The numbers B associated with the search for records in the ABC conjecture constrained as described in A147639.

%I #12 Aug 04 2019 06:38:48

%S 3,7,15,27,63,125,1701

%N The numbers B associated with the search for records in the ABC conjecture constrained as described in A147639.

%C The standard way to search for records in the ABC conjecture is to run with the C parameter through all the integers A000027. If this search space is diluted by admitting only powers of 2 as in A147639, the sequence of records changes. This sequence here lists the B such that the triples (A=A147640(n), B=a(n), C=A147639(n)) locate records for this search restricting C to powers of 2.

%H Abderrahmane Nitaj, <a href="https://nitaj.users.lmno.cnrs.fr/abc.html">The ABC conjecture homepage</a>

%Y Cf. A085152, A085153, A147298-A147307, A147638-A147643.

%K nonn,more

%O 1,1

%A _Artur Jasinski_, Nov 09 2008

%E Definition and commend edited by _R. J. Mathar_, Aug 28 2009