Winter Rain

I love the rain, especially in the monsoon season, after the scorching summers, when it brings relief from the heat and humidity. But for me, rain in winter is a different story. It makes me feel depressed and sad, as if the sky is crying with me. The cold and damp weather seeps into my bones and makes me want to curl up in bed all day. The grey clouds block out any hope of sunshine or warmth. The sound of raindrops hitting the window is not soothing, but annoying. I feel like I have nothing to look forward to, nothing to enjoy, nothing to cheer me up. Rain in winter is a curse, not a blessing.

Read on for the poem

Into the woods

Last year, we paid a visit to a hidden treasure right in the middle of the city. Not much far from the concrete jungle is a jungle of the wild and the untamed. I am delighted to share with you a poem that I wrote inspired by that visit to the beautiful woodland. The poem is called “Into the woods” and it captures the sights and sounds of nature that we encountered along the way. The photographs were all taken during our walk. See for yourself how many of them you can relate to the poem!

Continue reading “Into the woods”

Guardian Angel

This poem is a tribute to my muse, who inspires me with her divine presence. She is an angel in human form, who fills my life with joy and wonder. She is my guide, my protector, my lover and my friend. She is the reason I write, the reason I live, the reason I am. I hope you enjoy reading this poem as much as I enjoyed writing it.


Heartache – An Acrostic Poem

Have you ever felt that the gloom and sadness is just too much and you have finally had enough? It is a moment when one just wants to give up, finding no more reason to continue. But we do, don’t we? We continue on the path we started on, knowing not our destination. We continue in our sheer quest for peace and…

Read the poem here!

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