Establish a Prize, Award, or Fellowship

Establishing a prize, award or fellowship is a wonderful way to honor a colleague, mentor, program or your family name. AMS prizes advance research and scholarship while recognizing individuals and programs for their contributions to the mathematical sciences and to the mathematics community.

The AMS strives to offer a range of prizes across different fields of mathematics research and education. The AMS Development Committee and Development staff will work with you to help you achieve your philanthropic goals. Please contact Director of Development Doug Allen at 401.455.4126 or by email for more information.

Examples of AMS Prizes, Awards, and Fellowships:

Joan and Joseph Birman
Joan and Joseph Birman

The Joan and Joseph Birman Fellowship for Women Scholars was established by the Birmans in 2017. It seeks to address the paucity of women at the highest levels of research in mathematics by giving exceptionally talented women extra research support during their mid-career years.

James Maynard, 2020 winner of Cole Prize in Number Theory
James Maynard, 2020 Cole Prize in Number Theory

The Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory (and the Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra) was founded in honor of Professor Frank Nelson Cole upon his retirement from the American Mathematical Society. The original fund was donated by Professor Cole from moneys presented to him on his retirement, and was augmented by contributions from members of the Society.

Darryl Yong, 2020 Award for Impact on Teaching and Learning
Darryl Yong, 2020 Award for Impact on Teaching and Learning

The Award for Impact on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics is given annually to mathematicians who have made significant contributions of lasting value to mathematics education. The Award for Impact on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics was established by the AMS in 2013 and supported by a named endowed fund established by a contribution from Kenneth I. and Mary Lou Gross in honor of their daughters Laura and Karen.

Bertrand Russell in 1924
Bertrand Russell

The Bertrand Russell Prize honors research or service contributions of mathematicians or related professionals to promoting good in the world and recognizes the various ways that mathematics furthers human values. The Bertrand Russell Prize of the AMS was established in 2016 by Thomas Hales.

Jack Giannetti, Trjitzinsky Award recipient
Jack Giannetti, 2020 Trjitzinsky recipient

The Undergraduate Opportunity Awards provide promising undergraduate math students assistance to ensure that financial hardship does not stand in the way of the completion of their degree program. These awards were created in 1991 thanks to a bequest from the estate of Waldemar J., Barbara G., and Juliet Trjitzinsky, and have since been joined by the Edmund Landau Award and the William Lockwood Forster Memorial Award to benefit more students in the future.

Review the full list of AMS Prizes and Awards.