Ask the Author: Annika Champenois

“Ask me a question.” Annika Champenois

Answered Questions (2)

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Annika Champenois I go for a walk. Or I take a shower. But for the sake of saving water, the walk is usually the better choice. During the walk, I'll turn over the scene I'm stuck on until I craft a great dialogue or come up with the solution to what needs to happen. When I get home, I'll pull out a notebook and pen--no electronics--and write out the bare bones. (I.e., I won't let dialogue tags, descriptions, or word choice slow down my writing.) THEN and only then will I get back on the computer, type in what I've got, and keep going from there.
Annika Champenois Giving voice to the stories that dance around in my imagination. I get to write the books I want to read. Seeing them take shape is amazing.
And it's always a bonus that I can read others' stories and call it research.

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