See Page XX – October 2014

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Happy Hallowe’en! I didn’t have to go too far for a scary Hallowe’en See Page XX logo, as I happen to have a number of stake- and blood-related art pieces on my computer at the moment, because of the Dracula Dossier Kickstarter, live now!
The build-up for the Kickstarter hasn’t stopped production, though, and we’ve got a massive Hallowe’en harvest of terrifying new products. We’ve got Dreamhounds of Paris and its companion book, The Book of Ants, up for pre-order this month; can anything be as terrifying as rules for Sex Hitler? We’ll let you decide…

Master of Mythos Adam Gauntlett’s Great War Trail of Cthulhu adventure collection, Dulce et Decorum Est, and his Spanish Civil War campaign Soldiers of Pen and Ink, are now available to download as PDFs in the webstore, as is Matthew Sanderson’s scary haunted house adventure, The Seventh Circle – written for Fear Itself, but with conversion notes for running as a Trail of Cthulhu adventure. KWAS subscribers will get the November edition, Hideous Creatures: Byakhee this month; meanwhile, non-subscribers can now buy The School of Night as a stand-alone product in the shop.

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