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The lower bounds on the second-order nonlinearity of three classes of Boolean functions

  • * Corresponding author: Qian Liu

    * Corresponding author: Qian Liu

This work was supported by Educational Research Projects of Young and Middle-aged Teachers in Fujian Province (No. JAT200033) and the Talent Fund project of Fuzhou University (No. 0030510858)

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  • In this paper, by calculating the lower bounds on the nonlinearity of the derivatives of the following three classes of Boolean functions, we provide the tight lower bounds on the second-order nonlinearity of these Boolean functions: (1) $ f_1(x) = Tr_1^n(x^{2^{r+1}+2^r+1}) $, where $ n = 2r+2 $ with even $ r $; (2) $ f_2(x) = Tr_1^n(\lambda x^{2^{2r}+2^{r+1}+1}) $, where $ \lambda \in \mathbb{F}_{2^r}^* $ and $ n = 4r $ with even $ r $; (3) $ f_3(x,y) = yTr_1^n(x^{2^r+1})+Tr_1^n(x^{2^r+3}) $, where $ (x, y)\in \mathbb{F}_{2^n}\times \mathbb{F}_2 $, $ n = 2r $ with odd $ r $. The results show that our bounds are better than previously known lower bounds in some cases.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 94A60, 11T71; Secondary: 06E30.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Table 1.  The Walsh spectrum of $ f $

    $ W_f(\omega) $ Number of $ \omega $
    0 $ 2^n-2^{n-k} $
    $ 2^{\frac{n+k}{2}} $ $ 2^{n-k-1}+(-1)^{f(0)}2^{\frac{n-k-2}{2}} $
    $ -2^{\frac{n+k}{2}} $ $ 2^{n-k-1}-(-1)^{f(0)}2^{\frac{n-k-2}{2}} $
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    Table 2.  Comparison of the lower bound on second-order nonlinearity with the known results

    $ n $ bound in [19] bound in [9] bound in [11] bound in [15] Our new bound in Theorem 3.6
    8 62 63 64 38 80
    16 28615 24561 28672 26974 29815
    24 8125467 7339906 8126464 8017875 8202293
    32 2130690153 2013264900 2130706432 2123757059 2135604974
    40 548681810337 532575936520 548682072064 548237313548 548996316833
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    Table 3.  Comparison of the lower bound on second-order nonlinearity with the known results for odd $ r $

    $ r $ 1 3 5 7 9 11 13
    bound in [4] 0 19 662 13487 238971 4008935 65625942
    Our new bound in Theorem 3.9 1 32 763 14309 245641 4062737 66058274
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