Mostly unedited poetry, some novels; maybe even a thought or two


Protected: Scary night

Deep emotions

In the darkest depths of a persons soul comes the feelings the we should avoid

The problem is our minds often feed off these feelings like muscles feeding on steroids

In an effort to expel such negativity, the inner depths releases in a volatile explosion

Like a volcano, the lava runs down the mountain covering all; except here it’s emotion

In Pompeii we could see the ruins and how fast v the victims were annihilated

It’s hard to visualize something internal, so the destruction can be depreciated

A city in ruin appears so vast and can bring us to overwhelm by the view

However the same overwhelm can occur with a little emotional ruin too

It’s hard to put such complexities side by side to judge them equally

But I know as well as you; that the strife and destruction removes the hope of serenity

The only true cure for the darkness of the soul is control how we react

So that the darkness which has occurred deep inside doesn’t cause an impact

Another chain of emotional turmoil just creates another lava flow

So breaking that chain with mindfulness is the way to make the soul glow.

(Meh I don’t like this ending but whatever)

Protected: Ellie’s tree Fort

Protected: Ellie expresses big feelings

Protected: Ellie, go outside!

Protected: Jack

Protected: Ellie’s Big Surprise

Wrong way road of life

I walk this road, and pass by a sign called life

I ponder for a moment, while others rush by

My thoughts bombard, penetrating like a knife

That I’m on a one way street, but don’t want to comply

I feel oh so alone, as the people whiz around me

Shoving right past, but not taking in the scene

It’s makes me question, do I fit into the colony

Or am I a broken cog stuck in this human machinery

As I start to wander forward, I gaze into someone’s eyes

They’re as lost as I am, confused, scared and frightened

An awkward shared smile, a hopeful surprise

Revealing we may not be broken, but in-fact enlightened.

The bombard ends, my thoughts have grown silent

My focus is no longer questions, I’m focused on our connection

Whatever is asked; I’ll now find myself complaint

Together we continue down the road; but it may be the wrong direction.


One’s focus is such a trivial passion,

The changes are frequent like the latest fashion.

A target that’s for ever evolving,

Going faster than the planets revolving.

Goals that once had been written in stone;

Become as fragile as a cancer-riddled bone.

Objectives in which were once so clear;

Become the whispers of the mind you barely hear.

A winding path you once could easily navigate,

Tosses you aside and laughs at your ill-gotten fate.

This world can be so wicked and cruel,

That it burns up one’s focus, like high octane fuel.

Do you got what it takes?

The stories make your brain bleed, like the words read from the news paper’s ink
They manufacture a concept like a genetically modified seed, into the brain it’ll sink
Coated the outside with a socially developed fear, an idea that were approaching the brink
It’ll flood the air waves, filling every corner of your brain; the goal is that you can’t think

They want you to act; they want the voices to shout out in their support
The goal is to cultivate society thats all voices but no thought; only help for the war effort
Blank stares watching the televised destruction over the seas, all while silencing the retort
They twist the story so its of heroes and sacrifice; it’ll make you feel safe, television is now your comfort

So you wanna break the chains
Disable the politicians gains
Think you got it takes to hold onto their reigns?
I doubt you can handle all the pains.
So you wanna break the chains?
Are you ready for the blood stains.
Think you can disable the propaganda trains
I doubt you got what it takes to stand against the grains.

The home front is that of ballers, of making money and buying luxury, of seeking wealth
Here’s a cure for a made up disease, to show you how they help, how they’re focused on your health
The needle in your arm is manufactured by the same people making you sick, but now its in stealth
Humanity is over populated, and they’re game is focused on reducing the poor’s time on the shelf

What you could have afforded, they’ll jack it up until its out of reach, now its hitting the sky
They blame it on fighting for the freedom, fighting the fear, safe guarding you, so you won’t die
Some phoney ass CEO is reaping in the profits from the disease they created; dollar bills deafen your cry
The same dollar bills silence the courts, the jury and the judge; pay them off so they don’t pry

So you wanna break the chains
Disable the politicians gains
Think you got it takes to hold onto their reigns?
I doubt you can handle all the pains.
So you wanna break the chains?
Are you ready for the blood stains.
Think you can disable the propaganda trains
I doubt you got what it takes to stand against the grains.

If you go all crazy once you learn the truth; youre nuts and targeted by the same television broadcast
The very same you relied on for that phoney sense of security; has turned tables ridiculously fast
The more you awaken, the more it haunts you; you look back and see all the signs noticeable in your past
My question becomes does it all change, or do we keep feeding the beast, how long can the blind really last?

I don’t think ya got what it takes,
In the end, we’re all just mistakes.