thank them myself for making the choices they made that convinced me to see who or what I am, by understanding that "gut feeling" are what we all have and experience and not just a stressful reaction but rather an actual communication within ourselves.

Martha Char Love and Robert Sterling will hold your attention as you learn who you are and how intelligent you really are-Now that's some gift!

The holidays are upon us so why not a gift of love, understanding and self improvement learning you have two brains!


Rosemary "Mamie" Adkins, Author
Reflections of Mamie
A Story of Survival
Reflections of Mamie - A Story of Survival
Profile Image for Teuta Rizaj.
Author 9 books27 followers
June 9, 2015
The Most Useful Book On The Second Brain…

Very illuminating… One of the most authoritative books on the subject of gut instinctual and feeling intelligence… A unique psychological exploration/approach validating that the true understanding of the authentic self and its concepts is clearly governed by the power of the gut instinct.

Through principles and practices, new and relevant, the book unlocks the origin of gut response center through which one gains access to the inner intuitive processes wherein the impact of life’s experiences dwells and the living energy and vital force toward individual goal is found and realized.

Much to recommend…valuable advice …by respecting internal rather than external authorities we can ward physical poisons and free us from our toxic psychic/emotional fetters that hold us back from achieving highest potential and fully living.

Authors have distilled the essence of true inner world into this comprehensive text put to test using situational context. An indispensable classroom material and beyond…for anyone interested in an in-depth functional model for self-awareness and problem solving.

--- Teuta S. Rizaj, Professor/Educator and author of The Rhapsody of the Ant Woman: Poem with Complimentary Drawings
Profile Image for Andrea James.
338 reviews37 followers
April 30, 2016
I was really interested in the premise of this book - I found the title intriguing - and I was excited because the reviews of the book were great. I'm still interested in the concepts but sadly the writing style just didn't gel with me. I'm used to reading both academic papers as well as light popular science books so it's not that it was too dense or too casual/conversational.

Here's an example from the first page in chapter one:
"To suggest that a somatic inner instinctive accountability exists with a reliable and constant organismic rationale or intelligence, which must be served by the logical thinking process in order to maintain a state of health, may be seen as an unseemly contradiction of tradition - and it is."

It is possible to understand the above sentence but as with so many other sentences throughout the book, I found that it was necessary for me to re-read the sentence at least once in order to grasp its point. Constantly having to re-read sentences breaks one's flow of thought and made the whole experience somewhat tiring.

I would to learn more about this research, from the authors and others, but this book just wasn't the way for me to access and digest this information.

Profile Image for Gail Avrill.
15 reviews2 followers
August 29, 2016
I was looking for a book to help me understand what gut feelings and gut instincts really are and how to use them to increase intuition and success in making business decisions. While this book doesn't talk about the gut as it pertains to business per se, it is the clearest guide I have found so far in how to become aware of your gut feelings. They clearly explain exactly what these feelings are and how to use them to manage stress and make successful decisions in life, including career decisions. The authors were career counselors and seem to have vast experience in the field. I found that the most valuable thing about this book is that it gives a method to become aware of the directions gut feelings are indicating we need to go in to be healthy and successful in life. I highly recommend this book because it is a very understandable narrative and truly fills in some of the questions we all have about ourselves and who we are as human beings with gut feelings.
Profile Image for John Rosenman.
Author 74 books22 followers
December 24, 2015
A fascinating and enlightening read. Apparently people have two brains, not just one. The other is the gut or internal system which seldom forgets and carries its joys and miseries through life. I'm not totally surprised. We do have words like "psychosomatic" which suggest the brain-body connection. However, the authors explore this link in far more detail.
Profile Image for Brenda.
8 reviews6 followers
March 20, 2017
I am so glad I read this book. It really spoke to me and helped me to clear some of my feelings about my past and feel less stressful in general. So, I used the Somatic Process on gut feelings that these authors outlined and it really worked. I never realized how much of my past I could remember through being aware of the gut feelings I have had throughout my life. I have to admit that I skipped some of the theory part in the book, but I do plan to read it too. I'm just more of a practical content reader and was drawn to the parts in the book that I could use for my own self examination.
Profile Image for Ken Tolle.
11 reviews
April 20, 2017
I just reread this book again and I am glad that I kept it, as it is deep and integrative of many new ideas. It takes some time to "digest" and is a great reference book for psychology and also for understanding gut instinct and feelings. Very well written and turns a lot of traditional thinking in psychology up-side-down and in-side-out. The best part of the book deals with gut feeling memory and I hope the authors write more on this in the future.
Profile Image for David Clark.
39 reviews4 followers
December 26, 2021
Understanding the role of our gut brain is a deep dive into our inner engineering like no other.

This book is so wonderfully written and so wonderfully practical - I loved it.

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