See Page XX – May

Page XX logoA early Page XX this month, due to a number of absences from the Pelgrane’s Nest, with Simon off on a lovely holiday for a week and Cat away at UK Games Expo in Birmingham. This means that lucky Ken Writes About Stuff subscribers get their latest fix of Kenly goodness early this month in the circle-dodging form of Hideous Creatures: Hounds of Tindalos. As well as that, we’re delighted to announce the opening of pre-orders for Eternal Lies, as well as an update to the Eternal Lies Suite featuring not only new music, but a voiceover by geek favourite Wil Wheaton.

We’ve also got an article from about some enthusiastic new Trail of Cthulhu players in Malaysia; a 13th Age/Archmage System hack by ASH LAW; an article by Will Hindmarch about what it was like to work on Eternal Lies, and one from Christopher Smith Adair about converting Achtung! Cthulhu into Trail of Cthulhu. And on the 13th Age front, Rob Heinsoo provides a couple of 7th level rogue powers, there’s a 13th Age fillable character sheet courtesy of Evenglare on the Pelgrane Press forums, and an excellent article about how backgrounds thingify any 13th Age story by Ryven Cedrylle.

And of course, there’s Simon’s View from the Pelgrane’s Nest, Ken’s Call of Chicago and a word from Robin D. Laws, as well as details of the latest Pelgrane games – and an Ashen Stars character generator – available for playtesting.

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