Battle Bird Productions make We Fix Space Junk, an award-winning dark sci-fi comedy about two repairwomen surviving in space against insurmountable odds and unimaginable debt.

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Much like all indie podcasters, we rely on support from our listeners to keep everything going! As writer Beth Crane mentioned in a tweet a while ago, it takes sixty-eighty hours of work to put together an episode of We Fix Space Junk and although we really love it, it’s a lot of work!

Response from listeners on Patreon has been unexpected and amazing so far. If you’re interested in supporting us financially, below are a couple of links. Here’s to so many more episodes!

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(Patreon allows you to give a set amount per month for monthly rewards — we currently have a lot of bits and pieces for patrons to enjoy — and Ko-Fi and Paypal allow you to just give a one-off donation)

Automnicon: The Intern

Automnicon: The Intern is our first novella! Set in the offices of Automnicon, The Intern follows the adventures of Astatine.

All Astatine has ever wanted is to work for Automnicon. It’s cost her countless friendships and relationships but still, she’s persevered. And now, years after her first application, she has her chance to join them: she’s finally been offered an internship. But can she prove herself to her new boss and to Automnicon? Or will she fall at the first hurdle?

A book set in the world of the We Fix Space Junk podcast, Automnicon: The Intern is the first in the Automnicon series, stepping away from the main story and exploring the lives of the characters on the fringes of the podcast.

Automnicon: The Intern was written thanks to support from our patreon and released to celebrate the anniversary of the release of episode one.

Buy Automnicon: The Intern on Amazon (in print or ebook), Kobo and Barnes and Noble!