Number of line segments in regular n-gon with all diagonals drawn.
0, 1, 3, 8, 20, 42, 91, 136, 288, 390, 715, 756, 1508, 1722, 2835, 3088, 4896, 4320, 7923, 8360, 12180, 12782, 17963, 16344, 25600, 26494, 35451, 36456, 47908, 38310, 63395, 64800, 82368, 84082, 105315, 99972, 132756, 135014, 165243, 167720
A line segment (or edge) is considered to end at any vertex where two or more chords meet.
I.e., edge count of the n-polygon diagonal intersection graph. - Eric W. Weisstein, Mar 08 2018
N. J. A. Sloane (in collaboration with Scott R. Shannon), Art and Sequences, Slides of guest lecture in Math 640, Rutgers Univ., Feb 8, 2020. Mentions this sequence.
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Edge Count
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Polygon Diagonal Intersection Graph
a(n) = A007569(n) + A007678(n) - 1. - Max Alekseyev
del[m_, n_] := Boole[Mod[n, m] == 0];
A007569[n_] :=
If[n < 4, n,
n + Binomial[n, 4] + del[2, n] (-5 n^3 + 45 n^2 - 70 n + 24)/24 -
del[4, n] (3 n/2) + del[6, n] (-45 n^2 + 262 n)/6 +
del[12, n]*42 n + del[18, n]*60 n + del[24, n]*35 n -
del[30, n]*38 n - del[42, n]*82 n - del[60, n]*330 n -
del[84, n]*144 n - del[90, n]*96 n - del[120, n]*144 n -
del[210, n]*96 n];
A007678[n_] :=
If[n < 3,
0, (n^4 - 6 n^3 + 23 n^2 - 42 n + 24)/24 +
del[2, n] (-5 n^3 + 42 n^2 - 40 n - 48)/48 - del[4, n] (3 n/4) +
del[6, n] (-53 n^2 + 310 n)/12 + del[12, n] (49 n/2) +
del[18, n]*32 n + del[24, n]*19 n - del[30, n]*36 n -
del[42, n]*50 n - del[60, n]*190 n - del[84, n]*78 n -
del[90, n]*48 n - del[120, n]*78 n - del[210, n]*48 n];
a[n_] := A007569[n] + A007678[n] - 1;
Array[a, 40] (* Jean-François Alcover, Sep 07 2017, after Max Alekseyev, using T. D. Noe's code for A007569 and A007678 *)
Sequences related to chords in a circle: A001006, A054726, A006533, A006561, A006600, A007569, A007678. See also entries for chord diagrams in Index file.
Sequence in context: A354317 A143785 A182735 * A139488 A028307 A027298