Karpytchev Mikhail

Mots clés : Marées et surcotes, Niveau de la mer, Changements climatiques, Modélisation numérique.

Liste des publications :

20 résultats


Communication dans un congrès

Subsidence and relative sea level rates in the Bengal delta
Celine Grall , Michael Steckler , Yann Krien , Steve Goodbred , Amelia Winner , Nahin Rezwan , Mikhail Karpytchev , Ken Ferrier , Melanie Becker , Syed Humayun Akther
27e édition de la Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, SGF, CNRS, Laboratoire de Géologie de Lyon ou l’étude de la Terre, des planètes et de l’environnement, Nov 2021, Lyon, France


Article dans une revue

Water level changes, subsidence, and sea level rise in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta
Melanie Becker , Fabrice Papa , Mikhail Karpytchev , Caroline Delebecque , Yann Krien , Jamal Uddin Khan , Valérie Ballu , Fabien Durand , Gonéri Le Cozannet , Akm Saiful Islam , Stéphane Calmant , C. K Shum
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020, 117 (4), pp.1867-1876. ⟨10.1073/pnas.1912921117⟩


Chapitre d'ouvrage

Hotspots of relative sea level rise in the Tropics
Melanie Becker , Mikhail Karpytchev , Fabrice Papa
Tropical Extremes : Natural Variability and Trends, Elsevier, pp.203-262, 2019, 978-0-12-809248-4. ⟨10.1016/B978-0-12-809248-4.00007-8⟩

Communication dans un congrès

Irreducible Uncertainties in Future Sea Level Rise: The importance of Internal Climate Variability
Melanie Becker , Mikhail Karpytchev , Aixue Hu , Clara Deser
14th International Meeting on Statistical Climatology (IMSC), Jun 2019, Toulouse, France
Bangladesh's coastal vulnerability due to relative sea level rise and storm-surge inundation
Melanie Becker , Jamal Uddin Khan , Yann Krien , Fabien Durand , Fabrice Papa , Laurent Testut , Mikhaïl Karpytchev , Akm Saiful Islam , Stéphane Calmant
European Geosciences Union General Assembly, May 2019, Vienne, Austria


Article dans une revue

Contributions of a Strengthened Early Holocene Monsoon and Sediment Loading to Present-Day Subsidence of the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta
Mikhail Karpytchev , V. Ballu , Y. Krien , Melanie Becker , S. Goodbred , G. Spada , S. Calmant , C. K Shum , Z. Khan
Geophysical Research Letters, 2018, 45 (3), pp.1433-1442. ⟨10.1002/2017GL076388⟩

Communication dans un congrès

Irreducible Uncertainties and Persistence in Sea Level Variations
Mikhail Karpytchev , Melanie Becker , Aixue Hu , Clara Deser
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, Dec 2018, Washington, United States
Effect of internal climate variability on coastal sea level projections
Melanie Becker , Mikhail Karpytchev , Aixue Hu , Clara Deser , S Lennartz-Sassinek
ISSI Workshop Coastal Sea Level, Mar 2018, Bern, Switzerland


Communication dans un congrès

Uncertainties in Future Regional Sea Level Trends: How to Deal with the Internal Climate Variability?
Melanie Becker , Mikhail Karpytchev , Aixue Hu , Clara Deser , S Lennartz-Sassinek
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec 2017, New Orleans, United States


Article dans une revue

Do climate models reproduce complexity of observed sea level changes ?
M Becker , Mikhail Karpytchev , M Marcos , S Jevrejeva , S Lennartz-Sassinek
Geophysical Research Letters, 2016, ⟨10.1002/2016GL068971⟩
Influence of environmental gradients on the distribution of benthic resources available for shorebirds on intertidal mudflats of Yves Bay, France
Anne S. Philippe , David Pinaud , Marie-Laure Cayatte , Cyril Goulevant , Nicolas Lachaussée , Philippe Pineau , Mikhail Karpytchev , Pierrick Bocher
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2016, 174, pp.71-81. ⟨10.1016/j.ecss.2016.03.013⟩

Communication dans un congrès

Impact of internal climate memory on future sea level rise
Melanie Becker , Mikhail Karpytchev , Aixue Hu , Clara Deser , S Lennartz-Sassinek
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec 2016, San Francisco, United States
Hotspot of land-sea interaction: the world’s delta
Melanie Becker , Fabrice Papa , Mikhail Karpytchev , Akm Saiful Islam , Stephane Calmant
ISSI Forum on Monitoring Coastal Zones Evolution, Oct 2016, Bern, Switzerland


Article dans une revue

Current-oriented swimming by jellyfish and its role in bloom maintenance
Sabrina Fossette , Adrian Gleiss , Julien Chalumeau , Thomas Bastian , Claire Denise Armstrong , Sylvie Vandenabeele , Mikhail Karpytchev , Graeme Clive Hays
Current Biology - CB, 2015, 25 (3), pp.342-347. ⟨10.1016/j.cub.2014.11.050⟩
Estimation of vertical land movement rates along the coasts of the Gulf of Mexico over the past decades
Camille Letetrel , Mikhail Karpytchev , Marie-Noëlle Bouin , Marcos Marta , Alvaro Santamaria-Gomez , Guy Woppelmann
Continental Shelf Research, 2015, 111, pp.42. ⟨10.1016/j.csr.2015.10.018⟩


Article dans une revue

Long-term sea level trends: Natural or anthropogenic?
M Becker , Mikhail Karpytchev , S Lennartz-Sassinek
Geophysical Research Letters, 2014, ⟨10.1002/2014GL061027⟩
Can gray seals maintain heading within areas of high tidal current? Preliminary results from numerical modeling and GPS observations
Damien Chevaillier , Mikhail Karpytchev , Bernie J. Mcconnell , Simon Moss , Cécile Vincent
Marine Mammal Science, 2014, 30 (1), pp.374-380. ⟨10.1111/mms.12024⟩


Article dans une revue

Microorganism dynamics in a mudflat during rising tide Microorganism dynamics during a rising tide: Disentangling effects of resuspension and mixing with offshore waters above an intertidal mudflat
Katell Guizien , Christine Dupuy , Pascaline Ory , Hélène Montanié , Hans Hartmann , Mathieu Chatelain , Mikhaïl Karpytchev
Journal of Marine Systems, 2013, ⟨10.1016/j.jmarsys.2013.05.010⟩


Article dans une revue

Mesures et modélisations des évolutions du niveau marin, des vagues, des tempêtes et des évolutions des littoraux pour une gestion durable des littoraux
Eric Chaumillon , Guy Woppelmann , Mikhail Karpytchev , Xavier Bertin
VertigO : La revue électronique en sciences de l'environnement, 2011, Gestion durable des zones côtières et marines : nouveaux discours, nouvelles durabilités, nouvelles frontières, 9


Article dans une revue

Impact of a shift in mean on the sea level rise: Application to the tide gauges in the Southern Netherlands
Melanie Becker , Mikhail Karpytchev , Manuel Davy , Koos Doekes
Continental Shelf Research, 2009, 29 (4), pp.741-749. ⟨10.1016/j.csr.2008.12.005⟩