A Fused Continuous Floating-Point MAC on FPGA

Qianjian XING
Zhenguo MA
Feng YU
Yingke XU

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences   Vol.E101-A    No.9    pp.1594-1598
Publication Date: 2018/09/01
Online ISSN: 1745-1337
DOI: 10.1587/transfun.E101.A.1594
Type of Manuscript: LETTER
Category: Circuit Theory
floating-point multiply-accumulator,  fused algorithm,  normalization and alignment,  

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In this letter, we present a novel single-precision floating-point multiply-accumulator (FNA-MAC) to achieve lower hardware resource, reduced computing latency and improved computing accuracy for continuous dot product operations. By further fusing the normalization and alignment in the traditional FMA algorithm, the proposed architecture eliminates the first N-1 normalization and rounding operations for an N-point dot product, and preserves the precision of interim results in a significant bit size that is twice of that in the traditional methods. The normalization and rounding of the final result is processed at the cost of consuming an additional multiply-add operation. The simulation results show that the improvement in computational accuracy is significant. Meanwhile, when comparing to a recently published FMA design, the proposed FNA-MAC can reduce the slice look-up table/flip-flop resource and computing latency by a fact of 18%, 33.3%, respectively.

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