Thus I Wrote

You're never alone, if you've something to share

The Third Coming?

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One to the east
And one to the west
The world spins
On some new quest
Things fall apart
The centre can’t hold

America is lost
Broken in two
Republican selfishness
Breaking anew
Things fall apart
The centre can’t hold

China arises
From its slumber
Values are questionable
But can’t ignore numbers
Things fall apart
The centre can’t hold

Europe straining
Between two poles
Holding centre values
Taking its toll
Things fall apart
The centre can’t hold

Britain a wrecking ball
Breaking away
A barking dog following
Republican America
Things fall apart
The centre can’t hold

100 years ago
Similar words were said
As wars ravaged
And many were dead
Are we turning into
New conflicts to behold
Things fall apart
The centre can’t hold


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Mental Health
Physical Health
Financial Health
Financial Health
Physical Health
Mental Health

Written by thus.i.wrote

June 14, 2021 at 10:37 am


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There appears to be
No clear right or wrong
There is weak
& there is strong

There appears to be
No agreed perspective
Only effective
And ineffective

Some use the law
Or some wise insight
Some have to break things
To relearn it’s not right

And so boundaries
Are pushed on until
Another pushes back
With strength and will

And so lessons are learned
An agreed perspective
Over what is effective
And ineffective

Written by thus.i.wrote

June 12, 2021 at 11:00 pm


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How did you justify
Stealing and killing
From those who own
But are unwilling?

You used religion
And science to say
They are below you
In made up ways

And now you use arrogance
And discrimination
To control equals or betters
Even in the same nation

Jokes are used
To hide behind

And statues are used
To glorify the pillage
They poison the nation
& weaken it with spillage

The spawn of public schools
Like Eton & Harrow
Brutal and shameless
Monsters of sorrow

But inherited wealth
Can’t be repeated
Change must come, cos
The future can’t be cheated

The past can hold back
Or help evolve to find
New ways that include
New ties that bind

Written by thus.i.wrote

June 12, 2021 at 11:04 am


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I wonder what it means
Day after day
What I do now
Day after day

I’ve no real plan
Step after step
Moving forward
Step after step

Slowly a form arises
From the steps
The mist of meaning
From the steps

Written by thus.i.wrote

June 11, 2021 at 10:12 am

Values 2

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You must value me
To want to spend time
We take our turn
To give in rhyme

Multiple transactions
Part of our interaction
And the credit we create
Builds the attraction

We rise some days
And others we fall
We give when we rise
We try owning our fall

If we value each other
And love enough
We can help each other
When the going gets tough

Written by thus.i.wrote

June 10, 2021 at 1:11 pm


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Like you I serve
My selfish needs
But our different values
Sow different seeds

Is climate change
Valued by you?
Or is it too long term
Too indirect for you?

Is a short term fix
More what you choose?
A zero sum game
You win…we lose

Different values
Could serve for good
But the future looks darker
Maybe more than it should

Now I’m grateful when
On the road I find
Those who are giving
Those who are kind

Written by thus.i.wrote

June 9, 2021 at 8:11 am

Posted in Poems, Prose

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They have no shame
Because they are taught to be so
Fair play is for the many
A controlling show

They have no boundaries
No rules they follow
Under their act
Inside they are hollow.

Norms and convention
Are no shackles for them
Decency and humanity
They abuse again

Holding power is all
Using any culture war
They keep friends near
And others far

They hide in plain sight
They are a rich elite
They blame others
To distract from this deceit

Written by thus.i.wrote

June 8, 2021 at 3:55 pm


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There’s a fall
In democracy
There’s a rise
In autocracy
I look to the future
But it’s closed to me

We’ve grown
To 8 Billion strong
Doubled in 50 years
That’s not long
I grew in that time
But I’m only one

Relatively it’s been
A season of creation
A spring after winter
Such co-operation
But this can change
Winter lurks in rotation

Written by thus.i.wrote

June 7, 2021 at 9:09 pm

The Ocean and the Sea

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I’m not doing this for them
No it’s to explore
To find my place
In this world a bit more

I’m not doing this for them
No it’s to explore
Who I am
In this world a bit more

The world is so full
It’s a noisy place
I know I don’t add much
In this human race

I’m just a drop
In the big ocean blue
But you’re a sea for me
And I for you

Written by thus.i.wrote

June 5, 2021 at 12:22 pm

Posted in Poems, Poetry

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