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Translation for Cineuropa
Cineuropa is always looking for new competent voluntary translators. If you become part of our network of translators, we will get in touch regularly and, depending on your availability and the number of texts on offer, you will be able to translate from one of four Cineuropa languages into your mother tongue. The amount of time allowed for translation varies.

To become part of our network of translators, click here to get in touch with us.

Internships / Voluntary work
You are looking for an internship (even from your residence) in Cineuropa? You are ready to offer your know how in writing, editing or archive material? Cineuropa is a high-quality participatory media which relies partly on the work of voluntary collaborators. This network is coordinated by two European central offices. If you would like to become involved with the first media on European cinema, click here to get in touch with us.

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