235 results sorted by ID

Possible spell-corrected query: proof of storage
2024/1554 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-12
Breaking, Repairing and Enhancing XCBv2 into the Tweakable Enciphering Mode GEM
Amit Singh Bhati, Michiel Verbauwhede, Elena Andreeva
Secret-key cryptography

Tweakable enciphering modes (TEMs) provide security in a variety of storage and space-critical applications like disk and file-based encryption, and packet-based communication protocols, among others. XCB-AES (known as XCBv2) is specified in the IEEE 1619.2 standard for encryption of sector-oriented storage media and it comes with a proof of security for block-aligned input messages. In this work, we demonstrate the $\textit{first}$ and most efficient plaintext recovery attack on...

2024/1544 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-02
PoUDR: Proof of Unified Data Retrieval in Decentralized Storage Networks
Zonglun Li, Shuhao Zheng, Junliang Luo, Ziyue Xin, Dun Yuan, Shang Gao, Sichao Yang, Bin Xiao, Xue Liu

Decentralized storage networks, including IPFS and Filecoin, have created a marketplace where individuals exchange storage space for profit. These networks employ protocols that reliably ensure data storage providers accurately store data without alterations, safeguarding the interests of storage purchasers. However, these protocols lack an effective and equitable payment mechanism for data retrieval, particularly when multiple data queriers are involved. This necessitates a protocol that...

2024/1527 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-09
How to Recover the Full Plaintext of XCB
Peng Wang, Shuping Mao, Ruozhou Xu, Jiwu Jing, Yuewu Wang
Attacks and cryptanalysis

XCB, a tweakable enciphering mode, is part of IEEE Std. 1619.2 for shared storage media. We show that all versions of XCB are not secure through three plaintext recovery attacks. A key observation is that XCB behaves like an LRW1-type tweakable block cipher for single-block messages, which lacks CCA security. The first attack targets one-block XCB, using three queries to recover the plaintext. The second one requires four queries to recover the plaintext that excludes one block. The last one...

2024/1467 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-19
P2C2T: Preserving the Privacy of Cross-Chain Transfer
Panpan Han, Zheng Yan, Laurence T. Yang, Elisa Bertino
Cryptographic protocols

Blockchain-enabled digital currency systems have typically operated in isolation, lacking necessary mechanisms for seamless interconnection. Consequently, transferring assets across distinct currency systems remains a complex challenge, with existing schemes often falling short in ensuring security, privacy, and practicality. This paper proposes P2C2T -- a privacy-preserving cross-chain transfer scheme. It is the first scheme to address atomicity, unlinkability, indistinguishability,...

2024/1364 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-29
FLIP-and-prove R1CS
Anca Nitulescu, Nikitas Paslis, Carla Ràfols
Cryptographic protocols

In this work, we consider the setting where one or more users with low computational resources would lie to outsource the task of proof generation for SNARKs to one external entity, named Prover. We study the scenario in which Provers have access to all statements and witnesses to be proven beforehand. We take a different approach to proof aggregation and design a new protocol that reduces simultaneously proving time and communication complexity, without going through recursive proof...

2024/1153 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-16
Designated-Verifier zk-SNARKs Made Easy
Chen Li, Fangguo Zhang
Cryptographic protocols

Zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive argument of knowledge (zk-SNARK) is a kind of proof system that enables a prover to convince a verifier that an NP statement is true efficiently. In the last decade, various studies made a lot of progress in constructing more efficient and secure zk-SNARKs. Our research focuses on designated-verifier zk-SNARKs, where only the verifier knowing some secret verification state can be convinced by the proof. A natural idea of getting a designated-verifier...

2024/1144 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-14
A Note on ``Secure and Distributed IoT Data Storage in Clouds Based on Secret Sharing and Collaborative Blockchain''
Zhengjun Cao, Lihua Liu
Attacks and cryptanalysis

We show that the data storage scheme [IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw., 2023, 31(4), 1550-1565] is flawed due to the false secret sharing protocol, which requires that some random $4\times 4$ matrixes over the finite field $F_p$ (a prime $p$) are invertible. But we find its mathematical proof for invertibility is incorrect. To fix this flaw, one needs to check the invertibility of all 35 matrixes so as to generate the proper 7 secret shares.

2024/1118 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-19
Shared-Custodial Password-Authenticated Deterministic Wallets
Poulami Das, Andreas Erwig, Sebastian Faust
Cryptographic protocols

Cryptographic wallets are an essential tool in Blockchain networks to ensure the secure storage and maintenance of an user's cryptographic keys. Broadly, wallets can be divided into three categories, namely custodial, non-custodial, and shared-custodial wallets. The first two are centralized solutions, i.e., the wallet is operated by a single entity, which inherently introduces a single point of failure. Shared-custodial wallets, on the other hand, are maintained by two independent parties,...

2024/1068 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-01
From Interaction to Independence: zkSNARKs for Transparent and Non-Interactive Remote Attestation
Shahriar Ebrahimi, Parisa Hassanizadeh

Remote attestation (RA) protocols have been widely used to evaluate the integrity of software on remote devices. Currently, the state-of-the-art RA protocols lack a crucial feature: transparency. This means that the details of the final attestation verification are not openly accessible or verifiable by the public. Furthermore, the interactivity of these protocols often limits attestation to trusted parties who possess privileged access to confidential device data, such as pre-shared...

2024/1020 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-24
chainBoost: A Secure Performance Booster for Blockchain-based Resource Markets
Zahra Motaqy, Mohamed E. Najd, Ghada Almashaqbeh
Cryptographic protocols

Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology provide an innovative model for reshaping digital services. Driven by the movement toward Web 3.0, recent systems started to provide distributed services, such as computation outsourcing or file storage, on top of the currency exchange medium. By allowing anyone to join and collect cryptocurrency payments for serving others, these systems create decentralized markets for trading digital resources. Yet, there is still a big gap between the promise of...

2024/991 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-19
Leveled Homomorphic Encryption Schemes for Homomorphic Encryption Standard
Shuhong Gao, Kyle Yates

Homomorphic encryption allows for computations on encrypted data without exposing the underlying plaintext, enabling secure and private data processing in various applications such as cloud computing and machine learning. This paper presents a comprehensive mathematical foundation for three prominent homomorphic encryption schemes: Brakerski-Gentry-Vaikuntanathan (BGV), Brakerski-Fan-Vercauteren (BFV), and Cheon-Kim-Kim-Song (CKKS), all based on the Ring Learning with Errors (RLWE) problem....

2024/845 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-19
PathGES: An Efficient and Secure Graph Encryption Scheme for Shortest Path Queries
Francesca Falzon, Esha Ghosh, Kenneth G. Paterson, Roberto Tamassia

The increasing importance of graph databases and cloud storage services prompts the study of private queries on graphs. We propose PathGES, a graph encryption scheme (GES) for single-pair shortest path queries. PathGES is efficient and mitigates the state-of-the-art attack by Falzon and Paterson (2022) on the GES by Ghosh, Kamara, and Tamassia (2021), while only incurring an additional logarithmic factor in storage overhead. PathGES leverages a novel data structure that minimizes leakage and...

2024/836 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-28
The Round Complexity of Proofs in the Bounded Quantum Storage Model
Alex B. Grilo, Philippe Lamontagne

The round complexity of interactive proof systems is a key question of practical and theoretical relevance in complexity theory and cryptography. Moreover, results such as QIP = QIP(3) (STOC'00) show that quantum resources significantly help in such a task. In this work, we initiate the study of round compression of protocols in the bounded quantum storage model (BQSM). In this model, the malicious parties have a bounded quantum memory and they cannot store the all the qubits that are...

2024/684 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-04
A Plug-and-Play Long-Range Defense System for Proof-of-Stake Blockchains
Lucien K. L. Ng, Panagiotis Chatzigiannis, Duc V. Le, Mohsen Minaei, Ranjit Kumaresan, Mahdi Zamani
Cryptographic protocols

In recent years, many blockchain systems have progressively transitioned to proof-of-stake (PoS) con- sensus algorithms. These algorithms are not only more energy efficient than proof-of-work but are also well-studied and widely accepted within the community. However, PoS systems are susceptible to a particularly powerful "long-range" attack, where an adversary can corrupt the validator set retroactively and present forked versions of the blockchain. These versions would still be acceptable...

2024/666 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-04-30
Private Analytics via Streaming, Sketching, and Silently Verifiable Proofs
Mayank Rathee, Yuwen Zhang, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs, Raluca Ada Popa
Cryptographic protocols

We present Whisper, a system for privacy-preserving collection of aggregate statistics. Like prior systems, a Whisper deployment consists of a small set of non-colluding servers; these servers compute aggregate statistics over data from a large number of users without learning the data of any individual user. Whisper’s main contribution is that its server- to-server communication cost and its server-side storage costs scale sublinearly with the total number of users. In particular, prior...

2024/663 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-04
Xproofs: New Aggregatable and Maintainable Matrix Commitment with Optimal Proof Size
Xinwei Yong, Jiaojiao Wu, Jianfeng Wang
Cryptographic protocols

Vector Commitment (VC) enables one to commit to a vector, and then the element at a specific position can be opened, with proof of consistency to the initial commitment. VC is a powerful primitive with various applications, including stateless cryptocurrencies. Recently, matrix commitment Matproofs (Liu and Zhang CCS 2022), as an extension of VC, has been proposed to reduce the communication and computation complexity of VC-based cryptocurrencies. However, Matproofs requires linear-sized...

2024/546 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-04-08
Share with Care: Breaking E2EE in Nextcloud
Martin R. Albrecht, Matilda Backendal, Daniele Coppola, Kenneth G. Paterson
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Nextcloud is a leading cloud storage platform with more than 20 million users. Nextcloud offers an end-to-end encryption (E2EE) feature that is claimed to be able “to keep extremely sensitive data fully secure even in case of a full server breach”. They also claim that the Nextcloud server “has Zero Knowledge, that is, never has access to any of the data or keys in unencrypted form”. This is achieved by having encryption and decryption operations that are done using file keys that are...

2024/258 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-02-16
SoK: Decentralized Storage Network
Chuanlei Li, Minghui Xu, Jiahao Zhang, Hechuan Guo, Xiuzhen Cheng

Decentralized Storage Networks (DSNs) represent a paradigm shift in data storage methodology, distributing and housing data across multiple network nodes rather than relying on a centralized server or data center architecture. The fundamental objective of DSNs is to enhance security, reinforce reliability, and mitigate censorship risks by eliminating a single point of failure. Leveraging blockchain technology for functions such as access control, ownership validation, and transaction...

2024/182 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-02-07
FileDES: A Secure, Scalable and Succinct Decentralized Encrypted Storage Network
Minghui Xu, Jiahao Zhang, Hechuan Guo, Xiuzhen Cheng, Dongxiao Yu, Qin Hu, Yijun Li, Yipu Wu

Decentralized Storage Network (DSN) is an emerging technology that challenges traditional cloud-based storage systems by consolidating storage capacities from independent providers and coordinating to provide decentralized storage and retrieval services. However, current DSNs face several challenges associated with data privacy and efficiency of the proof systems. To address these issues, we propose FileDES (Decentralized Encrypted Storage), which incorporates three essential elements:...

2024/123 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-01-27
Memory Checking Requires Logarithmic Overhead
Elette Boyle, Ilan Komargodski, Neekon Vafa

We study the complexity of memory checkers with computational security and prove the first general tight lower bound. Memory checkers, first introduced over 30 years ago by Blum, Evans, Gemmel, Kannan, and Naor (FOCS '91, Algorithmica '94), allow a user to store and maintain a large memory on a remote and unreliable server by using small trusted local storage. The user can issue instructions to the server and after every instruction, obtain either the correct value or a failure (but not...

2024/057 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-16
Elastic MSM: A Fast, Elastic and Modular Preprocessing Technique for Multi-Scalar Multiplication Algorithm on GPUs
Xudong Zhu, Haoqi He, Zhengbang Yang, Yi Deng, Lutan Zhao, Rui Hou

Zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) is a cryptographic primitive that enables a prover to convince a verifier that a statement is true, without revealing any other information beyond the correctness of the statement itself. Due to its powerful capabilities, its most practical type, called zero-knowledge Succinct Non-interactive ARgument of Knowledge (zkSNARK), has been widely deployed in various privacy preserving applications such as cryptocurrencies and verifiable computation. Although...

2024/041 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-01
SASTA: Ambushing Hybrid Homomorphic Encryption Schemes with a Single Fault
Aikata Aikata, Ahaan Dabholkar, Dhiman Saha, Sujoy Sinha Roy
Attacks and cryptanalysis

The rising tide of data breaches targeting large data storage centres and servers has raised serious privacy and security concerns. Homomorphic Encryption schemes offer an effective defence against such attacks, but their adoption has been hindered by substantial computational and communication overheads, particularly on the client's side. The Hybrid Homomorphic Encryption (HEE) protocol was developed to mitigate these issues. However, the susceptibility of HHE to strong attacks,...

2023/1820 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-11-27
Chipmunk: Better Synchronized Multi-Signatures from Lattices
Nils Fleischhacker, Gottfried Herold, Mark Simkin, Zhenfei Zhang
Cryptographic protocols

Multi-signatures allow for compressing many signatures for the same message that were generated under independent keys into one small aggregated signature. This primitive is particularly useful for proof-of-stake blockchains, like Ethereum, where the same block is signed by many signers, who vouch for the block's validity. Being able to compress all signatures for the same block into a short string significantly reduces the on-chain storage costs, which is an important efficiency metric...

2023/1773 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-07
Scalable and Adaptively Secure Any-Trust Distributed Key Generation and All-hands Checkpointing
Hanwen Feng, Tiancheng Mai, Qiang Tang
Cryptographic protocols

The classical distributed key generation protocols (DKG) are resurging due to their widespread applications in blockchain. While efforts have been made to improve DKG communication, practical large-scale deployments are still yet to come due to various challenges, including the heavy computation and communication (particularly broadcast) overhead in their adversarial cases. In this paper, we propose a practical DKG for DLog-based cryptosystems, which achieves (quasi-)linear computation and...

2023/1712 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-11-05
Beyond Volume Pattern: Storage-Efficient Boolean Searchable Symmetric Encryption with Suppressed Leakage
Feng Li, Jianfeng Ma, Yinbin Miao, Pengfei Wu, Xiangfu Song
Cryptographic protocols

Boolean Searchable Symmetric Encryption (BSSE) enables users to perform retrieval operations on the encrypted data while sup- porting complex query capabilities. This paper focuses on addressing the storage overhead and privacy concerns associated with existing BSSE schemes. While Patel et al. (ASIACRYPT’21) and Bag et al. (PETS’23) introduced BSSE schemes that conceal the number of single keyword re- sults, both of them suffer from quadratic storage overhead and neglect the privacy of...

2023/1570 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-30
Jackpot: Non-Interactive Aggregatable Lotteries
Nils Fleischhacker, Mathias Hall-Andersen, Mark Simkin, Benedikt Wagner
Public-key cryptography

In proof-of-stake blockchains, liveness is ensured by repeatedly selecting random groups of parties as leaders, who are then in charge of proposing new blocks and driving consensus forward. The lotteries that elect those leaders need to ensure that adversarial parties are not elected disproportionately often and that an adversary can not tell who was elected before those parties decide to speak, as this would potentially allow for denial-of-service attacks. Whenever an elected party...

2023/1569 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-04
Advancing Scalability in Decentralized Storage: A Novel Approach to Proof-of-Replication via Polynomial Evaluation
Giuseppe Ateniese, Foteini Baldimtsi, Matteo Campanelli, Danilo Francati, Ioanna Karantaidou
Cryptographic protocols

Proof-of-Replication (PoRep) plays a pivotal role in decentralized storage networks, serving as a mechanism to verify that provers consistently store retrievable copies of specific data. While PoRep’s utility is unquestionable, its implementation in large-scale systems, such as Filecoin, has been hindered by scalability challenges. Most existing PoRep schemes, such as Fisch’s (Eurocrypt 2019), face an escalating number of challenges and growing computational overhead as the number of stored...

2023/1379 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-09-20
GLEVIAN and VIGORNIAN: Robust beyond-birthday AEAD modes
Peter Campbell
Secret-key cryptography

The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) is the government organisation responsible for mitigating cyber security risks to the UK. Our work securing UK public- and private-sector networks involves (amongst many other security measures) research into cryptographic design, primarily to protect data requiring long-term security or data for which we have a particularly low tolerance of risk to its transmission and storage. Our algorithms prioritise robustness over other important...

2023/848 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-06-06
Extending Updatable Encryption: Public Key, Tighter Security and Signed Ciphertexts
Chen Qian, Yao Jiang Galteland, Gareth T. Davies
Cryptographic protocols

Updatable encryption is a useful primitive that enables key rotation for storing data on an untrusted storage provider without the leaking anything about the plaintext or the key. In this work, we make two contributions. Firstly, we extend updatable encryption to the public-key setting, providing its security model and three different efficient constructions. Using a public-key updatable encryption scheme, a user can receive messages directly in the cloud from multiple senders without...

2023/563 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-05-16
FUSE – Flexible File Format and Intermediate Representation for Secure Multi-Party Computation
Lennart Braun, Moritz Huppert, Nora Khayata, Thomas Schneider, Oleksandr Tkachenko

Secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC) is continuously becoming more and more practical. Many optimizations have been introduced, making MPC protocols more suitable for solving real-world problems. However, the MPC protocols and optimizations are usually implemented as a standalone proof of concept or in an MPC framework and are tightly coupled with special-purpose circuit formats, such as Bristol Format. This makes it very hard and time-consuming to re-use algorithmic advances and implemented...

2023/515 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-04-10
stoRNA: Stateless Transparent Proofs of Storage-time
Reyhaneh Rabaninejad, Behzad Abdolmaleki, Giulio Malavolta, Antonis Michalas, Amir Nabizadeh
Cryptographic protocols

Proof of Storage-time (PoSt) is a cryptographic primitive that enables a server to demonstrate non-interactive continuous avail- ability of outsourced data in a publicly verifiable way. This notion was first introduced by Filecoin to secure their Blockchain-based decentral- ized storage marketplace, using expensive SNARKs to compact proofs. Recent work [2] employs the notion of trapdoor delay function to address the problem of compact PoSt without SNARKs. This approach however entails...

2023/378 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-09-29
SGXonerated: Finding (and Partially Fixing) Privacy Flaws in TEE-based Smart Contract Platforms Without Breaking the TEE
Nerla Jean-Louis, Yunqi Li, Yan Ji, Harjasleen Malvai, Thomas Yurek, Sylvain Bellemare, Andrew Miller

TEE-based smart contracts are an emerging blockchain architecture, offering fully programmable privacy with better performance than alternatives like secure multiparty computation. They can also support compatibility with existing smart contract languages, such that existing (plaintext) applications can be readily ported, picking up privacy enhancements automatically. While previous analysis of TEE-based smart contracts have focused on failures of TEE itself, we asked whether other aspects...

2023/291 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-02-26
PEO-Store: Practical and Economical Oblivious Store with Peer-to-Peer Delegation
Wenlong Tian, Jian Guo, Zhiyong Xu, Ruixuan Li, Weijun Xiao

The growing popularity of cloud storage has brought attention to critical need for preventing information leakage from cloud access patterns. To this end, recent efforts have extended Oblivious RAM (ORAM) to the cloud environment in the form of Oblivious Store. However, its impracticality due to the use of probability encryption with fake accesses to obfuscate the access pattern, as well as the security requirements of conventional obliviousness designs, which hinder cloud interests in...

2023/231 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-02-20
One Digit Checksum for Data Integrity Verification of Cloud-executed Homomorphic Encryption Operations
Mostefa Kara, Abdelkader Laouid, Omer Al dabbas, Mohammad Hammoudeh, Ahcène Bounceur
Cryptographic protocols

Homomorphic Encryption~(HE) is used in many fields including information storage, data protection, privacy preservation, blockchain, and authentication. HE allows an untrusted third party to perform algebraic operations on encrypted data. Protecting the results of HE against accidental or malicious tampering attacks is still an open research challenge. In this paper, we introduce a lightweight technique that allows a data owner to verify the integrity of HE results performed in the cloud....

2023/005 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-01-02
Secure Single-Server Fuzzy Deduplication without Interactive Proof-of-Ownership in Cloud
Shuai Cheng, Shengke Zeng, Haoyu Zeng, Yawen Feng, Jixiang Xiao

The redundant of multimedia data made an unnecessary waste in encrypted cloud storage, unlike text with completely consistent content, multimedia data allows a certain degree of similarity in deduplication, In this work, we focus on the multimedia data which takes a seriously proportion of storage in scenarios such as data outsourcing to propose secure fuzzy deduplication without the additional servers based on Convergent Encryption(CE), say the Single-server Fuzzy Deduplication (SSFD)....

2022/1769 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-12-27
PoRt: Non-Interactive Continuous Availability Proof of Replicated Storage
Reyhaneh Rabaninejad, Bin Liu, Antonis Michalas
Cryptographic protocols

Secure cryptographic storage is one of the most important issues that both businesses and end-users take into account before moving their data to either centralized clouds or blockchain-based decen- tralized storage marketplace. Recent work [4 ] formalizes the notion of Proof of Storage-Time (PoSt) which enables storage servers to demonstrate non-interactive continuous availability of outsourced data in a publicly verifiable way. The work also proposes a stateful compact PoSt...

2022/1721 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-06-26
Glimpse: On-Demand PoW Light Client with Constant-Size Storage for DeFi
Giulia Scaffino, Lukas Aumayr, Zeta Avarikioti, Matteo Maffei
Cryptographic protocols

Cross-chain communication is instrumental in unleashing the full potential of blockchain technologies, as it allows users and developers to exploit the unique design features and the profit opportunities of different existing blockchains. The majority of interoperability solutions are provided by centralized exchanges and bridge protocols based on a trusted majority, both introducing undesirable trust assumptions compared to native blockchain assets. Hence, increasing attention has been...

2022/1554 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-11-08
Executing and Proving over Dirty Ledgers
Christos Stefo, Zhuolun Xiang, Lefteris Kokoris-Kogias
Cryptographic protocols

Scaling blockchain protocols to perform on par with the expected needs of Web3.0 has been proven to be a challenging task with almost a decade of research. In the forefront of the current solution is the idea of separating the execution of the updates encoded in a block from the ordering of blocks. In order to achieve this, a new class of protocols called rollups has emerged. Rollups have as input a total ordering of valid and invalid transactions and as output a new valid...

2022/1417 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-10-18
Efficient Dynamic Proof of Retrievability for Cold Storage
Tung Le, Pengzhi Huang, Attila A. Yavuz, Elaine Shi, Thang Hoang
Cryptographic protocols

Storage-as-a-service (STaaS) permits the client to outsource her data to the cloud thereby, reducing data management and maintenance costs. However, STaaS also brings significant data integrity and soundness concerns since the storage provider might not keep the client data intact and retrievable all the time (e.g., cost saving via deletions). Proof of Retrievability (PoR) can validate the integrity and retrievability of remote data effectively. This technique can be useful for regular...

2022/1354 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-10-10
Embracing Hellman: A Simple Proof-of-Space Search consensus algorithm with stable block times using Logarithmic Embargo
Marijn F. Stollenga

Cryptocurrencies have become tremendously popular since the creation of Bitcoin. However, its central Proof-of-Work consensus mechanism is very power hungry. As an alternative, Proof-of-Space (PoS) was introduced that uses storage instead of computations to create a consensus. However, current PoS implementations are complex and sensitive to the Nothing-at-Stake problem, and use mitigations that affect their permissionless and decentralised nature. We introduce Proof-of-Space Search...

2022/1296 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-10-07
Efficient Asymmetric Threshold ECDSA for MPC-based Cold Storage
Constantin Blokh, Nikolaos Makriyannis, Udi Peled
Cryptographic protocols

Motivated by applications to cold-storage solutions for ECDSA-based cryptocurrencies, we present a new threshold ECDSA protocol between $n$ ``online'' parties and a single ``offline'' (aka.~cold) party. The primary objective of this protocol is to minimize the exposure of the offline party in terms of connected time and bandwidth. This is achieved through a unique asymmetric signing phase, in which the majority of computation, communication, and interaction is handled by the online...

2022/1215 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-09-13
Continuous Authentication in Secure Messaging
Benjamin Dowling, Felix Günther, Alexandre Poirrier
Cryptographic protocols

Secure messaging schemes such as the Signal protocol rely on out-of-band channels to verify the authenticity of long-running communication. Such out-of-band checks however are only rarely actually performed by users in practice. In this paper, we propose a new method for performing continuous authentication during a secure messaging session, without the need for an out-of-band channel. Leveraging the users' long-term secrets, our Authentication Steps extension guarantees authenticity as...

2022/1186 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-09-09
Adversarial Correctness and Privacy for Probabilistic Data Structures
Mia Filić, Kenneth G. Paterson, Anupama Unnikrishnan, Fernando Virdia

We study the security of Probabilistic Data Structures (PDS) for handling Approximate Membership Queries (AMQ); prominent examples of AMQ-PDS are Bloom and Cuckoo filters. AMQ-PDS are increasingly being deployed in environments where adversaries can gain benefit from carefully selecting inputs, for example to increase the false positive rate of an AMQ-PDS. They are also being used in settings where the inputs are sensitive and should remain private in the face of adversaries who can...

2022/1028 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-08-11
New Unbounded Verifiable Data Streaming for Batch Query with Almost Optimal Overhead
Jiaojiao Wu, Jianfeng Wang, Xinwei Yong, Xinyi Huang, Xiaofeng Chen
Cryptographic protocols

Verifiable Data Streaming (VDS) enables a resource-limited client to continuously outsource data to an untrusted server in a sequential manner while supporting public integrity verification and efficient update. However, most existing VDS schemes require the client to generate all proofs in advance and store them at the server, which leads to a heavy computation burden on the client. In addition, all the previous VDS schemes can perform batch query (i.e., retrieving multiple data entries at...

2022/1017 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-08-06
PERKS: Persistent and Distributed Key Acquisition for Secure Storage from Passwords
Gareth T. Davies, Jeroen Pijnenburg
Cryptographic protocols

We investigate how users of instant messaging (IM) services can acquire strong encryption keys to back up their messages and media with strong cryptographic guarantees. Many IM users regularly change their devices and use multiple devices simultaneously, ruling out any long-term secret storage. Extending the end-to-end encryption guarantees from just message communication to also incorporate backups has so far required either some trust in an IM or outsourced storage provider, or use of...

2022/959 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-07-25
MEGA: Malleable Encryption Goes Awry
Matilda Backendal, Miro Haller, Kenneth G. Paterson
Attacks and cryptanalysis

MEGA is a leading cloud storage platform with more than 250 million users and 1000 Petabytes of stored data. MEGA claims to offer user-controlled, end-to-end security. This is achieved by having all data encryption and decryption operations done on MEGA clients, under the control of keys that are only available to those clients. This is intended to protect MEGA users from attacks by MEGA itself, or by adversaries who have taken control of MEGA’s infrastructure. We provide a detailed...

2022/871 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-07-04
Secure Plot Transfer for the Chia Blockchain
Shashank Agrawal

Chia is a popular cryptocurrency that relies on proofs of space (PoS) for consensus. Plots are the unit of storage on Chia and form the basis of PoS generation. When a proof is found that meets the challenge requirements, farmers on the network compete to create blocks. Plot generation and farming involve the use of secret information, which makes plot transfer a non-trivial task in Chia. In this short note, we propose a way to transfer Chia plots in a secure manner with the help of...

2022/764 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-06-14
Efficient Proofs of Retrievability using Expander Codes
Françoise Levy-dit-Vehel, Maxime Roméas
Cryptographic protocols

Proofs of Retrievability (PoR) protocols ensure that a client can fully retrieve a large outsourced file from an untrusted server. Good PoRs should have low communication complexity, small storage overhead and clear security guarantees. We design a good PoR based on a family of graph codes called expander codes. We use expander codes based on graphs derived from point-line incidence relations of finite affine planes. Høholdt et al. showed that, when using Reed-Solomon codes as...

2022/748 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-10-01
2DT-GLS: Faster and exception-free scalar multiplication in the GLS254 binary curve
Marius A. Aardal, Diego F. Aranha

We revisit and improve performance of arithmetic in the binary GLS254 curve by introducing the 2DT-GLS scalar multiplication algorithm. The algorithm includes theoretical and practice-oriented contributions of potential independent interest: (i) for the first time, a proof that the GLS scalar multiplication algorithm does not incur exceptions, such that faster incomplete formulas can be used; (ii) faster dedicated atomic formulas that alleviate the cost of precomputation; (iii) a table...

2022/621 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-08-17
Caulk: Lookup Arguments in Sublinear Time
Arantxa Zapico, Vitalik Buterin, Dmitry Khovratovich, Mary Maller, Anca Nitulescu, Mark Simkin

We present position-hiding linkability for vector commitment schemes: one can prove in zero knowledge that one or $m$ values that comprise commitment cm all belong to the vector of size $N$ committed to in C. Our construction Caulk can be used for membership proofs and lookup arguments and outperforms all existing alternatives in prover time by orders of magnitude. For both single- and multi-membership proofs Caulk beats SNARKed Merkle proofs by the factor of 100 even if the latter...

2022/598 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-05-24
Verifiable and forward private conjunctive keyword search from DIA tree
Laltu Sardar, Sushmita Ruj
Cryptographic protocols

In a dynamic searchable encryption (DSE) scheme, a cloud server can search on encrypted data that the client stores and updates from time to time. Due to information leakage during the search and update phase, DSE schemes are prone to file injection attacks. If during document addition, a DSE scheme does not leak any information about the previous search results, the scheme is said to be forward private. A DSE scheme that supports conjunctive keyword search should be forward private. There...

2022/572 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-07-18
Homomorphically counting elements with the same property
Ilia Iliashenko, Malika Izabachène, Axel Mertens, Hilder V. L. Pereira.

We propose homomorphic algorithms for privacy-preserving applications where we are given an encrypted dataset and we want to compute the number of elements that share a common property. We consider a two-party scenario between a client and a server, where the storage and computation is outsourced to the server. We present two new efficient methods to solve this problem by homomorphically evaluating a selection function encoding the desired property, and counting the number of elements which...

2022/497 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-04-28
Protecting Distributed Primitives against Leakage: Equivocal Secret Sharing and More
Carmit Hazay, Muthuramakrishnan Venkitasubramaniam, Mor Weiss

Leakage-resilient cryptography aims to protect cryptographic primitives from so-called "side channel attacks" that exploit their physical implementation to learn their input or secret state. Starting from the works of Ishai, Sahai and Wagner (CRYPTO`03) and Micali and Reyzin (TCC`04), most works on leakage-resilient cryptography either focus on protecting general computations, such as circuits or multiparty computation protocols, or on specific non-interactive primitives such as storage,...

2022/460 Last updated: 2022-06-17
A Novel NIZK-based Privacy Preserving Biometric Identification Scheme for Internet of Things
Lin You, Qiang Zhu, Gengran Hu
Cryptographic protocols

With the popularity of biometric-based identity authentication in the field of the Internet of Things, more and more attention has been paid to the privacy protection of biometric data. Gunasinghe et al. presented the PrivBioMTAuth which is the first authentication solution from mobile phones to protect user’s privacy by performing interactive zero-knowledge proof. However, PrivBioMTAuth still requires considerable storage overhead and communication overhead during the registration phase....

2022/273 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-03-02
Compact Storage for Homomorphic Encryption
Adi Akavia, Neta Oren, Boaz Sapir, Margarita Vald
Cryptographic protocols

Homomorphic encryption (HE) is a promising technology for protecting data in use, with considerable recent years progress towards attaining practical runtime performance. However the high storage overhead associated with HE remains an obstacle preventing its large scale adoption. In this work we propose a new storage solution in the two-server model resolving the high storage overhead associated with HE, while preserving data confidentiality. Our solution attains the following desired...

2022/222 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-02-25
Half-Aggregation of Schnorr Signatures with Tight Reductions
Yanbo Chen, Yunlei Zhao
Public-key cryptography

An aggregate signature (AS) scheme allows an unspecified aggregator to compress many signatures into a short aggregation. AS schemes can save storage costs and accelerate verification. They are desirable for applications where many signatures need to be stored, transferred, or verified together, like blockchain systems, network routing, e-voting, and certificate chains. However, constructing AS schemes based on general groups, only requiring the hardness of the discrete logarithm problem, is...

2022/209 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-02-22
Blockchain based Contact Tracing: A Solution using Bluetooth and Sound Waves for Proximity Detection
ZiXi Hee, Iftekhar Salam

In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, countries and organizations started looking towards technology to curb the spread of the disease, for instance, conducting contact tracing with smartphones. Many contact tracing applications are on the market, built on different technology, such as Bluetooth, GPS, Sound, and QR code scanning systems. The use of sound is an area that has potential for further exploration; currently, only NOVID is utilizing this technology. On top of that, there is a need...

2022/064 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-01-18
A Framework for the Design of Secure and Efficient Proofs of Retrievability
Françoise Levy-dit-Vehel, Maxime Roméas
Cryptographic protocols

Proofs of Retrievability (PoR) protocols ensure that a client can fully retrieve a large outsourced file from an untrusted server. Good PoRs should have low communication complexity, small storage overhead and clear security guarantees with tight security bounds. The focus of this work is to design good PoR schemes with simple security proofs. To this end, we use the Constructive Cryptography (CC) setting by Maurer [13]. We propose a framework for the design of secure and efficient PoR...

2021/1705 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-01-16
GoUncle: A Blockchain Of, By, For Modest Computers
Mao Wenbo, Wang Wenxiang
Cryptographic protocols

GoUncle is a blockchain for permissionless participation by modest computers. As in GHOST (Greedy Heaviest Observed SubTree, successfully implemented by and used in the Ethereum blockchain's Proofs-of-Work version), GoUncle blocks also record public-key identities of some forking blocks' finders who are dearly called ``uncles'' (poorly named ``orphans'' in Bitcoin). While GHOST uses uncles only for saving PoW mining electricity, GoUncle assigns jobs for uncles to do. In a so-called {\em...

2021/1642 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-12-17
SecNDP: Secure Near-Data Processing with Untrusted Memory
Wenjie Xiong, Liu Ke, Dimitrije Jankov, Michael Kounavis, Xiaochen Wang, Eric Northup, Jie Amy Yang, Bilge Acun, Carole-Jean Wu, Ping Tak Peter Tang, G. Edward Suh, Xuan Zhang, Hsien-Hsin S. Lee.
Secret-key cryptography

Today's data-intensive applications increasingly suffer from significant performance bottlenecks due to the limited memory bandwidth of the classical von Neumann architecture. Near-Data Processing (NDP) has been proposed to perform computation near memory or data storage to reduce data movement for improving performance and energy consumption. However, the untrusted NDP processing units (PUs) bring in new threats to workloads that are private and sensitive, such as private database queries...

2021/1244 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-03-04
IvyCross: A Privacy-Preserving and Concurrency Control Framework for Blockchain Interoperability
Ming Li, Jian Weng, Yi Li, Yongdong Wu, Jiasi Weng, Dingcheng Li, Guowen Xu, Robert Deng

Interoperability is a fundamental challenge for long-envisioned blockchain applications. A mainstream approach is to use Trusted Execution Environment (TEEs) to support interoperable off-chain execution. However, this incurs multiple TEEs configured with non-trivial storage capabilities running on fragile concurrent processing environments, rendering current strategies based on TEEs far from practical. The purpose of this paper is to fill this gap and design a practical interoperability...

2021/1008 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-04-19
Public-key Authenticated Encryption with Keyword Search: Cryptanalysis, Enhanced Security, and Quantum-resistant Instantiation
Zi-Yuan Liu, Yi-Fan Tseng, Raylin Tso, Masahiro Mambo, Yu-Chi Chen
Public-key cryptography

With the rapid development of cloud computing, an increasing number of companies are adopting cloud storage technology to reduce overhead. However, to ensure the privacy of sensitive data, the uploaded data need to be encrypted before being outsourced to the cloud. The concept of public-key encryption with keyword search (PEKS) was introduced by Boneh \textit{et al.} to provide flexible usage of the encrypted data. Unfortunately, most of the PEKS schemes are not secure against inside...

2021/893 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-07-05
DEMO: AirCollect: Efficiently Recovering Hashed Phone Numbers Leaked via Apple AirDrop
Alexander Heinrich, Matthias Hollick, Thomas Schneider, Milan Stute, Christian Weinert
Cryptographic protocols

Apple's file-sharing service AirDrop leaks phone numbers and email addresses by exchanging vulnerable hash values of the user's own contact identifiers during the authentication handshake with nearby devices. In a paper presented at USENIX Security'21, we theoretically describe two attacks to exploit these vulnerabilities and propose "PrivateDrop" as a privacy-preserving drop-in replacement for Apple's AirDrop protocol based on private set intersection. In this demo, we show how these...

2021/697 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-20
GoAT: File Geolocation via Anchor Timestamping
Deepak Maram, Iddo Bentov, Mahimna Kelkar, Ari Juels
Cryptographic protocols

Decentralized storage systems are a crucial component of the rapidly growing blockchain ecosystem. They aim to achieve robustness by proving that they store multiple replicas of every file. They have a serious limitation, though: They cannot prove that file replicas are spread across distinct systems, e.g., different hard drives. Consequently, files are vulnerable to loss in a single, locally catastrophic event. We introduce a new primitive, Proof of Geo-Retrievability or PoGeoRet, that...

2021/664 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-11-24
A Trustless GQ Multi-Signature Scheme with Identifiable Abort
Handong Cui, Tsz Hon Yuen
Cryptographic protocols

Guillou-Quisquater (GQ) signature is an efficient RSA-based digital signature scheme amongst the most famous Fiat-Shamir follow-ons owing to its good simplicity. However, there exist two bottlenecks for GQ hindering its application in industry or academia: the RSA trapdoor $n=pq$ in the key generation phase and its high bandwidth caused by the storage-consuming representation of RSA group elements (3072 bits per one element in 128-bit security). In this paper, we first formalize the...

2021/623 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-05-17
Mining in Logarithmic Space
Aggelos Kiayias, Nikos Leonardos, Dionysis Zindros
Cryptographic protocols

Blockchains maintain two types of data: Application data and consensus data. Towards long-term blockchain scalability, both of these must be pruned. While a large body of literature has explored the pruning of application data (UTXOs, account balances, and contract state), little has been said about the permanent pruning of consensus data (block headers). We present a protocol which allows pruning the blockchain by garbage collecting old blocks as they become unnecessary. These blocks can...

2021/340 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-03-17
Merkle Trees Optimized for Stateless Clients in Bitcoin
Bolton Bailey, Suryanarayana Sankagiri

The ever-growing size of the Bitcoin UTXO state is a factor preventing nodes with limited storage capacity from validating transactions. Cryptographic accumulators, such as Merkle trees, offer a viable solution to the problem. Full nodes create a Merkle tree from the UTXO set, while stateless nodes merely store the root of the Merkle tree. When provided with a proof, stateless nodes can verify that a transaction's inputs belong to the UTXO set. In this work, we present a systematic study of...

2020/1617 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-03-05
Arguments of Knowledge via hidden order groups
Steve Thakur
Cryptographic protocols

We study non-interactive arguments of knowledge (AoKs) for commitments in groups of hidden order. We provide protocols whereby a Prover can demonstrate certain properties of and relations between committed sets/multisets, with succinct proofs that are publicly verifiable against the constant-sized commitments. In particular, we provide AoKs for the disjointness of committed sets/multisets in cryptographic accumulators, with a view toward applications to verifiably outsourcing data storage...

2020/1592 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-06-22
Puncturable Pseudorandom Sets and Private Information Retrieval with Near-Optimal Online Bandwidth and Time
Elaine Shi, Waqar Aqeel, Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran, Bruce Maggs
Cryptographic protocols

Imagine one or more non-colluding servers each holding a large public database, e.g., the repository of DNS entries. Clients would like to access entries in this database without disclosing their queries to the servers. Classical private information retrieval (PIR) schemes achieve polylogarithmic bandwidth per query, but require the server to perform linear computation per query, which is a significant barrier towards deployment. Several recent works showed, however, that by introducing...

2020/1443 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-02-25
DPaSE: Distributed Password-Authenticated Symmetric Encryption
Poulami Das, Julia Hesse, Anja Lehmann
Cryptographic protocols

Cloud storage is becoming increasingly popular among end users that outsource their personal data to services such as Dropbox or Google Drive. For security, uploaded data should ideally be encrypted under a key that is controlled and only known by the user. Current solutions that support user-centric encryption either require the user to manage strong cryptographic keys, or derive keys from weak passwords. While the former has massive usability issues and requires secure storage by the...

2020/1372 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-11-02
VCKSCF: Efficient Verifiable Conjunctive Keyword Search Based on Cuckoo Filter for Cloud Storage
Chan Fan, Xiaolei Dong, Zhenfu Cao, Jiachen Shen

Searchable Symmetric Encryption(SSE) remains to be one of the hot topics in the field of cloud storage technology. However, malicious servers may return incorrect search results intentionally, which will bring significant security risks to users. Therefore, verifiable searchable encryption emerged. In the meantime, single-keyword query limits the applications of searchable encryption. Accordingly, more expressive searchable encryption schemes are desirable. In this paper, we propose a...

2020/1249 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-10-09
Adversarial Level Agreements for Two-Party Protocols
Marilyn George, Seny Kamara
Cryptographic protocols

Adversaries in cryptography have traditionally been modeled as either semi-honest or malicious. Over the years, however, several lines of work have investigated the design of cryptographic protocols against rational adversaries. The most well-known example are covert adversaries in secure computation (Aumann & Lindell, TCC '07) which are adversaries that wish to deviate from the protocol but without being detected. To protect against such adversaries, protocols secure in the covert model...

2020/1159 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-09-25
ACE in Chains : How Risky is CBC Encryption of Binary Executable Files ?
Rintaro Fujita, Takanori Isobe, Kazuhiko Minematsu
Secret-key cryptography

We present malleability attacks against encrypted binary executable files when they are encrypted by CBC mode of operation. While the CBC malleability is classic and has been used to attack on various real-world applications, the risk of encrypting binary executable via CBC mode on common OSs has not been widely recognized. We showed that, with a certain non-negligible probability, it is possible to manipulate the CBC-encrypted binary files so that the decryption result allows an arbitrary...

2020/1117 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-09-21
Economic Proof of Work
Jia Kan
Cryptographic protocols

Blockchain is the distributed system allowing multiple parties to host a service. Nakamoto Consensus, also named Proof of Work (PoW), is widely used in Bitcoin and other blockchain systems. PoW is an important consensus algorithm. It solves the Byzantine Generals problem in an open network. It also protects the blockchain security from longest chain attack. World widely virtual currency mining was commonly regarded as over energy consuming. How to make use of the computation capacity...

2020/975 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-10-16
Aardvark: An Asynchronous Authenticated Dictionary with Applications to Account-based Cryptocurrencies
Derek Leung, Yossi Gilad, Sergey Gorbunov, Leonid Reyzin, Nickolai Zeldovich

We design Aardvark, a novel authenticated dictionary with short proofs of correctness for lookups and modifications. Our design reduces storage requirements for transaction validation in cryptocurrencies by outsourcing data from validators to untrusted servers, which supply proofs of correctness of this data as needed. In this setting, short proofs are particularly important because proofs are distributed to many validators, and the transmission of long proofs can easily dominate costs. A...

2020/927 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-11-22
A Gas-Efficient Superlight Bitcoin Client in Solidity
Stelios Daveas, Kostis Karantias, Aggelos Kiayias, Dionysis Zindros

Superlight clients enable the verification of proof-of-work-based blockchains by checking only a small representative number of block headers instead of all the block headers as done in simplified payment verification (SPV). Such clients can be embedded within other blockchains by implementing them as smart contracts, allowing for cross-chain verification. One such interesting instance is the consumption of Bitcoin data within Ethereum by implementing a Bitcoin superlight client in Solidity....

2020/840 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-07-12
Proof of Storage-Time: Efficiently Checking Continuous Data Availability
Giuseppe Ateniese, Long Chen, Mohammad Etemad, Qiang Tang

A high-quality outsourced storage service is crucial for many existing applications. For example, hospitals and data centers need to guarantee the availability of their systems to perform routine daily activities. Such a system should protect users against downtime and ensure data availability over time. Continuous data availability is a critical property to measure the quality of an outsourced storage service, which implies that outsourced data is continuously available to the server...

2020/833 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-07-07
Secure Update of FPGA-based Secure Elements using Partial Reconfiguration
Florian Unterstein, Tolga Sel, Thomas Zeschg, Nisha Jacob, Michael Tempelmeier, Michael Pehl, Fabrizio De Santis

Secure Elements (SEs) are hardware trust anchors which provide cryptographic services including secure storage of secret keys and certificates. In long-living devices certain cryptographic functions might get insecure over time, e.g. new implementation attacks or bugs are discovered, and might require to be updated. On FPGAs, partial reconfiguration (PR) offers the opportunity to overcome this issue by replacing buggy or outdated hardware on the fly. This work provides an architecture for an...

2020/827 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-07-07
Encrypted Blockchain Databases
Daniel Adkins, Archita Agarwal, Seny Kamara, Tarik Moataz

Blockchain databases are storage systems that combine properties of blockchains and databases like decentralization, tamper-proofness, low query latency and support for complex queries. Blockchain databases are an emerging and important class of blockchain technology that is critical to the development of non-trivial smart contracts, distributed applications and decentralized marketplaces. In this work, we consider the problem of designing end-to-end encrypted blockchain databases to support...

2020/814 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-07-06
Incompressible Encodings
Tal Moran, Daniel Wichs

An incompressible encoding can probabilistically encode some data $m$ into a codeword $c$, which is not much larger. Anyone can decode the codeword $c$ to recover the original data $m$. However, the codeword $c$ cannot be efficiently compressed, even if the original data $m$ is given to the decompression procedure on the side. In other words, $c$ is an efficiently decodable representation of $m$, yet is computationally incompressible even given $m$. An incompressible encoding is composable...

2020/799 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-06-27
Secure Generalized Deduplication via Multi-Key Revealing Encryption
Daniel E. Lucani, Lars Nielsen, Claudio Orlandi, Elena Pagnin, Rasmus Vestergaard

Cloud Storage Providers (CSPs) offer solutions to relieve users from locally storing vast amounts of data, including personal and sensitive ones. While users may desire to retain some privacy on the data they outsource, CSPs are interested in reducing the total storage space by employing compression techniques such as deduplication. We propose a new cryptographic primitive that simultaneously realizes both requirements: Multi-Key Revealing Encryption (MKRE). The goal of MKRE is to disclose...

2020/654 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-07-03
Proximity Gaps for Reed-Solomon Codes
Eli Ben-Sasson, Dan Carmon, Yuval Ishai, Swastik Kopparty, Shubhangi Saraf
Cryptographic protocols

A collection of sets displays a proximity gap with respect to some property if for every set in the collection, either (i) all members are $\delta$-close to the property in relative Hamming distance or (ii) only a tiny fraction of members are $\delta$-close to the property. In particular, no set in the collection has roughly half of its members $\delta$-close to the property and the others $\delta$-far from it. We show that the collection of affine spaces displays a proximity gap with...

2020/617 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-09-28
New Techniques in Replica Encodings with Client Setup
Rachit Garg, George Lu, Brent Waters

A proof of replication system is a cryptographic primitive that allows a server (or group of servers) to prove to a client that it is dedicated to storing multiple copies or replicas of a file. Until recently, all such protocols required fined-grained timing assumptions on the amount of time it takes for a server to produce such replicas. Damgård, Ganesh, and Orlandi (CRYPTO' 19) proposed a novel notion that we will call proof of replication with client setup. Here, a client first operates...

2020/325 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-03-17
SmartDHX: Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange with Smart Contracts
Robert Muth, Florian Tschorsch

Blockchain technologies enable decentralized applications (DApps) that run on distributed infrastructures without any central authority. All transactions for communication and data storage are public and can be verified by all participants. DApps interacting with a smart contract typically require client-side code, which is not part of the smart contract, and therefore do not hold the same verifiability properties. Following the vision of a verifiable DApp, we propose SmartDHX, a...

2020/149 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-09-11
Incrementally Aggregatable Vector Commitments and Applications to Verifiable Decentralized Storage
Matteo Campanelli, Dario Fiore, Nicola Greco, Dimitris Kolonelos, Luca Nizzardo
Public-key cryptography

Vector commitments with subvector openings (SVC) [Lai-Malavolta, Boneh-Bunz-Fisch; CRYPTO'19] allow one to open a committed vector at a set of positions with an opening of size independent of both the vector's length and the number of opened positions. We continue the study of SVC with two goals in mind: improving their efficiency and making them more suitable to decentralized settings. We address both problems by proposing a new notion for VC that we call incremental aggregation and that...

2019/1446 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-12-12
Boolean functions for homomorphic-friendly stream ciphers
Claude Carlet, Pierrick Méaux
Secret-key cryptography

The proliferation of small embedded devices having growing but still limited computing and data storage facilities, and the related development of cloud services with extensive storage and computing means, raise nowadays new privacy issues because of the outsourcing of data processing. This has led to a need for symmetric cryptosystems suited for hybrid symmetric-FHE encryption protocols, ensuring the practicability of the FHE solution. Recent ciphers meant for such use have been...

2019/1444 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-12-12
Compact Storage of Superblocks for NIPoPoW Applications
Kostis Karantias, Aggelos Kiayias, Nikos Leonardos, Dionysis Zindros
Cryptographic protocols

Blocks in proof-of-work (PoW) blockchains satisfy the PoW equation $H(B) \leq T$. If additionally a block satisfies $H(B) \leq T2^{-\mu}$, it is called a $\mu$-superblock. Superblocks play an important role in the construction of compact blockchain proofs which allows the compression of PoW blockchains into so-called Non-Interactive Proofs of Proof-of-Work (NIPoPoWs). These certificates are essential for the construction of superlight clients, which are blockchain wallets that can...

2019/1345 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-04-08
Audita: A Blockchain-based Auditing Framework for Off-chain Storage
Danilo Francati, Giuseppe Ateniese, Abdoulaye Faye, Andrea Maria Milazzo, Angelo Massimo Perillo, Luca Schiatti, Giuseppe Giordano

The cloud changed the way we manage and store data. Today, cloud storage services offer clients an infrastructure that allows them a convenient source to store, replicate, and secure data online. However, with these new capabilities also come limitations, such as lack of transparency, limited decentralization, and challenges with privacy and security. And, as the need for more agile, private and secure data solutions continues to grow exponentially, rethinking the current structure of cloud...

2019/1143 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-10-03
Auditable Compressed Storage
Iraklis Leontiadis, Reza Curtmola
Cryptographic protocols

Outsourcing data to the cloud for personal use is becoming an everyday trend rather than an extreme scenario. The frequent outsourcing of data increases the possible attack window because users do not fully control their personal files. Typically, once there are established secure channels between two endpoints, communication is considered secure. However, in the cloud model the receiver–the cloud–cannot be fully trusted, either because it has been under adversarial control, or because it...

2019/1123 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-12-24
FSPVDsse: A Forward Secure Publicly Verifiable Dynamic SSE scheme
Laltu Sardar, Sushmita Ruj

A symmetric searchable encryption (SSE) scheme allows a client (data owner) to search on encrypted data outsourced to an untrusted cloud server. The search may either be a single keyword search or a complex query search like conjunctive or Boolean keyword search. Information leakage is quite high for dynamic SSE, where data might be updated. It has been proven that to avoid this information leakage an SSE scheme with dynamic data must be forward private. A dynamic SSE scheme is said to be...

2019/1014 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-11-28
Security Reductions for White-Box Key-Storage in Mobile Payments
Estuardo Alpirez Bock, Chris Brzuska, Marc Fischlin, Christian Janson, Wil Michiels

The goal of white-box cryptography is to provide security even when the cryptographic implementation is executed in adversarially controlled environments. White-box implementations nowadays appear in commercial products such as mobile payment applications, e.g., those certified by Mastercard. Interestingly, there, white-box cryptography is championed as a tool for secure storage of payment tokens, and importantly, the white-boxed storage functionality is bound to a hardware functionality to...

2019/792 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-02-07
TICK: Tiny Client for Blockchains
Wei Zhang, Jiangshan Yu, Qingqiang He, Nan Zhang, Nan Guan
Cryptographic protocols

In Bitcoin-like systems, when a payee chooses to accept zero-confirmation transactions, it needs to verify the validity of the transaction. In particular, one of the steps is to verify that each referred output of the transaction is not previously spent. The conventional lightweight client design can only support such operation in the complexity of O($N_T$), where $N_T$ is the total number of transactions in the system. This is impractical for lightweight clients. The latest proposals...

2019/786 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-07-14
P6V2G: A Privacy-Preserving V2G Scheme for Two-Way Payments and Reputation
Rebecca Schwerdt, Matthias Nagel, Valerie Fetzer, Tobias Gräf, Andy Rupp
Cryptographic protocols

The number of electric vehicles (EVs) is steadily growing. This provides a promising opportunity for balancing the smart grid of the future, because vehicle-to-grid (V2G) systems can utilize the batteries of plugged-in EVs as much needed distributed energy storage: In times of high production and low demand the excess energy in the grid is stored in the EVs’ batteries, while peaks in demand are mitigated by EVs feeding electricity back to the grid. But the data needed for managing individual...

2019/719 Last updated: 2019-08-28
The Key is Left under the Mat: On the Inappropriate Security Assumption of Logic Locking Schemes
Mir Tanjidur Rahman, Shahin Tajik, M. Sazadur Rahman, Mark Tehranipoor, Navid Asadizanjani

Logic locking has been proposed as an obfuscation technique to protect outsourced IC designs from Intellectual Property (IP) piracy by untrusted entities in the design and fabrication process. It obfuscates the netlist by adding extra key-gates, to mislead an adversary, whose aim is to reverse engineer the netlist. The correct functionality will be obtained only if a correct key is applied to the key-gates. The key is written into a nonvolatile memory (NVM) after the fabrication by the IP...

2019/650 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-06-04
Incremental Proofs of Sequential Work
Nico Döttling, Russell W. F. Lai, Giulio Malavolta

A proof of sequential work allows a prover to convince a verifier that a certain amount of sequential steps have been computed. In this work we introduce the notion of incremental proofs of sequential work where a prover can carry on the computation done by the previous prover incrementally, without affecting the resources of the individual provers or the size of the proofs. To date, the most efficient instance of proofs of sequential work [Cohen and Pietrzak, Eurocrypt 2018] for $N$ steps...

2019/611 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-06-05
Utreexo: A dynamic hash-based accumulator optimized for the Bitcoin UTXO set
Thaddeus Dryja
Cryptographic protocols

In the Bitcoin consensus network, all nodes come to agreement on the set of Unspent Transaction Outputs (The “UTXO” set). The size of this shared state is a scalability constraint for the network, as the size of the set expands as more users join the system, increasing resource requirements of all nodes. Decoupling the network’s state size from the storage requirements of individual machines would reduce hardware requirements of validating nodes. We introduce a hash based accumulator to...

2019/514 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-12-03
Pixel: Multi-signatures for Consensus
Manu Drijvers, Sergey Gorbunov, Gregory Neven, Hoeteck Wee
Public-key cryptography

In Proof-of-Stake (PoS) and permissioned blockchains, a committee of verifiers agrees and sign every new block of transactions. These blocks are validated, propagated, and stored by all users in the network. However, posterior corruptions pose a common threat to these designs, because the adversary can corrupt committee verifiers after they certified a block and use their signing keys to certify a different block. Designing efficient and secure digital signatures for use in PoS blockchains...

2019/507 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-08-02
Simple Schemes in the Bounded Storage Model
Jiaxin Guan, Mark Zhandry
Cryptographic protocols

The bounded storage model promises unconditional security proofs against computationally unbounded adversaries, so long as the adversary’s space is bounded. In this work, we develop simple new constructions of two-party key agreement, bit commitment, and oblivious transfer in this model. In addition to simplicity, our constructions have several advantages over prior work, including an improved number of rounds and enhanced correctness. Our schemes are based on Raz’s lower bound for learning parities.

2019/438 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-05-03
Oblivious PRF on Committed Vector Inputs and Application to Deduplication of Encrypted Data
Jan Camenisch, Angelo De Caro, Esha Ghosh, Alessandro Sorniotti
Cryptographic protocols

Ensuring secure deduplication of encrypted data is a very active topic of research because deduplication is effective at reducing storage costs. Schemes supporting deduplication of encrypted data that are not vulnerable to content guessing attacks (such as Message Locked Encryption) have been proposed recently [Bellare et al. 2013, Li et al. 2015]. However in all these schemes, there is a key derivation phase that solely depends on a short hash of the data and not the data itself....

2019/269 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-05-20
Digital Signatures for Consensus
Sergey Gorbunov, Hoeteck Wee
Public-key cryptography

We present a pairing-based signature scheme for use in blockchains that achieves substantial savings in bandwidth and storage requirements while providing strong security guarantees. Our signature scheme supports aggregation on the same message, which allows us to compress multiple signatures on the same block during consensus, and achieves forward security, which prevents adaptive attacks on the blockchain. Our signature scheme can be applied to all blockchains that rely on multi-party...

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