The influence of dietary iron deficiency on acute nickel, lead or cadmium toxicity as reflected by the induction of hepatic, renal and intestinal metallothionein (MT), disposition of the metals, and alterations in hematological parameters was investigated in rats. The administration of cadmium induced the hepatic, renal and intestinal MT while that of nickel or lead induced hepatic MT only. However, dietary iron deficiency did not influence the cadmium induced tissue MT but enhanced the ability of nickel or lead to restore the normal synthesis of renal and intestinal MT lowered under the influence of reduced body iron status. The accumulation of lead in liver and kidney and that of cadmium enhanced in liver only, while tissue deposition of nickel remained unaffected by iron deficiency. The induction of hepatic MT by three metals appears related to the concomitant rise in the hepatic zinc, calcium and iron levels in normal rats. However, dietary iron deficiency increased the hepatic zinc in response to nickel or cadmium and that of heptic calcium in response to lead.
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Tandon, S.K., Khandelwal, S., Jain, V.K. et al. Influence of dietary iron deficiency on acute metal intoxication. Biometals 6, 133–138 (1993). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00140115
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00140115